Next week I start a new college course the last one I was on I was picked on because I look like an easy target this time around I want to look intimidating so nobody tries to mess with me but my stats are against me
>skinny asf
>noodle arms
>pale asf
I just want to be left alone and make it through the course or is there any other way I can get through the course without kissing everyone's ass or being picked on
How can I look intimidating anons?
just act extremely gay. you cant pick on gays anymore
You got a good point in there but I don't think its possible for me to act gay I don't have the brain power
If you look intimidating no one will want to talk to you, which could get bad if you internalize the behaviors. Just sit by a chad who will banter for you if you get picked on and wear earbuds if you dont want to talk to people.
the earbud thing is what I normally do I'm shit at talking to people tho so that might just give the chad material to shoot at me
Chad bullies you? Need details, never heard of chads picking on weaker boys cause it'd make them look bad...
with that body you may as well take the pink pill. chad will fuck you not bully you.
Lift some weights, you tiny manlet
Well it started with the stacys making fun of me and then chad got in on it to impress the stacys until it became the whole classes joke
id rather get a cutie gf instead
I have been trying but I'm too weak so I started exercising each day but still weak but maybe within time I will be in good shape I probably need to start eating for that tho
Go to the fucking gym you brainlet. All but your skin tone and height can be fixed by hitting the gym and eating properly.
I forget to eat and am to insecure about going to the gym I could try lift at home
bumperinos. youre not alone
actually saying to a 5'3 guy to go to the gym and lift weights. you know he's not going to make it. and even if he does, manlets looks pathetic with a muscular body.
best solution would be to tattoo his entire face. i doubt someone would mess with him.
or just become my qt trap gf and i won't let anyone bully you
>get a cutie gf
>skinny asf
Being a 5'3" manlet and muscular is better than being a 5'3" manlet and scrawny. People treat me with more respect it seems since I packed on 40 or so pounds of muscle. But yeah being a trap gf is also an option lmao
>tattoo his entire face. i doubt someone would mess with him
thugmaxxing theory is legit
just open carry
go to jail. You will either die there or survive and come out as a real bad ass.
even being fat is better than being a skeletoncel
No one picked on you, you autistic sperg. You have a victim complex coupled with delusions of grandeur. Go to class, shut the fuck up, absorb the information and carry on with your life.
i'm to spooked to get a tattoo and I don't want to become a trap my options suck ass
damn, honestly if i were in your situation i wouldn't try to appear intimidating, but play along with the bullies / try to avoid them in a non confrontational manner (aka learning where they usually walk to class and taking a different route.)
if you are charismatic or interested in normie stuff you could also try to get a chad friend to walk to class with or influence the bullies to pick on someone else
best of luck user, you sound really cute
Two words; black trenchcoat.
Thanks for the advice user I think I'm gonna try this not really good with normie stuff as I'm bad in conversations alone but I will try play along and dodge them without it looking like I am thanks user :)
Oh yikes I defo have the paleness for that
>how can i be intimidating
>no, i'm too spooked/afraid to do that thing
I did kinda forget to mention I'm a pussy
either way you should still be gymceling. no one will take a 5'3 kid seriously.
Yeah I will start going to the gym with my big brother and try to get into shape so I don't look like a stickman
how do u cope when summer hits though?
aircon and a shit ton water
>I want to look intimidating
Manlets never learn, do they
good luck on the gym big guy. you'll need a lot of motivation on the gym as a 5'3, because it doesn't matter how hard you lift, how good is your diet, how much gear you use, the vast majority will always be bigger than you.
Ouch x2 but thanks for the good luck and the big guy
I've seen some intimidating turbo manlets(5'3) and my fellow 5'7 manlets who were very intimidating. I don't know how they do it.
I wish there were cute introverted short guys near me. Less competition from other women. What course are you taking?
Also, don't listen to the other anons. Just put up a cold act and only give short uninterested responses. Odds are they'll get the idea that you don't want to talk.
You need to command presence. From the moment you walk into a room, to the moment you leave. Sitting down, take up as much space as possible. Man spread and keep good posture when sitting. Hands on your hips and chest out like your fucking superman when youre standing. Look people deep into their eyes. Do a triangle-gaze from eye-eye-forehead for guys. Eye-eye-nose to girls. Walk at a steady, fast pace with long strides.
You want to have the attitude and posture of a cop in a sense.
And for gods sake, eat as much as you can. You need some body mass. Muscle AND fat. Just EAT.
I'm on an IT course atm but I plan on quitting if I don't like it and just going for a job and thanks I think I will try that as I'm already not to good at conversations so cutting it off should come naturally thanks user
Yeah if I did that now id probably look stupid but if I put on some fat like you said maybe I wouldn't look as dumb
americans really are babies
everywhere else in the world, bullying stops by the end of high school, sometimes even middle school if you're lucky
how the fuck are adults bullying each other like children ? this is some seriously retarded shit