Why do people join the army? Why would they fight for a decaying and degenerate society that doesn't care about them and spits in their face?
Why do people join the army...
>join the army
>easy paycheck
>motivation to get in better shape
>see the world
>pick a job you wanna do
if you're retarded you go to war, smart niggas aren't in combat arms
Why do you continue to live if all you do is jack off to trannies and eat junk food?
For some that are born to single mothers it's our only real alternative to retail or similar jobs.
Army life is awesome. You get paid to be in shape, scream anthems and generally not do shit. You also get to shoot weapons, free haircuts, a sexy uniform and a lot of possible awesome things to do like parachuting.
I was hoping I'd die in some shithole with all the friends I had made crying as I bled out
its degenerate but i dont think its beyond saving yet
How the fuck do you guys not pay for haircuts?
depending on where you live, this
Apparently aussie men can't join the armed forces anymore, because they want more cunts in service.
Joining an armed service is an easily attainable alternative to wage-slavery or neetdom. It also enforces sociability and fitness.
If you have physical deformities, or asthma, you might be declined by your military. Navy and chair force will probably still take you if you make the cut in the other ways.
Army barbers
That's a real thing? WTF I have to pay for haircuts
this desu
i joined because
>mom was one of those female soldiers who got pregnant to avoid deployment
>majority-female family and pussywhipped uncles, no real male role models outside of Audie Murphy and Goku
>mom divorces stepdad, marries some inbred preacher, life gets chaotic
>join military to go fight and hopefully die in combat
>go combat arms, dream job since i grew up watching army movies and there's no women shitting up everything with their feelings
>get injured overseas instead, medical retirement at age 24
>now a on 3k/month disability for the rest of my life
>wanted to go SF and eventually Spook-tier black-ops with multiple valid passports and IDs
>now just sit at home drinking all day with a fucked up body and even worse memories
>still just wish i was never born
some people would rather risk dying than being NEET or wagie.
>join the army
>easy paycheck
>motivation to get in better shape
>see the world
>pick a job you wanna do
50's tier advertisement. What are you going to say next? Join the ski troopers?
>motivation to get in better shape
>post-2009 military
>soldiers can't be fat
That only happens in boot camp
Guys I'm 21 and just recently became NEET after losing my job and I've become dead set on joining up with the army because I dont have any marketable skills and dont want to be a wagecuck at McDonald's or some shit
How bad of an idea is it? Im decently physically fit and probably wouldnt have a problem passing boot camp
Just dont know what the fuck else i can do with my life at this point. Im broke, i cant go to school, cant get a good job, have no friends
The guys i went to HS with that did it all tell me i should do it
fun fact: units with fat soldiers get fucked with the most during deployments
when haj sees that new unit roll by his house with the obese gunner in the turret they know most of the unit is likely inexperienced
>another day, another haircut!
milicucks have something in commen.
Have you ever seen the average marine? Some of them actually do eat crayons, not even kidding.
Some guys fall for the indoctrination, others are too stupid to realize the indoctrination was there in the first place, some guys don't give a shit and just want to kill people or are adrenaline junkies, and most minorities and all women join for gibs in some non-important position (and the women are always loose, no matter what position she occupies on the chain, she's been in sexual positions before, some just have lower numbers due to outward bitchiness, the ones that are open about it are the real sluts).
Funnily enough, every guy who joins "to serve his country" is always in the officer corps. The enlisted are always ghetto gang bangers and crayon eating retards, and most of those are your stereotypical muscular dudebros. They're pretty much disposable blunt instruments that aren't aware of it, or are aware and don't care for other reasons.
if you are an actual robot (social autist) don't but otherwise yes.
>The enlisted are always ghetto gang bangers and crayon eating retards
don't forget the crazy rednecks and occasional deviant (furry, brony ect.)
fuck i don't know what would happen if i went to the military. I Could barely handle 7th grade football with the borderline abusive coaches bullying me. I think they would weed me out eventually for the social fucking retard i am.
It is not a bad idea at all, user. People think military is some super strict fucked up torture of a life style but in reality it's just another job. Your bosses scream at you but actually treat you with decency and honesty. You have to do a lot of exercise and say good bye to most of your hobbies as you'll be very busy. You'll also make some very close friends. But in general you'll be dealing with normal people and doing normal things.
Honestly if you don't mind taking orders it'll give you about 4 years to get your life somewhat in order.
I'm in the same situation except I'm 31 and never had a job. Thinking the military is my only choice. Maybe after a few years I can get another job because then at least I'll have something to write on my CV.
do it, for someone with no options the benefits alone are worth it
>paid to stay fit
>get to shoot cool guns
>get to go camping with those cool guns
>free college (wait until you're out though, its hard to fit college classes in on active duty)
>have a worldwide social network, some people are willing to help you just because you're a fellow soldier/veteran
first 2-3 years will be bullshit bitchwork and trash cleanup and getting yelled at but after that it can be pretty fun
but unless you are already socially retarded with no hope whatsoever of getting better then try SSDI
You don't want to be 31 years old and have some 19 year old screaming orders at you.
I'm not all that smart of a guy desu. I would just want a standard infantry army position
Do I get to choose that? I dont want to be some fag with one of the thinking jobs who sits at a base and does paperwork all day or a logistics job or something
I want them to point and i to shoot. If they tell me what do do and how to do it i have no problems taking orders. I like guns as well and have never fired a real one except a 22 so the idea excites me
I don't care I'm just tired of having less money than when I was a child
>see the world
This is basically the same thing as when girls say that traveling is a hobby of theirs, isn't it?
Why do normalfags like traveling so much?
You could use that exact same argument against almost any kind of job beside being a farmer/hunter and live from your work.
However, the same way that people have vocations from being doctors or chefs or whatever, there are some people that have the vocation to be a soldier.
Also, i've knew of some cases where people just enlisted because they needed the thrill of the fight, and they couldn't find that anywhere else in their normal lifes, so it was either that or becoming a criminal.
Some people just need to live their lives in the battlefield, it's not so much a thing about loyalty or anything like that, some people just need the fight to feel alive.
travelling is fun as fuck honestly, i wish i did it more
knowing you'll likely never see the person/people you meet ever again is good for staving off social anxiety, and experiencing other cultures outside of your bubble and seeing how they do things can really help you gain some perspective on life
i've been to developed and 3rd world countries
The Vahalla method of suicide, die surrounded by 50 taliban and fighting till you die.
Its the only way out of soul crushing small town living for some people. I live in a town that is 300 miles away from anything relevant. The only jobs here are minimum wage jobs and picking fruit. These jobs are in short supply so employers can treat people like trash. There are homeless people on every corner even on cold snowy days. Medical care is complete fucking garbage and you can expect to wait 6 months on a waiting list just to see a regular doctor. I had friends in school whose families could not afford trash service so they stored it all in a barn and under the cover of night took it off somewhere to be dumped illegally. I had other friends who could not afford the most basic household items like bleach or any kind of soap.
So you are probably thinking I live in a third world country. Nope its smack in the middle of the good old USA. But it may as well be third world we also have the drugs and crime to prove it.
This is why I would get mad at white women calling all white men privileged. I have seen so many white men in this town going through absolute hell and living in the gutter. If those roasties had to live like that they would be dead or a sex slave in less than 2 weeks.
The military and death are the only options for some people.
I'm an infantryman myself, you need to understand if you go infantry you will have little to no value in the civilian world other than security. Your body will be broken to some extent and you'll generally hate your life but you'll probably end up making some good friends. If that sounds good to you by all means go for it.
>crazy rednecks
I thought I had retards covered
>occasional deviant
Oh right, I forgot about Jow Forums
I don't mind hard work at all or my body being beaten up. I used to work in a concrete precast joint where i would have to move extremely heavy concrete products like risers and manhole covers and shit. Theyd make me clean the giant cement mixer every day and if they started it up early by the end all the shit inside would be solidified and I would have to beat it with a 3 pound sledge and chisel
I would get screamed at and belittled and slave-driven for 13 dollars an hour. Hated my life there. At least with the infantry I figure I'll get to shoot guns and have a cool uniform
What's the starting pay?
well fuck i got injured before i even had a chance to enlist and get out of this hell. what was your injury
tfw want to serve my country but a girl(male) on hrt.
if i was cool it would have been an AK round through the leg or something
but my main injury is a fractured lumbar disc and nerve damage to my lower body
20k a year. I guess if your not really worried about the future go for it. I had my fun but we ain't at war and if I'm not doing my job what the point of staying?
I dont really know much about what's going on in the rest of the world
Are there any shitstorms on the horizon that might end up calling for more guys getting sent somewhere?
Yeah, this one. You never know what it will do.
Not really Venezuela was almost looking promising but we most likely won't get involved. Syria was our best bet but we recently started pulling out. You could go rangers they usually have a better chance of getting action over your average dude with a gun but even they don't see as much as they used to.
Donny ain't doin shit
If you join the Navy (depending on where you live), most of your time will basically be spent going to places like hiati or other regions, and basically policing pirates (they don't show up if military ships are near).
It's pretty cozy.
Also feels nice that you're actually helping people, even if it has nothing to do with you personally.
Fishers in places like that literally don't go out unless there's a military ship nearby, because otherwise they just get boarded and robbed by pirates. It's truly unfortunate when people are denied the ability to even perform menial jobs.
lol i herniated l4 to S1 working out. funny thing is that im a fitness coach and hurt myself lifting with great form. it cpuld have been an injury from jiu jitsu. but now, all my dreams are dead
at least you got that sweet neetbucks and gi bill. also maybe look into artifical discs
Yeah he aint doin shit just selling nukes to sandniggers
With any luck it'll set up a new war in the middle east and I'll actually have something to do
>Learn to kill people
>Learn bush craft
>Learn to use firearms and explosives
>Earn pedigree
>Belong to a brotherhood
Sound familiar? Its the complete opposite of degenerate.
Other reasons include
>Free healthcare
>Subsidized housing
>Constant guaranteed paycheck
>free gym
Before I joined I was a KHV, I lost my virginity in recruit training and turned into a normie.
>Be me
I've been considering the military the last week or so
After some training, some more practice with languages, and developing other skills I can leave after the contract is up and become a private security contractor (mercenary)
They make a crap ton of money for essentially the same thing
Haven't made a final decision, but I'm seriously considering it, it would help me advance most of the goals I already have for less money and more benefits
I can confirm that you have to pay for your hair cuts with an advancement on you paycheck
t.shitbag pog stuck at AIT
>become a private security contractor
Do yourself a favor and keep that detail to yourself. If you still want to go the PMC rout then tell people you want to do "Private security training".
The fuck is AIT?
After I finish my master's later this year I unironically want to join the army and go combat arms. The main thing that worries me is that they're forcing women into it and I don't want to be the officer in a unit where a woman gets killed (or especially where a woman gets captured) because I can only imagine the shitshow that'll ensue. Hoping to go 13A or maybe 19B/C.
Advanced infantry training? Maybe it's what they're calling SOI now.
>private security contractor (mercenary)
Lmao this fucking guy. To join a PMC you need to be a special forces operator, with combat experience and also leadership training. Its not like it was 15 years ago when companies would take dudes without doing any checks on them. Now days getting into PMCs is harder then getting into the regular armed forces. They rarely have positions opening and when they do its like going for any civilian job, you have to compete with everyone else. They also require security clearances, degrees, certificates in security/advanced driving/CPP etc usually from their own endorsed academies which cost tens of thousands. Dont think youre gona rock up at blackwater in you khaki cargo pants, polo shirt, M4, long hair, beard and oakley sunnies ready to go shoot kids in iraq. Most of their jobs are simply static point guarding, guarding oil rigs and oil tankers, acting as QRF on overseas bases or protecting an oil rig in the middle of no where jungle shit hole like south america.The money isnt that great(albeit better than US/UK armies) not mot like it was when guys could get 2k a day tax free in cash running supplies along the highways in Baghdad
Combat arms are always the first to go for officers. As a matter of fact, most non-white avoid the combat arms.
Advanced Individual Training. Infantry goes through OSUT, One Station Unit Training.
Why join a football team if you aren't going to play? That being said if winning glory isnt what you want and your happy being shat on and bullied by arms corps soldiers then kudos to you.
I assume this for army
For infantry, they complete their basic training then they stay for additional training at the same company. Essentially they have a longer basic but focused on more complex combat tactics
>most non-white avoid the combat arms
there were more whites than any other race in every unit i've been in
POG units have more non-whites than infantry
t. infantry for 6 years
That sounds retarded and fucking terrible
why is that picture so scenic? They look like they are in a rush but everyone else is just chilling (including the camera guy)
this looks like a screenshot that would show up on steam (in the background when you select a game)
does this mean that he's a soiboi?
>actually identifying with your country
>believing that it's a big community that you are a part of
>thinking that it's real or truly exists except as a mass delusion
Nearly everyone in the army that hasn't served in a warzone is an obvious poor high school fuck up that had no choice if they wanted college and/or some sad case of an immigrant kid who's parents forced them into it for citizenship.
Didn't say it would happen over night or that I would be easy.
I'm young and multi-talented. I'm, usually, fairly gifted at whatever I put effort into. My options are open.
It's guaranteed employment for fuck-ups that want to get out of their mom's house.