Is Gatorade actually useful? Is it bullshit? I don't feel like it does anything for me but I'm a total newfag to being Jow Forums so I wanna see what y'all say
Is Gatorade actually useful? Is it bullshit...
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Read the label on the back of the drink you brainlet
electrolytes help when you're dehydrated but the sugar is bad.
Because labels are ALWAYS 100% truthful and NEVER exaggerated
See that's what I figured. It just seems more like consumerist bullshit than anything to me
Its sugar water with a little salt.
he means the nutrition info you mong
Nutrition facts are self-policed. They can say whatever bull they want unless the FDA gets a complaint and they get investigated
It's useful if you are participating in longer term intense events (over an hour) and actually depleting your salt and electolyte levels. If you aren't working for a long time at an intense rate it's essentially empty calories. Even then it's only shown modest improvements. Stick to water bro.
The low calorie version exists
Thanks man, appreciate it
>Nutrition facts are self-policed. They can say whatever bull they want unless the FDA gets a complaint and they get investigated
Then dont buy anything you schitzo, everything is a lie, nothing is real. You should blow your head off now.
Gatorade is meant to be drank while you workout sugar is a fast absorbing carb that will fuel you. It makes sense to drink before, during, and after exercise but that's it.
fat niggas be like
Post body newfag
Poweraide has a better flavor
Here is the true Gatorade red pill
If you're REALLY sweating, it can be kind of useful. I used to have it after wrestling practice because I lost pounds of water every single time. Pedialyte is better though. More of the good stuff, less of the bad stuff.
>gatorade is consumerist bullshit
holy fuck you are retarded
The sugar is actually useful.
Google for homemade oral rehydration solution. You can make a really cheap version yourself that works even better than Gatorade.