Does being a manlet cause hair loss? Also, how does deadlift 1RM correlate with amount of hair on your head?
Does being a manlet cause hair loss? Also, how does deadlift 1RM correlate with amount of hair on your head?
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Testosterone causes growth plates to fuse. More testosterone also means more DHT, which causes hair loss.
no in twin studies the twin with lower tesosterone has more baldness on average
when your body lacks testosterone it will produce more dihydrotestesterone which is a dht amplifier
people dont go bald from regular test, they go bald from dht
being a manlet probably has no real correlation to testosterone, i see plenty of high test manlets
yup here's a prime high test man
>when your body lacks testosterone it will produce more dihydrotestesterone which is a dht amplifier
Gonna need some citation on this
not hating, genuinely curious
DHT is converted from testosterone
No, but being a manlet WITH hair loss causes the rope
" and higher testosterone levels (p = 0.040) were associated with decreased temporal hair loss. "
that it amplifies, is a known fact, dht is much more potent than regular test, about 3 times, i confirmed with an actual doctor
at least you asked nicely instead of "cant be, give source" so id gladly :D enjoy buddeh
"Finasteride treatment led to a generally modest increase relative to placebo in serum testosterone, with the greatest increases occurring in men with low baseline testosterone levels. "
finasteride increases your testosterone
and decreases your dht:
"Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P
sorry, at end, i meant decrease dihidrotest*
yes but since dht is 3x more potent if your body does not have the test it wants to have then it will create more dht to balance out your androgens a bit
My face changed drastically after 2 years of taking fin (started at 19), I think for the better. Stopped beard growth tho.
Your body doesn't produce DHT directly though, it's converted from testosterone by 5alpha-reductase
>working hair loss drugs increase testosterone and decrease regular test
Yeah because they inhibit 5α-Reductase, thus preventing testosterone from being converted into DHT, they don't raise testosterone directly
>Having a skull to pull it off
>Not buzzing it down to at least half a centimeter
>Dihydrotestosterone which is a DHT amp
>Dihydrotestosterone which is a Dihydrotestosterone amp
>DHT amps DHT
Infinite söy lööp.
Is there a way to get hairline gains?
can confirm that my free test is at 17 ng/dl post finasteride usage. Shit works.
you mean 10x
hair loss is caused by stress, i.e. cortisol, estrogen, and prolactin. blaming dht for balding is like blaming a gun for killing people. stress is the one who pulls the trigger.
alex also masturbates a lot.
if I'm not mistaken it's actually estrogen that fuses growth plates. High T isn't the cause, but it's byproduct
arimidex and tamoxifen are used to delay precocious puberty on male children under 10
t. Fullhead
I'm very 6'6" and have hair, and everyone I've seen with hair loss have been shorter than me. Coincidence?
post face and body
shoo shoo peat brainlet
You're study did not mention anything about lower testosterone causing high DHT levels in a control group dumbass. Free test increases temporarily in the short term but then begins to steadily decline in the long term with increased finasteride use. DHT is responsible for all kinds of masculine qualities in men. Most of it's fucntions are enacted on the brain skeletal musculature (hardening effect) and, penile tissue. You'll literally lose penile girth if you take it for an extended period of time.
look it up dufus. I took the shit for months and noticed the sides. If you don't believe me and can't do the research for yourself before you take something that effectively turns you into a tranny then there's not much I can do for you man.
> look it up
My penis grew another half an inch in length after 2.5 years of using fin. Erection quality is changing and i do feel they're slightly weaker on average but it's very minor. Less girth is due to weaker erections, i tested it myself after measuring at the days my penis was rock hard.
ur high estrogen, my cock rock hard all the time with fin
No, I still have a full head of hair at 33