If I run 30mins a day will I lose weight?

If I run 30mins a day will I lose weight?

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Only if you also count calories carefully.

You might if you're staying exactly even as is, but you'd lost a lot more if you cut out food or ate differently.

Does this board look like Jow Forums to you?

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i have serious doubts that you could
but yes, very much so. you could probably lose 40-80 lbs in a year depending on your current wieght

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Step one: get MyFitnessPal
Step two: scan or enter everything you eat
Step three: eat less calories than your body weight needs to maintain yourself, do occasional exercise but don't add it to your calorie counter because it will fuck up your tracking and make you lose slower.

Don't reward yourself for exercising by eating worse

Take vitamins, whether it be through diet or pills

Lift weights, even a bit, 2 - 3 times a week at least. Even if you're a girl. It will make you healthier instead of a weak skinnyfat skeletonman

Maybe (faggot)


>step 1
>step 2
VERY unnecessary, unles you literally cannot remember the things you eat
>step 3
false. you probably just need to eat less sugar and more fiber/ fats

vitamins are good

not if you eat like shit, you can be a couch potato and loose weight if you eat properly

>false. you problably just need to eat less sugar and more fiber/fats
OP asked about losing weight, not pooping better or improving his general health. I actually 100% agree with you, but most of the people on this board have severe self-motivation problems and a tracking app is can help with lack of motivation.

Want to lose weight? Eat less calories than your body burns.

CUM until you excrete 30 lbs worth of CUM

...have you ever lost weight before? you sound like an armchair dietician

Yes but you got to stop stuffing your face with junk food too, fat boy.

If you wanna lose weight, you should gain muscle. You can still be skinny(if you want to be) and have muscle.

Why not hit the gym and exercise?

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why lift weights when you're trying to lose weight? I thought you couldn't build muscle if you're eating less calories than you're using?

You will lose weight if you eat right. You will lose weight faster if you do both

Assuming you don't eat 5kg of deep fried butter yes you will lose weight that way.

it's not one or the other. you can gain muscle while you're losing weight, as long as you have fat to burn

Because I don't want muscle. I just want to be skinnier.
I eat barely anything yet I don't lose weight. My metabolism is awful.

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what are you eating though? could give me an estimate of what you eat in a day with the weight of the things you eat

>You Dont want muscle

You'll lose weight hitting the gym.
It seems like you hardly even care.
Atleast TRY.

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I don't eat breakfast, I eat a sandwich for lunch, make a small bowl of fried rice with fish for dinner. Eat a piece of bread with an apple.
That's literally it.

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Yes it's entirely possible but you need to be careful with what you consume
running 3 miles in 30 minutes and then eating a pizza wont help at all

Fat fucks have a tendency to understate how much they actually eat. You're a chubby little fucker.

bruh you gotta step up your fats/ protiens/ fiber intake
eat beans broccoli cook with butter and oil steaks chicken breast use seasonings like garlic salt pepper parsley eggs whole milk and things

understating would be pointless. I literally never snack on anything other than fruits. My BMI is 21 but I'd like to be down at 18.
What does that change user?

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Hit the gym for fuck sake

if you want to lose weight just go vegan. vegans have the lowest BMI for a reason, and they eat all they want. literally go vegan and eat till you vomit and you will still lose weight


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yeh that doesn't sound like much, you should try counting the calories of each meal you eat to make sure you're actually "eat barely anything". Also, I'm not suggesting you do this because its unhealthy as fuck but if all you want to do is loose weight you could try keto
>My BMI is 21
well thats why you're probably not loosing weight because you're already a healthy weight, a BMI of 18 is too low, if you want your BMI to be that low you'll have to starve yourself or start smoking or something

you get a lot more nutrition and feel better i guess

Yeah. Just don't eat too much, either. Try to limit your caloric intake, but cardio every day will definitely help!

Doing cardio shit like jogging and cycling doesn't result in easy fat loss, as most people wind up eating more sugar to keep energy levels up during or after the exercise, which negates any calories burned. You could change your diet to become fat-adapted, but that's expensive and a pain in the ass. Also, your body adapts really quickly to the activities, which makes it burn less calories. It's a lot easier to simply not eat 300 calories instead of running it off. You could do HIIT, which is way more effective than steady-state jogging or whatever, but your chances of injury increase dramatically.

Building muscle will increase your passive calorie burn, and all you really need to do is a few sets of lifts and some basic-bitch core work every day.

I guess you could try meme shit like pic related but I have doubts that it would lead to a long-term healthy lifestyle.

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Thank you! Do you know any websites that talk about these sort of basic-bitch core workouts?

cut out bread and sugar and you'll have no fat

>I guess you could try meme shit like pic related but I have doubts that it would lead to a long-term healthy lifestyle.


I know that feel
>be me
>18 bmi
>fat on stomach and hips
>no muscle
>try to get healthier
>ppl keep saying I'm already skinny and I should be happy

It's one hundred percent calories in versus calories out. You'll lose weight so long as you dont shovel shit into your face, even without running.

Everyone overweight who says this tends to lie. Let me guess that is on-top of alcohol and a fuck ton of soda.

Searching for core workouts will get you a million suggestions. I like planks and their variations, hollow body hold, dead bug (actually I fucking hate this one but like burpees they're too damn effective), reverse crunches, ab wheel rollouts, or fallouts if you don't have the wheel handy.
When people go on crash diets that radically change their diet, they have good initial results with weight loss. But as soon as they go back to normal eating, all of that weight comes back on. Oftentimes they'll binge like mad because they were miserable during the crash phase. It's better to make less radical changes that can easily become habitual. I do know people can make a lifestyle out of fasting, but that is rare.

Look at this richfag able to afford groceries

Literally everyone in this thread.

You can make yourself look better guaranteed.

But nope, just complaining.

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>When people go on crash diets that radically change their diet, they have good initial results with weight loss. But as soon as they go back to normal eating, all of that weight comes back on. Oftentimes they'll binge like mad because they were miserable during the crash phase. It's better to make less radical changes that can easily become habitual. I do know people can make a lifestyle out of fasting, but that is rare.

thanks for the heads up. I am 16 hours in!

>Just lift bro! Even though you have a terrible 3/10 face, lifting fixes everything brooo!

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You cannot beat thermodynamics. Literally the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn.

With that attitude you'll never make it.

Just find a 3/10 GF brah.

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>Bro your mantits are okay if you lift!
>It's all good dawg, even though you got shit form and I'm too busy fucking college girls to help you!
>Give it time bro, your muscles are just waking up!
>Work through the pain! Even if you injure yourself no pain no gain!

Stop complaining.

The only person that can help you is yourself.
If you really want to self improve you wouldn't think twice.

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I don't want to pay to work out in a hostile environment surrounded by normalfags, you can do all the same shit in your apartment with the right equipment.

If you self-improve you'll just end up looking like a superficial faggot who's trying too hard.

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>hostile environment

Go at 9am you sissy faggot. Gym is always empty.
Yeah you can do the same shit at home but are you gonna? NO.

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The virgin self improver looks more CONFIDENT than the regular virgin.

See he's making it, but are you even trying?

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die fat and alone

Matter in, matter out.

Start shitting more.

I'm not paying a subscription fee and going out of my way to travel somewhere for something I can do in my apartment for free with lower likelihood of running into people I don't want to.

Just trying to help.

Just make it opposite day for once and see what happens.
You got nothing to lose.

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You don't want to lose weight, you want a better body. 30 minutes of cardio is good for you and will give you a better body. How much it helps depends on other factors. But it's still worth doing. Work on building the habit.

>all these fuckers justifying their laziness with dumb delusional memes
lmao either just admit that you can't be assed or go do it

You wont make it, you will be busy fapping to loli hentai, give up on those thoughts

I like that one too OP

I'm exercising daily and eating 1500cal/day. Already losing fat. Just make sure what you do eat isn't total shit. Lean chicken, rice, eggs, veggies. Cut bread as much as possible. You'll lose weight.

>only considering thermodynamics
>not considering hormones

you know if you reduce your calories, your body will go into power save mode, make you feel constantly hungry all the time and make you less active and motivated. It also slows down your metabolism and makes it hard to keep your lower weight stable. You need to also look into managing your insulin, leptin, and ghrelin to eat in a way that makes you feel less hungry. That way you can run a calorie deficit without suffering and gaining the weight back as soon as you hit your target.

>If I run 30mins a day will I lose weight?
Yes, of course. Any physical activity will raise your metabolic demands.

Getting stronger has uses other than improving your looks. The moment you lift 220 pounds off the ground for the first time something changes inside your brain and it keeps changing every pound you add to your DL afterwards.

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