ITT: Why traps are better than women.
just fucked this trap and im done with vaginas
ITT: Why traps are better than women.
just fucked this trap and im done with vaginas
>just fucked this mentally ill man
>reddit spacing
Get the fucking hell out normalshit
prove that you fucked that trap or no one is gonna take a larping faggot like you seriously
Ass is pretty disgusting you degenerate
id like to thank r9k trap spammers for being so unbelievably annoying that i dont even watch trap or tranny porn anymore. thanks guys, you cured me
That's a femboy, If he were more feminine he'd be a trap
Traps are not trannies
doesnt look like a trap to me
did you see the benis
>traps are not trannies
Stop being delusional faggot
Pretty easy to see that under the thot-filter he just looks like a regular faggot
It's true though
Trannies are wannabe women
Traps just look like women
grindr unoriginal
>traps look like women
if you want to fuck the shitting hole of some mentally ill frankenstein, then that's your business, but don't go spreading that poison to others or making an agenda of it.
grindr unoriginal 2
traps have dicks and pass, that's all there is to it. Incidentally this homo is neither a trap nor a tranny
That 100% looks like a man lmao what are you doing with your life user you literally fucked a dude that wasn't even trying to look feminine
implying you wouldn'tt
>OP fucked a man
I would, because I also like twinks. That gay dude's pretty good at makeup I'll give him that, and if he put in full effort he might even be able to reach trap level. But as is he's just a twink with good makeup
dude, that's a biological female, cut the bullshit
i'd say in the middle of a mix of trap and twink, more so because of hips
that would be a femboy, can't say because all you've posted is face
I fucked a trans man at my uni that looks exactly like that (trans man = woman born with a vagina who takes testosterone to be a man)
"He" doesn't really pass though so basically just looks like a dyke
The majority of "traps" are taking HRT. Traps are trannies. You can't be feminine past the age of like 20 without HRT, and even before then only a very small minority of men can actually look like a girl without HRT even when young.
I would
Unironically nice job OP
Thats because lots of e-trannies identify with the word trap, and use it to describe themselves
Doesnt change the fact that trap really just means a very passible crossdresser
thanks user, i'm an autistic chad so i'm a bit proud
>Doesnt change the fact that trap really just means a very passible crossdresser
This is not a fact, it wasn't even an assertion people made until trans issues became popular in the media a few years ago. The "it's a trap meme" was built on trans dick-reveal trolling
get gassed faggot
pick one
I believe it was more based in characters that crossdressed (and might have been trans) in anime, and it took off from there, though thats just my outsider observation
Though I was unaware it was a term to use for trans people, which is why I was always confused as why some people claimed it to be a slur, but now I understand based on what youre saying
>implying i can't be a trad chad who fucks some traps every now and then
Going to have a blue eyed family
That's true, anime crossdressers were also part of it. Bridget being the main one at the time. See, there was no "it has to be a crossdressing guy" or "it has to be trans" distinction. It was just "has a dick, looks like a woman". That can apply to either, trap is just the Jow Forums meme word for passing that exploded across the internet
Thanks for clearing it up for me, I feel as though people outside of here took it to another level, as spaces such a twitter cant have those nice meme words without it getting too serious
>ITT: Trap shilling.
go back to your shitty discord ops server, faggot
so you fucked a straight woman who looks like a dyke, eh? nice come back
I would never fuck a trap. That's gay.
That said, they are objectively superior to women by merit of being men.
OP here just got messaged by this i guess legit trap, still prefer the femboyish trap. this one looks like plastic
dude, stop hiding behind the trap facade. You clearly are just regular gay if you prefer the one who looks like a dude and don't like the one who nearly passes
It's all still gay either way retard, what is your point? If anyone is hiding behind a facade it's you.
okay, then stop using the wrong words and just call it like it is. If you're not afraid of the gayness then there's no point in mislabeling
The vast majority of "trans men" are just straight girls larping as men, it's rare to see one attracted to women
guess i meant femboy but liking traps and liking femboys are on the same level of gayness. You are attracted to a feminine looking sub. Twinks arent feminine looking enough to compare
definitely an escort, enjoy paying big bucks
she just dropped the cashapp, yikes. Femboys>>>traps actually
drop your cashapp, tell her $50 to ride this dick
she didn't drop the cashapp but what did (((she))) mean by this? Says looking for dating in her profile.
Also she could just be a catfish
Either way it's a waste of money
Femboys can be good if you find one that's not too picky about only wanting gay chad
You have to be a bit more gay though to appreciate femboys
"rose" is e-girl/prostitute slang for money
Generous is a common term for prostitutes to use too to make it clear that they don't fuck for free
>can literally see where his beard would be
Lel, be as delusional as you wanna be.
am dude weeded rn should've came to that obvi conclusion. 150 for a ratchet trap is disgusting. Women are awful and traps emulate women so femboys are the best.
t.seething disgusting tranny
I mean he's not wrong, that beard shadow is right there
makes him cuter
What happens when they start to look old?
t. delusional dumbass that thinks a woman looks like a man with makeup on
on hormones, they'll age like women and just look like old women. Granted that's only if they passed while young.
if just cd-ing, they either become regular gay men or repress and go back to straight man life
>unironically bragging about fucking a delusional man who thinks he's a woman
It's okay to admit you're a faggot, user.
that makes sense
>browses and posts on r9k but claims to not be a faggot
for anyone wanting to fuck a trap try to find a colombian one, they are the best. pic related
the femboy in op is eurasian but can confirm, traps need to be brown eyed/latina
post more pics of that femboy op
that's just a bad opinion
all the others are shitty snapchat filters, still don't follow "they're" instagram yet tho
def gonna meet "him" again. I might wife this femboy, "his" ass is heaven.
based orrigg
Please be a dear and pass the sauce user-kun
This. Pink Bubble.
doesntm atter post more
I'm serious. still such a cutie tho