And if so, why? For me, it's megsquats. She has impressive strength and a 99% score on the breed-a-bility scale haha.
Are There Any Female Youtubers You Watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
Same. What I will often find myself doing is saving a 10+ day no-fap nut up for her. When she drops a new video (usually around every week or two), I will blow my load to her new content. I can almost imagine myself pinning her thick thighs behind her head and cumming deep inside of her without a condom. She's not on the pill, obviously, and she will immediately accept my seed and begin the process of growing my son in her fertile cavern haha.
haha can i ask you a weird question? do you think there may be other dimensions? and in one of those dimensions, megsquats is hooked up to a breed machine? nothing painful of course, but something that would keep her clean and shaved, and her legs spread for you automatically and the entire thing vibrates?
Not having a powerlifting gf makes me want to hero
I can only hope that within the next few years we can develop quantum computing machines strong enough to make a virtual reality where this is possible.
>you activate the machine by saying "hello my strong strong friends"
just post the original guys
i guess i got place for it in my saved files as a memento is the crazy who posted it
Oh LORD I remember that post KEK
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast
She's hot and based.
not anymore
Fucking kek
Only ones that help me sleep
They make me feel less lonely. Softly especially, she's always throwing comfy positive affirmation shit in her videos.
ardra is top tier but heather is rubbish
I have masturbated to every single one of her videos. I found her relatively late in her youtube career, but I began as soon as I watched the first one. Within the next 3-4 weeks, I noticed that I have came to all her newly released videos and a few of her older ones I went back and watched. I then set a goal for myself to do all of them. I'm not gonna lie, it took me quite a while to complete the task, maybe a month or so. And again, not all of these were "relatively" sexy. However, I always found something about her that just begged for cum... of course her brapper, her strong strong features, her bitties, and her face. But to be honest, it's not even these common features themselves that set me off - but rather her metaphysical bredability.
Keep in mind, megsquats has over 400 videos. That means I've came to the idea of breeding with her over 400 times. At this point, I believe I've formed a cosmic connection with megsquats in which mulitiverses are formed from pure thought. In each multiverse, I've bred her another child. And in one multiverse in particular, we've started an army. Meg is hooked up to a machine that keeps her legs spread and there are various tubes jammed in all over her, like one in her mouth that force feeds her and one in her ass that is an extension of her digestive system, and a couple connected to her tits that continuously milk her, and various machines keep her washed and shaved. I simply walk up to her once per day, sometimes twice, and activate the machine by saying "Hello my strong strong friends" and the mechanics bring her to my erect cock and the whole thing vibrates until I orgasm. Then when she becomes pregnant, the machines manipulate her onto an "accelerator" of sorts, which removes the fetus and places it within an artificial womb to grow. In this way, the beauty and youth of meg's body is preserved. Also, she is released from the apparatus once per day to powerlift.
Whoever did the fat transplants on that tranny is an artist.
Heather's stuff, like, 5 years ago was good, and she was my introduction to ASMR, so I've got a soft spot. Shame she fucking up and disappeared a year ago.
based and metaphysical pilled
after she bragged about buying a new house, her address was doxxed online and I sent her an email with a picture of the house and said if she makes another video I'm going to burn it down with her inside of it
put me in the screen cap (gas the jews)
and there it is
Check out Coco whispers, she speaks Spanish but is the absolute best
nice larp faggot
CarolineASMR. And Bright Grey ASMR and are best
Is this you?
Zuzka light
Yes! Guess I might have a problem, haha
I never even told Jow Forums about the other dimensions after that thread blew up and lots of guys were calling me weird. They didn't know the half of it...
I used to watch Miss Hannah Minx for that test boost before going to the gym.
Based and redpilled (in Spanish)
Lana Lokteff from Red Ice TV. Not a fitness channel though.
Never change user
isnt this poor form? youre supposed to have unbent wrists
how dare you. she is a POWERLIFTER and knows what she is doing. plus she could probably squat down on your penis over and over and over without even training for endurance strictly, its just the nature of her strong strong thighs and if you thought about escaping you're out of luck, PAL, because she would push you down and wrap her legs around you and good luck breaking free BUDDY as she squeezes tighter and tighter, and although you're trying to pull out your penis is still inside of her and she is still making love motions and working towards that baby batter of yours because Meg NEEDS that breed fluid, she NEEDS that pump pump pump thick white load bricked inside of her because the army needs to grow and we need one more baby boy soldier so if you expect to live through this full frontal attack you better cum inside TOUGH GUY, she'll do the rest.
based but shes going to injure her wrists
Based obsessed hypernatalist
Reports from AmRen that she is very, very nice in person if you're not a slob or creep.
I want to be her little baby tampon boy. I want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. Her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. She would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. I want to feel her blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. I want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little babe tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly polly baby boy. It would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo goo ga ga body. Then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her hoo hoo blood and juices spill all ovwe her face. It would hurt and i would scream in pained goo goo ga gas as pain evelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back intona grown human man.
I cannot properly put into words how much I hate the sentence "hello my strong, strong friends".
I beat a chick up for saying that shit
but that's how you activate the mechanics to the machine that brings her body to you...
Aw fuck. This shit again.
gib rose waifu NOOWOWW
Attention whore, fuck off.
I love when she says that.
based haha post
this is how i want to go
Calm down Jordan Peterson