Tfw a roastie loses her eyesight because of her careless party lifestyle

>tfw a roastie loses her eyesight because of her careless party lifestyle

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She sounds like a nice girl who didn't deserve it, to be honest.

>ordering a drink is careless

>still wears makeup
But I thought they wear it for themselves?

this is just depressing desu

>She sounds like a nice girl who didn't deserve it, to be honest.
She was on a holiday to get her holes gaped by Chad

Terrible thing that could have happened to anyone. She sounds like a nice, smart girl. Why is Jow Forums full of evil psychopaths?

You can tell she was the sort to get pissed on holiday and get fucked by mediterranean chads. I have no sympathy. This has been a huge wake up call for her.

you should be blinded

lol imagine the safe stable guys who got friendzoned by her

>my baseless assumptions validate laughing at this persons pain

You're not safe or stable

l don't see the problem. They are her holes, she can do what she likes with them.

op you're just a dumb bitter faggot. get fucked you unwanted sack of shit

Y i k e s ya'll sound bitter and hateful sweetie. Who hurt you?

I hope OP chokes on a chicken bone from a tendie served by his mommy.

hahahahaha imagine getting this assblasted just be blind broo

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"She hopes to return to Zante one day as she can't remember much of her time there and wants to see if it will jog her memory."

What an absolute thot

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Just another reason to avoid ever interacting with normals

Every person in this thread making wild assumptions about this woman, her family, or her lifestyle is a sick, lonely, nigger who needs to hang himself.
>Human goes out to enjoy themselves
>Drinks at bar with friends like other humans
>Faggots on Jow Forums mock you because "muh vergenity"

Seriously y'all if you can't feel for this person, get help. Like, it's too early in the fucking morning to be an apathetic, edgy, cunt. Jeez

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If you read the article it tells you why
She binge drank an extremely strong bootleg vodka at a bar

A vodka that was supposed to be safe. But unknown to everyone, it was a poisonous bootleg one.

which means she is a binge drinker, so she is aware of the risks of that, didn't stop drinking after the vodka turned her drunk, didn't have the ability to taste that this vodka was different and stronger
She was an idiot alcoholic that knew the risks of binge drinking, no sympathy

If you want to speak factually, faggot, then sure: the poorly concocted and illegal vodka was directly causal to this tragedy. But that's what this was, user. A tragedy. Not some kind of "universal karma" some people just bite the bullet in Russian roulette and it's sad. Can't you feel sad for another human suffering, user?

Why does she feel entitled to her eyesight?

If she just embraced her personality and acted more like herself then this wouldn't have happened.

>Can't you feel sad for another human suffering, user?
literally no, im autistic and have a very limited capacity for empathy

women would need to be human first

stupid whore got fucking uberpatrolled

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Found the idiot. You cannot taste the difference if a vodka contains methanol. You clearly do not have the intelligence necessary to function in the world outside the basement.

You can still feel the effects of an extremely strong alcohol on you, but she didn't care because "Im here to get fucked up with the grrrrrrls XD"
its good she's blind

Seems like she was a smart girl who had a good career ahead. In other words, superior to a basement-dwelling NEET like you in every way. If the world were just, you would have lost eyesight instead because you are a useless parasite and nothing of value would have been lost.

You must at least be thiiiiiiiiis tall to reply here friend. Go back to your incel discord/reddit

>But an unwillingness
You sound like a faggot who uses autism as a shield from responsibility for your failures as an adult in the modern age. Soooooooo, sorry you're a loser who chooses to do nothing with his life, his experience, and the infinite opportunities life has given him I guess?

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>superior to a basement-dwelling NEET
Even a basement dwelling NEET is more functional and useful to society than a blind person

I love reading stuff like this. The people sympathising and getting mad at us are the cherries on top though. Just keep on coping, degenerates

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As much as I despise roasties, nobody deserves to lose eyesight.

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She hasn't learned a damn thing

Since when do people get what they deserve in life?

The thing is they don't even try to fool anyone, if you pay a dollar for two liters of vodka that comes in a coca cola bottle without a label, you're so stupid you deserve to go blind.

part of me feels bad but the other is filled with a deep sense of justice

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They get used smirnoff bottles and pour it in there in these cheap clubs. Mafia makes big business from it.

seriously this. she and all her friends should logically be dead right now. they just narrowly escaped a darwin award.

Guys like you let women fuck around for the 0,001% chance of getting chads sloppy seconds

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Hahaha, whoring around at bars is finally catching up to the normies. At legal bars and whatnot, too.
Meanwhile, I buy my illegal drugs and have never had a single problem in the world.
Whoring around, not going to church like all girls/women should, not staying a virgin, and marrying at 14 for life is careless, yeah

lol, ouch
>She was on a holiday to get her holes gaped by Chad

lol, why do you care? this isn't even your channel, let alone your board
lol fuck off white knight faggot

Yes it is. I have no respect for anyone who drinks, especially things like vodka.

l'm not interested in casual sex though.

so many edgy people in this thread pretending to be tough lmao

this desu
I'd bawl my eyes out if this was some chubby fellah, though

kinda love it too
makes me feel like a god compared to those degenerates

lol, ultimate picture to describe them too
ultra numale

How about learn to enjoy yourself without getting so drunk you black out like a subhuman with no interests or value

So many fucking Redditfags here. I don't know who this fucking thot is, or how she got blinded, but I'm going to sit here laughing at her pain, and all the Redditfag white knights defending her.

>be in a foreign country full of history, culture, beauty and inspiration
>only care about where the nearest bar is so you can get blackout drunk
I will never, ever understand this.

I feel some degree of sympathy but she still deserves it, drinking is degenerate and for people with no lives, it doesn't matter thats shes a girl

>tfw white women feel entitled to eyesight

She will still get laid and live a full filling life.
In a few years there will be another news piece about how she's doing and it will be roses.
Meanwhile y'all bitter never had my dick in pussy manlets will still be here.
H to the a

there are no virgins and losers on Jow Forums any more
this is normieville now

If they would be dead then you'd have literal murderers on the loose. But you, being an incel, would love that, since you love killers as long as they kill women.

They're called Brits.

lmao cool your jets

>I love to travel and party :)
what a tragic loss

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I am really interested in what qualities you have that make you so better than all these degenerates. Really I would love to know what makes you feel like a God

I dont get fucked by random strangers in bars half way across the world after getting blackout drunk on bathtub vodka

She would have just ended up cracking her head open on the ground from balconing anyways

don't worry guys!

she can still blow niggers

>what qualities you have that make you so better than all these degenerates

They put makeup on her for the camera, you mongoloid

Its actually been 3 years since she lost her eyesight, and the article talks about how she still keeps her usual routine of getting up and putting on her makeup with her sisters help

No one else at that bar went blind. She was clearly the biggest binge drinker there. Needs to be more education for women especially with their pathetic little kidneys that make them need to piss every 15 mins

>Hannah says she's always been determined to lead a normal life since losing her sight.
>She goes to the gym, the cinema. She goes shopping and celebrates friends' birthdays just like anyone else.

and functioning kidneys

i dont understand, why are some anons rejoicing this?

why do some people enjoy watching others in pain, even if they're degenerate?

i see this post and pity is the feeling i get, why do some anons laugh?

you don't belong here, outlander

You got it all wrong, incels are all good people and too nice, that's why they can't get girls, if only they were abusive assholes they could get girls

>be female
>piss 3 times a day at most
Am I ascended?

how do you manage to attention whore over even this subject?
god damn, women are disgusting subhumans

Lol how can you manage to get triggered over the most arbitrary statements, yet feel like you have a moral high ground to insult another person?

>Lol how can you manage to get triggered over the most arbitrary statements, yet feel like you have a moral high ground to insult another person?
none of that is a counterargument
I'm glad you realize you were attention whoring

>people deserve to be blinded because Im a virgin

BASED retards

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>Insults somebody with an image
>Image perfects personifies the person throwing the insult
Irony hurts don't it, faggot?
This ain't anyone's board you filthy nigger, and I've been here longer than you to know that shit. Go get laid.
How about you get some friends you can drink with who don't mind being around you for more than 10mins?
>Oh wait
You'd have to shower, brush your teeth, be somebody, intice intrigue, and actually be a decent human before you even get the CHANCE to get blackout drunk with friends.
Something I sure you have loads of. Right, user?
Lol it doesn't matter
>But to incels in this thread
The mere fact she has a pussy makes her deserving of such pain in their eyes. Shit makes me sick.
Dumb nigger I'm not even that poster, fuckin incel idiot.

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>being so jealous that a girl went to a bar with her friends that youre glad when something bad happens to her.

im a 25+ kv and even i have went out drinking with friends lmao

fucking mafia faggots. they really fucked up. now they cant harvest her organs. im sure that woulda gained them a lot more many than the money they saved on skimping at the bar..

Nah bro, how are you not BLINDED by the DIVINE JUSTICE you deserve for being a degenerate loser?
>These niggers' logic
>Fucking god

I don't think she should be blinded, OP is just a jealous faggot
But she is a dumbass, hasn't history proven that taking random drinks is a retarded idea?

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Losing eyesight is losing meaning of life. Atleast for me. I would have to fap to my imagination.

t. seething faggot
Didn't even bother to read it

I'm none of the anons you replied to, but still cringed the entire way through this post

In this thread, Incels are mad because Stacy didn't want to fuck them and probably still won't fuck them after being blind.
lmao you guys are pathetic. I know you're gonna be alone for the rest of your life.

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When you're at a touristy spot in a bar it should be considered safe to drink what they have.

Right on cue. Nothing ever changes.

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I wish I could feel sympathy, but I just don't. I absolutely fucking DESPISE roasties. I have an inability to feel empathy for any slut (aka anyone born with a vagina.)

God damn user have mercy

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I would drink your piss.
>cuz I is higher being

NPC programming of the incel kicked in.

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It is rather pathetic. It's one thing to take out your frustrations but quite another to be overjoyed that someone was blinded.

like when all the normies are getting overjoyed whenever some white male kicks the bucket?
it's only okay when it's non-whites and non-males, right?

What we mean by that is we enjoy wearing makeup sometimes just to have the confidence of walking outside looking like a more attractive version of ourselves.

We don't necessarily wear it because we are trying to get people to want to have sex with us, we just want the perks and confidence boost with knowing that you look good on a given day.

Not sure I've ever witnessed that, what exactly are you referring to? Most people are fake and pretend they are sorry when someone dies even when they hated them while they were alive.

Would you go makeup-less to have your picture taken and shown to millions of people?