If you can get past 4/6, you need to leave.
If you can get past 4/6, you need to leave
i want number 5 to fuck me
No your fucking gay
I wish I had that dick
>tfw mine points way more upwards than 6
do girls like #6?
6 is a bit much, 5 is best but anything between 5 and 6 feels good because it hits the g-spot better.
I wish my penis went straight upright like 6. Mine sticks straight out like 5.
If you can't reach the 9 inch perfect aesthetic, you need to leave.
What is this from?
God damn that dick is a 10/10
If I had a dick like that, I would rule the world.
What the fuck is wrong with that dick. It's like a hook.
Probably a plaque buildup in his dick. It's not exactly a good thing.
>That feel when cursed with a big dick which is repulsive
>Just under 8 inches in length and 6.5 inches in girth
>Head of cock is less then the thickness of the shaft by an inch
>The middle of the shack is the thickest part
>Foreskin constantly over the head of penis and does not retract when erect. This is due to long foreskin and short frenulumnot tightness/
>When you do pull the foreskin back you are left with a small head of penis which looks like it is missing at least half of what it should have.
>If you retract the foreskin all the way then the head of the penis starts to bend due to the short frenulum
>Fordyce lumps ALL over the penis up to the head which requires tweaers to pluck every 2 weeks or so.
I have seen doctors for this and all they have suggest is cutting my frenulum which MAY have a small chance to helping the way the skin rolls back. Nothing else can be helped.
That guy's dick and balls look exactly like mine
Like I'm a bit scared how close it looks
>That feel when cursed with a big dick which is repulsive
I know how you feel man. On the bright side nobody's gonna see it.
My dick points completely upwards when erect and I can't lower it in any way. It's fucking annoying and uncomfortable to get boners in public cause I must shuffle it in my pants manually.
Does it curve up like the op pic or does it just go up? The older you get the more it will go straight out, then from there it gets lower and lower over the years. This is not counting weird curved dicks.
>tfw pulled my foreskin down as a kid too much and now it's all loose
Nah, it's almost completely straight. Makes me wonder, had I not been a fucking virgin, would I even be capable of having sex? Like, what positions could I possibly fit in other than missionary?
All young men have dicks that point up and they manage just fine. I could't tell you since I'm still a virgin.