Classic Feels Thread

Classic Feels Thread

Post sad pics. Post sad stories. Vent. Do whatever. This is sad times.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I chickened out and didn't get my haircut today. Days like this make me wonder why my life has to be this way. If I am too cowardly to even go get my motherfucking damn hair cut at a barber shop 5 fucking blocks down the road how could I ever make a life for myself? I already had to force myself to give up my dreams of having my own family and my own house, a dream I've had since I was a child, but even more things seem out of reach for me because I'm such a coward. I am so cowardly I hurt other people. I make promises to see them and I break them. I say I'll do things, then not do them. My dad even tried to kill himself because I was too cowardly to go spend time with him after the divorce and he got lonely. My aunt said it was my fault for not spending time with him and shes right. Im a fucking loser faggot coward. Every fucking day I act like a little fucking pathetic bitch.

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>you will never be a traveler in the wastes, years after the apocalypse
>you will never find a wounded young woman after her group was attacked by bandits
>you will never take her back to the hollowed-out shell of a crumbling build you make your home in
>you will never move some crates and sleeping bag to make a place for her
>you will never tend her wounds with what little clean cloth and water you have
>you will never stroke her hair as she lays unconscious
>you will never see her pained but grateful smile as she wakens, realizing you have saved her
>you will never slowly nurse her back to health
>you will never help her learn to walk again
>you will never feed her broth
>you will never sit next to her and keep her company as she heals, listening to her tell stories of her life
>you will never comfort her in the depths of grief for those she has lost
>she will never become your faithful companion
>she will never help you fix up your base and fortify it
>she will never help you hunt for food in the monster-infested wilderness
>you will never protect her from bandits
>you will never find a wedding ring in a ruined house that somehow escaped the notice of scavengers
>you will never give it to her and make her your wife, having slowly grown to love her

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Based /sad/ thread. I wish it were easier to commit painless suicide, this world has nothing for me anymore.

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I see my parents getting old and it makes me so sad. I called my mom today and I always think about how much she changes. I think about getting old and it makes me afraid.

Might as well post one of my favorites.
Well, "favorite" really isn't the right word, but you know.

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seconded. post-apocalyptic wasteland sounds comfy as fuck and we will probably never be able to experience it.

Just found out Ima be without cash for a whole week, this sucks

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originalolio comfy sad rain

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Therapy can unironically help a lot with this. They can give you small steps to take to getting over your own fears

You keep saying you're a coward do you mean it's because you have too much anxiety to go out on your own? Unable to handle social interactions? I can see how that can be a big problem and I feel the same way, hopefully you see your dad soon user he probably misses you

>make friends with guy named white in discord from a serve
>call him a faggot and bully him
>doesnt like me anymore

Tfw no art hoe gf

Original feel

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My YT account I had from 2014 had 5000 subs on it.
YT fucking suspended it because it had a few unlisted videos of my old dogs fighting over a chewtoy.
Apparently that was determined to be inappropriate or something.
Appealing the decision did nothing.
The channel had no public videos and I was planning to maybe do something with it.
There goes that opportunity. Fuck you, YT

Therapy doesn't work for me user, I don't really like paying someone to try to convince me to think differently for an hour. I just hated it.
My issue is that I hate being around other people, because I always feel like they are forming awful opinions about me and watching me. I am not afraid of social interaction, its just hard for me to buck up and take the pain of being around other people. And the thing with my dad happened years ago, when I was 16. Im 21 now and have seen him once in the last 3 years. Hes a drug addict and tried to kill himself again recently, I dont care about him at all anymore.

my long term ex was an art hoe. fun until she realized she wanted the option to date a lot of people at once and we broke up

I this one reminds me of my middle and high school years

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Holy shit this was a message sent from higher powers or whatever the fuck.. I needed to see this. God dammit

Lemme get her Instagram

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These are sad times, friends. What will we do?
Wallow in our own self pity, or fight?

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I'm so tired of fighting user, let's just let the pain wash over us for a bit. We can try again tomorrow.

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There's so many tomorrows.
When will it be "now?"

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Im feeling undeserving

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Anyone else get the feel that thier all alone in the world and no matter what you do, say or who you meet you'll always be alone.

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Dreamed about my ex internet gf whom I was with for like 3 tears, we kissed and it was the greatest thing, then I woke up. Pretty saddening stuff we were going to have sex and she had the most amazing innie pussy, IRL I know her pussy is a bit of a roasy but a man can dream dammit a man can dream.

My whole life I have been the class clown, the court jester. People don't respect me. I will fail just like my father. I just want to be left alone.

>My whole life I have been the class clown, the court jester. People don't respect me.
I've been there

I made a blogpost like this on Jow Forums yesterday because all threads at the time were your typical sex frustration posts, pedophilia and anyone else can fuck off environment which drove me away for a while so I'm glad there's some space in this shithole atm

>started therapy and got prescribed some SSRIs, actually felt hopeful that maybe this change of attitude is what I need to have some sort of life
>next couple of days were literal hell, everything just felt even worse than when I was off the meds, fucking up a lot at work and paying for it, constantly arguing with and hurting family, etc
>so clearly, the pills aren't the solution because this shit has proven that it's not a matter of state of mind management or attitude, it's my own fucking nature
>decide to take a box of sleeping pills because the best thing to do was to isolate myself from society and try to sleep for a week
>parents woke me up, biggest argument yet to really settle the fact that they had enough of my shit
>realize that there is no middle ground and I can't just go away for a while, you're either here or gone
>grabbed 50 bucks from the ATM, snuck off into a bar and started drinking until they wouldn't hand me anything anymore
>Guess this means that I'm drunk enough to make the jump because I can't take myself or the pain that I cause anymore
>chickened out AGAIN(this happened before)
>went home got another lashing as soon as they woke up
>and now comes the part where you realize there's no way out, I hate myself so fucking much and there is literally nothing I can do to fix the problems that my own nature causes
>nothing has helped, people had enough and I'm too much of a coward to go through suicide
>I need to just stop existing but I don't know how.
Blogpost done with for now, feel free to tell me to fuck off as you should

Dude the pills take time to work. I felt the same when i started Zoloft, wanted to kms, was manic af and wanted to throw up. If you want to get better you can give pills like 3-4 weeks, or you can try voluntary hospitalization

oh fuck
this one destroyed me

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When i was in first grade, i used to bullied at school. I had some friends, so it wasn't really that bad. That was until one day when he started bullying me. This was pretty bad since i never dealt with such a situation and it left me scarred forever. It might not sound that bad, but trust me, it was.
Years later i found out he was bullied into bullying me. Never forgave him for it. Never will. He sold me out for his own good, and in his words, he preffered to be popular than to be my friend. He pretended to be my friend a while, but i soon found out that he was making fun of me behind my back.

Pic related, it's the closest comparison to him i could find. Aslo, i apologise for bad grammar.

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a true classic and sadly too relatable

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Damn it, it's been 7 years already. There's no getting out of Jow Forums.

I seriously feel like shit right now. It was expected. I was hoping to feel better today but I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

Fuck sake lads might just end it if I'm not back to normal. Thursday is the golden day. I pray that the mind will revert tomorrow

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