Has anyone felt physical and mental benefits from changing their diet? Is eating clean a meme?

Has anyone felt physical and mental benefits from changing their diet? Is eating clean a meme?

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no its not a meme, stop making excuses to eat shit

I sleep better now that I don't eat sugar or caffeine

Of course it's not a meme. When I was 22 I fell for the GOMAD meme. Never was as depressed as back then. Gradually went WFPB and ever since my depression is gone.

Eating clean definitely makes me feel better overall, but every meal is a chore. It’s way more fun to eat burgers and fries. But I always feel like garbage if I eat too much of it

Depends on what you change. If its taking the ranch out of a salad maybe you'll feel a little more different mentally for that. If you quit drinking you will feel loads better for both.

Mental benefits are huge, physical less so. As long as I don't overeat junk I don't feel a difference

went wfpb vegan a a goof after seeing it spammed on fit. Lost about 40 lbs, my depression, anxiety went away. My skin cleared up. bloodwork and bp improved to the point my doctor asked me "what the hell did you do".

Grain industry shills gtfo

I rarely eat junk food and now when I do eat it my stomach is in knots. I forgot what painful shits even feel like until I go out and drink and eat garbage food. I also have an easier tine with cardio since quitting fast food and eating clean

ah yes, the grain industry shill telling you not to eat beef which accounts for most of the grain consumption.

Since I removed sugar from my diet my arthritis went away.

Why is steamed broccoli so fucking good

tastelets don’t (You) me

I prefer Brussels sprouts myself

>is consuming nutrients with your calories a meme?

Hell no

Yes. Here is my single case, anecdotal, anonymously posted experience. This last cut I was eating clean for about 8 months, and lost 30 lbs. By eating clean I wasn't avoiding fat and doing nothing but chicken breast, brocc, rice, swear perder like most people (this is fucking retarded). I was just not eating out except once a week or so, I wasn't drinking anything but water and protein shakes, I cut out most dairy, and had lots of fruits and veggies alongside whatever meat I was having. Shitloads of fisherman's eggs, ribeyes, chicken thighs (stir fry, teriyaki chicken, bbq chicken), frijoles charros, eggs, potatoes, chili, etc. I avoided processed shit as much as I could, which lowered my trans fat to almost 0, and dropped my sugar low, with refined/processed sugars being almost 0. I lifted the entire time as well, and did cardio sometimes. I also quit drinking coffee for the last month to kill whatever tolerance I had to it. Drank at least 3 liters of water a day.

My sleep schedule was great the entire time. I always had quality sleep too. Libido went through the roof. The cut cost me about 110lbs to my total, but that rebounded fast (and wasn't bad considering it was a 30lb cut). I also had a shitload of energy. Never got that lunch slump around 1pm. Shit was great.

When I broke my cut to start bulking again my sleep schedule got completely fucked and my baseline energy levels got noticeably lower. I also lost some motivation and ability to concentrate. This is probably due to shit sleep cause by drinking coupled with a worse (but not terrible) diet. Shit was very sudden and very weird. I think as I get older either things like this affect me more, or I notice shit like this more. If I have 3 beers before bed my sleep is shit and the entire next day I feel cloudy and tired. If I go on a bender I'm fucked up for 3 days. I used to smash a handle on high school and not even get hung over.

Being a boomer sucks.

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Different, but equally good

Sugar is inflammatory. I'm lucky that I have a friend with SEVERE gout. By severe I mean he was diagnosed with gout at fucking 22, and probably got it before he was legally allowed to drink. Guy is a massive alcoholic. The good side to this is I can pick his brain about shit involving inflammation since he is so sensitive to it. Sugar and beer fuck his shit up really bad. What helps him a ton is cherry extract or just eating cherries. He says his cherry extract works better than his fucking prescription gout meds. Maybe try eating a bunch of cherries or cherry extract daily and it will help you even more. I started putting them in my postworkout shake just based off of his input and it helped me with a tendon that used to wake me up at night.

My uncle also used to have pretty bad cramps/inflammation after doing his cardio. He read somewhere the turmeric helped with it and noticed turmeric was in yellow mustard so he started eating 2 teaspoons of mustard before his did cardio and all his issues went away in a week and never game back.

eating clean got rid of brain fog i didnt know i had. ive been able to not only absorb information better but retain and share it more efficiently too. ive benefited both mentally and physically from mental clarity

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I actually have fun making all my meals at home and packing them with me to work. It's the ultimate diet. Everything else is below that.

you're halfway there
now is the time to include science-backed substances like sunflower lecithin, gotu kola, bacopa, and lion's mane
the mental gains continue infinitely

Well, never ate "way too bad", but now, after eating every day the same food i meal prep on weekly basis, when i eat anything outside my recipe makes me anxious, fast food doesn't taste as good as before, hours after i feel kinda sad/empty and very thirsty (probably due to the sodium in it)

damn dude this is super interesting

Turmeric is fantastic for reducing inflammation and general health. I use it daily, 2g + some black pepper.

eating a carnivorous diet high in saturated fat takes my anxiety away after a week or so, feels like all the upsides of xanax without the side effects. just an anecdote

by the way, i get the same effect from fasting. quitting coffee got rid of my brain fog but i don't recommend going cold turkey like i did.

>Is eating clean a meme?
Imagine being such a fatass that you cling to any excuse to keep stuffing McDonalds down your throat

Reminder that adding a serving of broccoli to your chicken is not a "well balanced diet." If you actually read nutritional labels they got jack shit for nutrients so you have either gorge on them or just eat more meat and organs.

I'm trying to find recipes that involve raw tumeric as ingredients but they have all been pretty bad so far.

man shut your cunt hole broccoli is very high in vitamin k and e lol you look like a faggot ass fool with a loose ass hole leaking cum with your lack of nutrient knowledge and your knowitall additude might get you murdered with a knife one day check yoruself

Lol why would eating better not make you feel better? Your body, and the chemical functions that keep you alive are constructed out of the food you eat

I get wicked dank swamp gas after eating 500g of steamed broccoli


I think the only thing that I really noticed was how regular and easy my poops became. Reliably dropping a deuce in the morning makes you feel lighter all day, and cleanups a breeze when you're not eating pizzas and kebabs every meal