Self harm thread lads

>how do you hide the fact that you're cutting yourself?

I just want a straight answer robots

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i usually cut in places i wouldnt show to anyone, like on my upper thigh or stomach

Why hide it when I never go outside

one problem
changing rooms

slice your legs

cant give straight answers to faggots lol

I know that you don't care because I'm a fembot, but I'm sorry that you're cutting. It's sucky and I hope that you get out of that mental space soon.

don't care, but that's not your fault. I appreciate it either way chief

Who even uses changing rooms?

Change in the toilets.

Fix the root of your issue. Stop cutting, and grow up.
Makeup can hide the redness, but long sleeves are needed if the scar tissue. If it is already scared, then you are screwed.

>I'm screwed then
fun times

Self harm is absolutely fucking pointless and retarded.

trying to train myself not to fucking suck over here
in fairness I may just kill myself

why do you guys self harm? genuine question, i do it too, but i've never been sure of the reason. it started as self punishment but it's become more complex. i'm curious what reasons other people have

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To manifest self-hatred as open wounds

>my upper thigh
I used to do that thinking nobody would notice. Later when i did MMA for a year, someone noticed the scars.

I've always assumed that with my upbringing, mental pain and emotional anguish are not treated as real things and dismissed. So in an attempt to turn fictitious pain real, mental distress and suffering have to become the more "acceptable" physical pain.

As an extremely annhedonic person, it is a pleasant experience to know how far I can go until I actually feel. Getting to the threshold between nothing and something (pain) is what I dig about it. I'm too numb to most sensations so feeling something that actually makes the brain go out of it's way is hard to find through pleasure, but not so hard through pain.

Sometime in the fall of '17 there was a femanon on /tg/ asking about how she can get her turbo-normie bf into tabletop games. In the thread there was another femanon going on about how she met her chad husband when they were in science class. I had a box cutter at work and you can guess where it goes from there.

Does pill popping count? I OD'd a few months ago.

I don't cut specifically because I don't want scars (I still have a few on my inner thigh from when I was like 16 and retarded, and I barely cut at all). When I self-harm it's specifically for the endorphins so I can stop feeling like there's a storm going on in my head. It also helps with anxiety. I usually just drink when I feel the need for that nowadays.