How does David Laid still have the face of a 16 year old teenager even with steroids?

How does David Laid still have the face of a 16 year old teenager even with steroids?

I thought it ages your skin, cheekbones and shit

Attached: okiun.jpg (500x625, 63K)

David Laid here

Attached: laid111.jpg (900x750, 70K)

>those jagged photoshop lines

Simple. He's natty.

And also he's only 20

Attached: davidlaid_60256804_2281547918750068_8818834134943559256_n.jpg (1080x1350, 197K)

Yes, head sized delts are natty

looks like a homo

With 6 years of lifting, autistic dieting, good genetics, a pump and good angles, anything is possible

>he thinks 6 years of lifting is long
how's your first year going buddy?

>only 20
damn fuck me dude gotta admire this dudes work even if he might be roiding hes also pretty fucking strong

God you are a fucking retard. Unironically, do you even lift?

He's a year older than me yet looks like that
I want to fucking kill myself

This b8t already got 2 of them

What do any of those three things you mentioned have to do with each other?

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I never had a chance

motivation to start bulking up and be like that in a year user

>He's natty.
un ironic ally: most of the roid users I have met were bloatfags no one was even close to david laid. this gay has mad genetics

Fucked up abs

Yeah if Arnie was natty why is it so hard to believe this kid is?

Yeah there no way he's not roiding but he's got some killer insertions

He should probably tone it down with the photoshopping tho

equipoise, anavar, deca and HGH do the opposite they actually improve collagen synthesis so are good for skin and joints unlike drugs like tren, mast, winstrol which deplete collagen

spend a year blasting and cruising
blast with test, mast, eq, anavar and maybe very low dose tren (