Got a fembot pregnant

>Got a fembot pregnant

Attached: 15DF5ACD-A1A0-4744-A0E8-BAAB5F27E714.jpg (500x500, 46K)

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when are you going to marry her?

Im going to try avoiding her as much as I can. She doesnt know my last name or much about me so I think I can get away with it

engaging in premarital sex user?
Why have you been ignoring the teachings from the holy bible!?

I'm a blackbot. I can't go through with that, we'll get stared down and attacked for life

I need a way out


kek, let's hear the whole story behind this one OP

Attached: pepelaugh.jpg (728x618, 83K)

Oh great another nigger in this world


fuck that, break the stereotype famalam. use your child as motivation to improve your life so you can be a decent father

>Nigger knocks up a girls and ghosts her
What a fucking shock

>decent father
My sides

Attached: 83CAE9ED-7A97-4DCE-BEBA-7E1AEC95CA61.jpg (1000x817, 169K)

lmao please tell me she is white

damn op your a lucky dude

Unironically based

She deserves no better for sexually engaging with your kind

white and blonde
overall not bad looking not sure why she fucked me of all people

>fucks a nigger

Pick one and only one

u lost life
now get off of my board

Why don't you get an abortion?

The question was not "are you going to marry her", it was "when". You're not being given a fucking option. You HAVE to marry her, even if r9/k/ has to bring a fucking shotgun to your wedding.

Being a father isn't so bad.

Probably cos she expected 12" negrodick. Hope you provided.

'cause its a story you made up

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
faggot stop tripfagging

Because she probably browses the internet too much and got hooked on the BBC meme.

Have a wedding and invite us. I want to go to an Jow Forums wedding. Imagine the smell...

What, stale tendies, piss and shit aroma?

Though it's not usual practice, it's not poor form either. The choice of how anonymous to be is up to each individual.

>>Got a fembot pregnant
how old?

>got my cat pregnant

Attached: 1536968165958.jpg (225x224, 5K)

I know that feel, bro.
pic related

Attached: like_a_cat_by_yanderelover-d5pw6hx.png (700x1100, 294K)

Also we should be invited to the ultimate Jow Forums wedding. I want this shit live streamed

>tfw having seks

>Accidently transferred ex's fetus into new gf's womb

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Will it ever be my turn to impregnate a fembot?

Attached: that feel when.jpg (180x179, 10K)

l want to make a fembot a mother.

Attached: 19b1a680151c38fab40093d7eaub--oil-my-warm-the-picture-of-motherhood.jpg (1109x1500, 314K)

Shut the fuck up you retard faggot.

Where you from OP i may know the fembot

I would hide like a MOTHER fucker, no pun intended. Change your phone number, move, wipe your social media, anything to make sure she cannot track your ass down and make you pay.

Attached: 183B327C-0ED0-427F-AEAF-D9D4DA17B8C1.jpg (886x1204, 184K)

>Met her on this board
>We live about an hour away
>We talk for a bit then trade pics
>She starts flirting
>I talk about setting up a date
>We go to dinner and things get intense
>We have our first kiss then she suggests getting a hotel
>I get us a hotel and she wants to immediately fuck
>I tell her I need to get some condoms
>She tells me shes on the pill (lie)
>We fuck and I cum inside her
>2 months later she tells me shes pregnant with my kid
>Tells me her parents will stop supporting her once they find out the baby is black
>Been ghosting her for the last couple days

Im from just outside of Boston.

Time to pack your shit bud. Leave no traces.

>ywn hug your fembot from behind, placing your hands on her pregnant belly

Attached: feel tears.png (226x223, 5K)

>tfw you will never excitedly discuss potential baby names with your fembot

Not pictured: fembot in background

Attached: kisspng-thumb-hand-model-hand-painted-cartoon-pregnancy-tests-5a8078394de4b9.1390505415183688253191. (900x460, 57K)

>Got a fembot pregnant


>tfw no pregnant fembot to dote on

I want to impregnate a fembot, after marrying her.

>there could be an ovulating fembot reading this thread at this very moment

Attached: sweat.jpg (560x560, 39K)

I want a fembot to leg lock me as she takes my seed deep inside her.

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I think fembots would be grest mothers if they had a good man to support them

I want a twink who will do the same

>black male
>abandons child
You know you're not making a good case for yourself OP

Lol whatever you do don't be a father to that child, you're like a walking, breathing stereotype!

traps are way better than women. when you pump and dump them you dont have to worry about a paternity suit.

Let ol' sammy boy give you some helpful advice