/fraud/ steroids general

Welcome to /fraud/ steroids general.

Dicklet or dickless? edition

Before asking questions, please be sure you've read the wiki:

Oral-only cycles shut down natural hormone production and put strain on the liver for small results. Just pin. If you're scared of needles, stop being a pussy or accept that you can't use gear.

Even as certified internet doctors, we can't tell you how to dose your AI. It's very individual.

Attached: 1503791265066.jpg (1242x1242, 330K)

>taking a drug so you can look better to other men
NGTMI druggie


>calling people pussies as a roider
>roiding for this
pathetic insecure monkeys

man at least post a new one haha. making me look bad

do you even understand how lighting works when you have a dip? you cannot accept that I actually have a good sized dick I am sure it is driving you insane haha.

I am out of here for tonight faggots. Going to have dinner w/ gf. Enjoy jerking each other off over my pics

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Attached: B553168F-E7DE-4AAD-841E-A7C9CA73A4F5.jpg (2000x2000, 1.3M)

its endlessly funny that 47 thinks i was one of the people spamming in this pic when i didnt make a single one of the posts in this screencap lmao

is the OP image a joke?
there's no way you spend money on roids just to look like that lol.

someone make a new thread, this is just embarrassing.

>lighting causes smudging in just that one particular area

Attached: caught.jpg (2532x4843, 3.7M)

Anyone tried to make their own version of pic related? Thoughts on this cocktail??

Attached: 4CAC25F5-1C79-44FF-BB4D-B984B14F7EDC.png (700x700, 303K)