Is it possible to enjoy anime without being mentally ill? If so, how?

Is it possible to enjoy anime without being mentally ill? If so, how?

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Just watch My Neighbor Totoro until you understand it.

when did beards become effeminate?

Anyone who watches anime is far from normal and ends up becoming a tranny

If you enjoy coming here while being mentally sound, I think you can manage honestly

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When it became a cope for effeminate facial features.

since the Romans made shaving the default grooming practice for western males

only moefags who don't lift

How about you fuck back off to plebbit retard


You have to not be mentally-ill beforehand. It's not a pre-requisite. That being said, most anime watchers do have mental illness, since the majority of it is brainlet garbage that is the same 4 things done over and over again to repitition but with a different title and characters with different hair.

Honestly I've never seen any decent anime in my life. Maybe Cowboy Bebop was okay.
All the "kino" ones that pedoweebs reccomend are absolute garbage.
Even the less terrible ones have a massive amount of cringy moments and are fucked up in one way or another.
The stories are either derivative or absolutely nonsensical.
The characters aren't relatable at all because fictional caricatures of insect people.

This is my honest opinion.

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I watch jojos for the soundtrack

I wish hiro would just close the site down. I hate newfags so much.

Yes, it's calling genuinely enjoying something which I know a lot of people don't know how to do anymore because they're so fucking insecure and have to hide behind layers of irony. Just fucking enjoy something, or don't, you FUCKING FAGGOT.

>when did beards become effeminate?
they never dud

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>it's calling genuinely enjoying something
right of course, but the problem is to truly enjoy "anime" you have to have some sort of mental disfunction.
I watch anmine sometimes for the aesthetic, but lots of things put me off and i have to force myself through them.
I guess you do need some sort of autism or perversion to find those appealing.

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Ignore the degenerates banging on about waifus and hentai an you should be good

watch anime that's not anime-esque. good shit like jojo, one punch man, berserk. learn what's good and what's normie garbage

Maybe you're just a depressive faggot OP.

Imagine unironically being this normalfag

There's many good animes. The weebs / trannies just make it look bad.

Is it possible to use onions memes without being mentally ill? If so how?

All of that shit is normie, entry level crap

anime is objectively awful and only autists and pedophiles like it, nothing to do with being a normalfag or not.
You're not special, you're just mentally ill.

>subjective matter
what did he mean by this?

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You have to enjoy other things as well. Also don't buy any merchandise unless it's subtle and it would be something you'd be willing to display even if it wasn't related to anime at all

Anime is mainstream now you out of touch boomer faggot