The girl i fell in love with rejected me, i asked her for her insta some days ago followed her and didnt follow me back...

the girl i fell in love with rejected me, i asked her for her insta some days ago followed her and didnt follow me back, talked to her via IG and she didnt reply, she also seemed bothered the last time we talked,i thought we were having some kind of conection but we were not, im a loser its time to accept it, doesnt matter how strong or confident i am, im the strongest person i have ever seen (personally) at 22 year old i have crazy drive and im extremely focused and very thankfull to god for my fitness progress and how well i do, i plain to compete in sports, im pretty strong and aesthetic btw but for some weird reason i seem to suck at love, no matter how my body or face looks like i consider myself above average yet the girl i always fell in love with wont even notice me, you guys may say post body post face or things like that,i wont, i just gonna write this because i have a weird feeling inside me and needed to spit it out

god made me to lift heavy and work hard maybe the lord just wants me a virgin forever but a very focused and hardworker virgin

it kind of sucks, all i wanted its to put my peepee on a vagina cuddle and have fun but no matter what since im a kid im cursed when it comes to woman, maybe im cursed, maybe im UGLY, and i think im attractive...cant tell, males love me and worship my strenght, but im invisible to females

this just motivates me to lift harder than ever and listening to the lord signals,i will confess to you /FIT i want to make it BIG, im a 22 year old kisslessvirgin and i feel there is no hope for me in the love scene but im getting stronger faster and bigger more than ever, if the lord wants me to lift forever as a loner i WILL and will respect his WILL godspeed anons i learned a hard but tough leason today

IM NOT MADE FOR LOVE IM MADE FOR POWER im writting this with tears on my eyes of thinking my dreams coming true


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gayest shit i ever read in my life, stop taking urself so seriously

i dont fucking care, when i was born i was a literal nobody, im still a fucking nobody but at least im somebody in my mind and thats what matters

>i asked her for her insta some days ago followed her and didnt follow me back, talked to her via IG and she didnt reply, she also seemed bothered the last time we talked
>i thought we were having some kind of conection


So because some fugly bitch rejected you, you decided to write this ugly mess here? Fuck off faggot.

we go together at college and talked many times to her before i asked her for her ig, its not that hard

anyways thats not the point, its the fact i got rejected every damn time i fell something for a girl now i learned its time to move on from trying on the love scene

its always been like this

You have drive. That is not learned and is the most valuable trait a man can have. No you must obtain power. It’s easier to obtain with influence. Work on your personality traits to increase influence and power and money will follow. After you have money and power you walk down to the pasture and fuck all the cows.

You’re going to fail. That’s how you learn. Today you learned something and only you will understand what you learned from this.

Ambition cannot be taught. You either have it or you don’t.

You have it. Keep the pace you’re doing great.

No I'm surprised that you actually thought there was any connection from just that, move on man rejection is part of life

Dealing with women is a numbers game. You’re gonna have to talk to ten different women per week to find a handful interested in you per month and most of those won’t even work out. You can talk to a hundred women and find none you can have a relationship with and that’s just something you’re gonna have to accept.

Ur a fucking moron sage


I thought it was common sense that hot girls don't like boring STEM studying 4channers and redditors who watch jordan peterson videos. a skinny weird looking musician/artist who doesn't follow traditional masculinity roles has ten times the presence of a grey gymcelled cuck. he is also braver than you, he chose his own path that might lead to his demise, instead of wagecucking as a chemical engineer fishing for tinder matches from ugly girls. instead he fucks hot tumblr thots with tattoos.

whatever happens though, you should stay true to your path. whether it's an untraditional route filled with art and beautiful women, or a cowardly path that will guruantee you safety and eventually a boring 5/10 chubby girl from tinder.

You have drive yet you're crying about quitting? Everytime im into a girl they have a bf. Tuff luck nerd. Either continue or let your self esteem fall below over your onentis.

DOOD I'm not gonna read this fucking china wall of text, I can tell from the first half sentence that you're the saddest kid in the world, move on and grow up lmao pathetic shrimp who cares about your oneitis and this ain't your blog huzzah, huah, huah pow

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nothing like a true love, is there Jow Forums?


Maybe she just doesn't like black guys

im not black, but i have 16 inch biceps on a 5 feet 11 inch frame and look massive, also i have a russian slavic face, my masseters protude from my face and i have a big nose

>tfw your crush watches your story

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If you eat steak every day McDonald's tastes like shit
If you eat McDonald's every day steak tastes even better
Women can essentially pick out what they want because they have options
All you can do is better yourself and your value and learn from experience

Not gonna read through all the drivel in the OP but you seem beta as fuck. It's probably a combination of you crushing on girls out of your league and being needy.

Girls HATE neediness, and it's obvious from this post that you ooze it.

At least make it interesting dude. I skipped to the end for a tl;dr and I’m still bored.

why the fuck couldnt that hoe just follow him back? its not like he was a stranger i hate when bitches think you wanna fuck them, i follow women for fun and thet dont follow back cuz they think imma strike at them

Cuz it's obvious to her that he does want to smash and she's actually being nice by not leading him on. If she followed him back it would just give him hope of something that's never gonna happen.

i get it now, lol anyway i love OP crazy wild drive i dont have that, you are gonna go far kid

i always loved cocky motherfuckers with crazy drive

>compensating king of manlets with a schnoz
keep sobbing

>the girl i fell in love with rejected me, i asked her for her insta some days ago followed her and didnt follow me back, talked to her via IG and she didnt reply,
Do you know how retarded this shit sounds?

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post body

Dude I’m 5’10” brown skin skinny fat but kind of strong and I’m not that handsome and stilll get females, it’s all about not being affraid to get yourself out there, not being afraid of rejection and DON’T FALL FOR ANY GIRL unless you already fucked her
I know a bunch of chads that are just pathetic losers with only looks that fuck a bunch of females but are worthless cunts with no life whatsoever and I know ugly dudes with no cash that have strong long lasting relationships and are genuinely happy, chads are fags that’s how it is, us ugly people are far more developed in life becouse we don’t have the natural attraction from females instead we learn about a bunch of shit that otherwise we couldn’t if we were dumb ass Chas’s ,we have to work hard to get girls and it feels 100x better when you actually get them becouse if your personal set of skills and knowledge and not just your looks,don’t give up my dude.

Try to bang her friends
Stop falling in love
Be kinda cocky

Try to date girls in your own league

Nigga I'm not reading all of that shit
Stop being a little bitch
If you want to get freaky big you have to pin

Delete this right now or I will find u

That's ok the girl I was after loves me now but it turns out she has no concept of what a dollar is worth and doesn't want kids ever
I'll trade ya

LARP somewhere else fag.

im way above her league anyway

Then why are you bitching? You seem insecure

Thank you.

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because i am insecure, i want to possess her so bad and beat her up nothing else

Can't control other people. Who knows maybe her dog died and shes broken up and just not able to even think about having a relationship even if you were the most perfect man in the world. Or not who knows?? Point is her rejection says nothing about who you are.