is it normal for robots to want to be alone at uni, im in a dorm and all i do is stay in my room and not want to talk to people. I have no desire or need for friendships or relationships. I sit alone basically all the time but i talk to people when i must. its actually pretty comfy. any other robots have similar stories
Is it normal for robots to want to be alone at uni...
Thats what I did freshman year. Never talked to my roommate or did anything social. Everyone was loud and annoying. Im glad I bought a car and now commute.
Dont do it I know its comfy I know its nice but you gotta get out there and make connections with people because its the last chance you get
>it's the last chance to do something you dont wanna do bro dont miss out on it
i did the same thing before i dropped out. dorm life is fucking inhumane for a robot.
disgusting communal bathrooms, living with a stranger, have to leave the room to get food that isnt snacks or fridge food, and generally seeing other people on a daily basis.
also i think i developed some paranoid tendencies, always looking over my shoulder, as i wouldnt want to be caught dead by a normalfag while im browsing my usual boards or anime.
OP here, i guess im lucky then because at my uni we dont have to share a room with anyone else. that sounds terrible
idk I always wanted to talk to people but I was too scared to. being alone isn't comfy when you're never with others.
that sounds hellish. the idea of having communal bathrooms disgust me more than anything
my floor happened to have the worst in the building as well.
period blood and piss on the toilets, sometimes even shit. clumps of hair/pubes in the sink shower, dried vomit spots on the walls and door. toothpaste scum all over the sinks.
one stall even had literal piss on the fucking ceiling, i have no idea how.
woah no way dude
this is me. Im a second year sharing a flat with one other guy. All i do is stay in my room all day. First year i had friends but honestly maintaining friendships are incredibly draining, and i wasnt getting anything out of any of them except anxieties.. maybe i just met the wrong people idk but yea.. Im pretty much a NEET in terms of lifestyle, and i do the bare minimum in terms of university work. Mum thinks im doing well but little does she know im barely passing. My degree is useless tho so its not like itll make a difference.
Every day this year has been
>wake up
>lay in bed for a few hours
>drag myself onto my chair
>sit on my pc for 10 hours
>eat junk food somewhere in between
If i happen to encounter my flatmate for example when cooking ill say hi, but other than that i have minimal human interaction besides my weekly grocery shop.
pic very very related
Dropped out of college 2 weeks in. I hated dorm life, bathrooms were vile, always smelled pot in the dorms but I was too afraid to smoke in my dorm and get kicked out, everyone was fucking annoying so I didn't feel motivated to talk to them and ended up being isolated and depressed. I would just walk around the city chaining cigs or lay in bed going online in my room.
If I do ever go back to school, there's no way in hell I'm living in student housing.
>being in a dorm
this is the main problem.
Starting college is already hell for a robot, if you add the social anxiety of being in a turmoil of chads you're not gonna live long.
I had a wonderful time when i was in a shared flat with 2 other people i barely knew.
Thanks to having the 'tism on record, I got a single room. Hearing all those people and smelling the pot was annoying, but since I always had somewhere I could draw the curtains and be alone, it was tolerable.
smoking pot is what makes being alone in a room with a PC so fun. Sober it'd be depressing as fuck
Have fun spending all your time in university and then not getting any good jobs because you didn't make any connections
I found that I enjoy being a loner far more than being social while I was in trade school. Normies are far too annoying for me to be willing to try and befriend or spend time with.
Literally have no friends/connections from college. I turned out just fine. Stable and high salary job. I can attest work connections are far more important.
what if im studying a dead-end meme degree
I am either by myself or with the lake
I'm the same. Only ever leave my room to go to classes or get food in the communal kitchen, but with the latter I always plan my schedule so that no one else is in there when I am.
I've come to realise that I fucking hate living with people and can't wait for the chance to make it on my own.
is your course going well OP?