A Couple of Questions about Martial Arts

I'm 26, always been a big dude so I never had to fight. Got into lifting in my late teens, now I practice powerlifting like a real sport (even though I know it actually isn't).
Anyway, I feel like I'm at a point in my life in which I need to blow off some steam through violence. Just straight up beating up people in the streets doesn't sound smart and heavy lifting doesn't really scratch that spot for me.
What Martial Art would work well for me considering I still want to prioritize powerlifting? I'm 6'1 200lbs with long as fuck limbs and no sports background. Everybody seems about JiuJitsu these days but I don't know. Looks pretty gay.

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boxing and wrestling will help with aggression and you will learn to be effective very quickly

Damn dude if you want martial art combined with power look into sumo. These dudes are not the fat slobs people picture and often opponents lift up 400pound dudes and toss them out of the ring demonstrating martial dominance and exyream strength

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what do you think about Greco-Roman?

It's rumored they also have humongous dicks

If it's good enough for Aleksandr Karelin it's good enough for you

You can do any sport that you want. Juggernaut training has somewhat like a training guide for bjj. You also look up mike israetels video about bjj.

Whatever martial art you are going to do you need flexibility so work on that first.


Boxing is for retard boomers.

BJJ is a good intro martial art. If you want after a couple months then move onto striking/boxing etc.

Go to BJJ and find the smallest white belt you can find (it can be a woman) and just grapple and maul the shit out of him/her. Teaches them a lesson without hurting them and releases your anger.

I did that once and just started throwing strikes. Busted open the girls face who i was rolling with. I dont know what it was but something just took over me. They had to pull me off and restrain me. Got banned from the gym and almost sent to jail. Dont train bjj user.

What's the difference between Brazilian and Japanese JiuJitsu?

The same thing but autists will say they are different

japanese jiu jitsu is the father of judo and bjj so it has more standup faggit

That's me out then.


Being strong won’t help you with striking

Glass jaw detected.


Eddie bravo is a meme. A cool meme but a meme

How do i know you never trained Bjj seriously?

Nevermind. This is another pasta i dont know isnt it

Didn't he tap Royler Gracie?

He also won the rematch except Gracie just let his ankle break to run the clock out for a technical "tie."

Top notch

Since this is close enough I'm gonna post here, what MA is the best for grappling?

Posting so I can find and dominate twinks with increased efficiency.

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Wrestling is considerd to be the best, Judo and BJJ are somewhat on same footing but i think BJJ gained more poplarity than Judo. But old school Judo destroys BJJ, modern Judo is nearly destroyed by the IJF bc of too many rules. Sambo is good is a grappling focused MMA style known for its directness

True, but his jiu jitsu isn't.
While 10p is nogi only and its filled with iminari rolling, butt scooting, guard pulling sóyboys, the state of jiu jitsu is so shit, it doesn't even matter anymore.

what is the best martian art?


It depends. Wrestling/Judo/BJJ are the holy trinity of grappling, but each one of them will give you different skills
Wrestling is the best if you want simplicity and reliability. You don't have overcomplicated techniques, and wrestling takedowns work in nearly any situation
Judo is the best if you want to end a fight with a single good throw, and a good ne waza training can make you a really good grappler on the ground. Judo's only faults are that not every technique can be translated to a no gi situation, and it takes really long to get decent at judo too.
BJJ is the absolute best style for grappling on the ground. Period. Unfortunately, many BJJ gyms don't teach shit about grappling on your foot, so most BJJ fighters don't have a clue of what they're doing while they're not on the ground


is it a problem that bjj practice is all with gi?

Not much. Most legit BJJ gyms I know also offer weekly submission grappling classes, so you'll be able to practice without a gi too. Even if you don't practice no gi regularly, it doesn't take much to adapt your style if needed

I was in the exact same position a year ago. I joined a MMA gym and a 10th Planet in my town. The mixture of striking and MMA sparring, along with the submission grappling at 10th Planet really calmed me down. I stopped being so pissed off all the time and I felt happier in general. I'd also suggest lots of heavy bag work on your own, it's great for blowing off steam.
That said, don't go into some gym thinking it's your job to fuck everyone up. If you intentionally go too hard, people will notice and it will not go well for you.
>Looks pretty gay.
Fighting necessitates you get into close contact with the person you're fighting. What's truly gay is being too afraid to learn grappling and so you wind up letting them dominate you.
What the fuck?
>Being strong won’t help you with striking
This is just not true at all. Have you ever gone up against a large, muscular opponent in a sparring match? Even if they're relatively unskilled, that gives them a significant edge they wouldn't have otherwise.
>Wrestling is considered to be the best
You have clearly never trained any martial art seriously before. Wrestling certainly has its place, but no one would ever claim it is "the best". It has great takedowns and control, but it lacks throws (as in judo) and submissions (as in bjj), and so you need all three to be a truly well-rounded grappler. They are very different martial arts meant for different things, and if you had trained any you would understand this.

Japanese Jujitsu is actual jujitsu
Brazillian is just the ground based martil art that became a part of Judo applied halfassedly.

I wonder what's going to happen to BJJ guys when the Judo ruleset is changed to allow more ground work?

Bravo is better at using the ruleset of BJJ against the Gracies then the Gracies are.
Bravo is also wise enough and not arrogant enough to know his limits and to say that stand up is demanded in actual life or death scenarios.

Bravo's bjj is apparently really good in bjj competitions and the bjj guys hate it. ANd the gracies were embarassed by him.
But it's dangerous in most other comps.

>Anyway, I feel like I'm at a point in my life in which I need to blow off some steam through violence. Just straight up beating up people in the streets doesn't sound smart and heavy lifting doesn't really scratch that spot for me.

People like you usually don't last. Just like Ronnie said about lifting, everybody wants to beat people up, but nobody wants to get beaten up. That's what's gonna happen for months before you even start being slightly less trash at it

>always been a big dude I feel like I'm at a point in my life in which I need to blow off some steam through violence
WWE Raw is auditioning right now

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>I wonder what's going to happen to BJJ guys when the Judo ruleset is changed to allow more ground work?

Yeah like that's gonna happen. Also I guess they'll get more training partners? Not sure what you're getting at, but the bjj ground game is miles ahead of judo's.

This thread is a big yikes tbqh with ya'll senpaitachi
BJJ is a meme sport for fags thats only really applicable in a controlled environment.
Any answer that isnt
>Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai
is wrong and made by larpers/high schoolers.

post body

Square up faggot.
Bet you've never fought even once in your life.

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What now? There's no ref here to break it up

>what are muay thai clinches
Are you severely autistic?

Competing this weekend, 6 guys in my bracket. Finna take gold easy i'm thinking

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Boxing and Wrestling. Also, OP sounds like a nigger.

You sound like a faggot and if you go into any gym worth anything with an ego and try to 'commit violence' on your teammates you're gonna get fucked up

Powerlifting don't mean Shit in any fight or martial art

6'1 200lbs ain't big

What now?

You think your bootleg mt clinching is anything to someone who can grapple?

>thinking real fights go to the ground
*punches you*
psh nothing personel kid

Try clinching against a judoka or a wrestler, retard

refer tolmao faggot

Real fights go to the ground all the time unless the other dude got friends.

It is.
Judo guys are getting all pissed at the judo ruleset and at the shit that the gracies and bjjguys talk.

They're going to start petitioning to have the ground game pushed hard in Judo competitions and training.

As for BJJ, they've been stealing and missapplying the grappling techniques of full grappling arts for years now and their stand up game and ability to do even rudimentary takedowns is fucking embarassing.

Pure Judo with equal importance placed on stand up and ground will basically end BJJ's false reign as the top grappling and submission art.

God speed sir, Ive been meaning to join an actual bjj gym but im too broke rn

>As for BJJ, they've been stealing and missapplying the grappling techniques of full grappling arts
T. never trained BJJ

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Stop the tren.

>As for BJJ, they've been stealing and missapplying the grappling techniques of full grappling arts for years now

lol, call the cops


*punches you again*
what now?

These threads are so fill of bullshit. Goddammn.

And none of you faggots had a successful fight, I bet.

Fucking dyel faggots.


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Reminder that you started out calling other people larpers.

*punches you a third time*
and yet he hasnt been able to prove me wrong

You’re a lanklet, not a big guy.. go get your ass kicked and stop pretending to be tough, since you have never been in a fight even

I don't have to prove anything because I'm right

user, leave that delusional scizho alone. There's no point in trying to debate with that dude

The ground is the ocean, I am a shark, and you don't even know how to swim

This is the kind of gay shit that makes me not want to say I do bjj

Learn a musical instrument, you sound like a meathead. In a primitive society you would not fight fellow tribe members, the risk of injury would be too great. You might play wrestle at most but nothing like what is done in martial arts. Martial arts is fighting for nothing, and you ruin your body for nothing. Good luck with your knees if you wrestle, or all your joints if you do bjj

I trained Karate for 5 years Muay thai for 2 and Bjj for 1. Wrestling was always the mist praised but i never trained it. But i met enough fighters who told me how great it is. Claming that i never trained seriously before is just a bit over the top just because i genarlized the opinions that i heard

I do uh.. swimming in the ocean as uh.. a shark something

t. wimp

gay tribe outcast detected

When I become a janitor, I'm going to wordfilter "ack" to camelfucker.

user, they renamed a catch wrestling move after the guy who raped their shit and everyone has been caling it that for years.
They've legit stolen and badly used much of the techniques they are using to fill the holes in their art.
And the art is still useless as a self defense or martial art.


Yet every fighter and their mother uses it on the ground. Does that mean everything else is even more useless?

Wrestling for standup, BJJ for groundwork and submissions, and judo for a transitions and a mix between the standup,groundwork and submissions. Issue with wrestling is unless it's catch, 99% of the time you have no protection against submissions, and issue with BJJ is that it's more a specialist type of thing. BJJ + wrestling>>> judo>=wrestling>bjj. Also depends on the IJF ruleset and the coach in question.

Dub dubs of fake stories

>They've legit stolen
Nobody except TMA fags care about "stolen" moves. That's some playground shit.

Where are all the catch wrestlers exposing holes in the bjj art? Why don't they show how the techniques are supposed to work? Oh yeah go ahead and name Josh Barnett, do you have one other guy? They don't exist because catch wrestling is dead.

>Judo destroys BJJ
At takedowns and that’s it

Do boxing, kickboxing, muay thay or mma. Or combat sambo. I think stuff like jiu or jiu jitsu alone is boring.

BJJ is great but you can often end a street fight with one solid punch or kick. Realistically if you get into a street fight and take a guy to the ground your going to get sucker punched by some dumb fuck. (unless this is a true 1v1 fight which never really happens.) Way better to be on the move on your feet instead of going down to the ground one location.

Zoomers will say striking isn't important.

I might want to try exercising twice a day, with morning lifting and evening kickboxing or BJJ. Is this viable? And how should I go about this?

Im envious i would not have the time for that

>fight ends up on floor
>bigger guy on top of you holding you down
>have no idea what to do or how to get back up

I swear you people who argue groundwork or BJJ isn’t useful in a street fight are just plain retarded.

user, if a big guy puts you on the ground...it's because he slammed you or knocked your ass out.
In either case, you better know how to get on your feet again cause he's not going down with you. He's stomping you or throwing shit at you.
Remember, BJJ isn't some secret magical martial art. A huge sober dude who's going to jsut fight you more then likely has a working knowledge of how bjj works and more then likely has done some wrestling and grappling.

>They just have better standup
Many people would argue that standup is the most important part. If you can't bring your opponent to the ground, groundwork is useless

The Gracie Hunter.
By the way, the gracies spend more time then you realize on lying about the origins of their sport and various moves in an effort to legetimize it.

No they don't.
Claiming that the moves that people who are from legit vetted grappling arts are BJJ and throwing a BJJ black belt at them after they win a match =/= they use BJJ.

You’ve obviously never been in a real fight from this post. Shit have you even watched a real fight?

A good BJJ gym will teach you throws and takedowns as well.

You might as well just post in every MA thread with the name “Gracie Hunter Cock Sucker” because you’re the only one who seems to rant and rave about the Gracies and bringing up the guy who went out to beat them all.
Gracies don’t own BJJ and they’re not the best grapplers right now. Worlds just passed and I don’t see very many gold medalists with the last name Gracie. You don’t see the last name in MMA anymore. Why do you have such a hard on for them?

would fuck


Rufino Dos Santos

Kron Gracie is now in the UFC
Let's see how he does.

Cringe. I said bjj is great but if you only focus on it youre going to get your glass jaw broken, twerp.

Good luck user, martial arts are unironically high test as fuck.
I'm 27 and got into kickboxing, also as a big guy who never fought or threw a punch in my life. I only wish I got into it sooner but hey, it's never too late. Just find a martial art you care about (ignore memes about viability in street fights, if you're a big guy with visible muscles nobody will fuck with you anyway), and also don't go for what's popular. It doesn't matter in today's society. Just find something you actually enjoy and give everything in every training session. When it comes to martial arts pain is again literally, so just go nuts.

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This is a good post. It explains the roles of each grappling art pretty well. Remember that Greco Roman wrestling exists too, it's basically no-Gi Judo with a lot more strength involved.