Post honestly
>tfw incel
Post honestly
genetic trash, I would kill somebody to look like an incel in this pic
>incel - 30%
Whoever made this is a retard. More like 0.001%.
that gigachad is a freak of nature, like an over-muscular ape, can't believe females actually find this type of man attractive
Definitely genetic trash.
Probably even lower than that.
Why is the brad phenotype completely unattractive to me? Normie tier is my bread and butter, i will lust after Chad of course, but brad just seems subpar
where would you put that guy?
The normies are more attractive than the Brads.
I don't know what I am. This is the closest thing I've been able to find to my face other than a mirror or photo. The differences are fairly negligible, mainly being the eye color.
>posts random artwork instead of face
confirmed incel
low incel or high genetic trash
It's against board rules, jackoff. Besides, I'd rather not have my face permanently plastered here like anyone else who's face is ever posted.
low normie high incel
Bordering between incel and normie
Explain the difference between Chad and Brad? I always thought Chad was the high school jock.
art hipster can be on the same tier as brad
Where do fuccbois fit in?
They're always skinny or even skinnyfat. Their faces are average but look youthful, "cute" to girls. They have a sense of fashion and music. Despite having shitty genes they seem to get a lot of sex.
Their faces are probably attractive and those are the only genes women care about passing on
At least you are fucking white.
I'm black which means I'm automatically 2/10 face wise. I'm 6' feet 185 working out for 3 years but an Asian girl rejected me lately. I would do anything to be the white normie in that pic. Fuck the media saying white and asian women loving the bbc.
It's all propaganda.
Chad is the Alpha Jock and think of Brad as the Beta Jock, he will always be below Chad in everything.
F A C E = L I F E
Brads are rough around the edges. Less intelligent and kind and while strong and handsome not beautiful like Chad.
Brads are bullies, Chads are comfortable with themselves and have nothing to gain from it. They are sometimes aware of the genetic hierarchy and try show pity to their lessers, protecting them from brads.
GIgachad looking like Tony Robbins kek
>Post honestly
I'm a physically attractive incel
Genetic trash, but at least I get welfare as compensation for it :^)
wtf is this tier list? Percentages are totally wrong.
I'm volcel so normie tier I suppose
This is an old image.
Does not compute
Superior genetics even if they dont have as good genetics as the gigachad even with the genetic dilution the offspring will all be full blown chads or staceys its not the hard to figure out why they do it
nigger i'm quite sure incels don't make up 30% of the male population
Incel bordering on genetic trash due to bad skin, chubbiness and mental illness.
I was with two women, achieved in less than two weeks of trying, fuck your self-pitying drivel.
genetic trash but worse since im not even white
I look a little bit better than giga Chad
Incel, so close to normie, but just not enough.