Too many lifting threads, so here's a running thread to mix it up. Advice, apps, gear or showing off. It's all good, just don't be a dick.
/run/ general
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For me, it's the nike run club app
>Using electronics while running
>not just being one with your body and nature
Gonna make it status: Never Ever
Anyone got that professional sprinting program that's like the equivalent of couch to 10k?
I don't like running. I like hiking
>not wanting to measure your performance
low iq pleb detected
anybody here run in urban areas? It's counterproductive
I do. I do try to plan my long runs out of the city though. But for easy runs it's whatever. I try to do it early in the morning or late in the evening.
>b-but my social media attentionwhoring while doing so!
or are you telling me you are too stupid to use a literal clock?
>what is ease of use
I do quantitative data analysis. Could I do it all by hand? Probably. Would take me ages though. I could also not be a retard and use tools to help me get my data faster. After all the end goal is using metrics to anaylze and improve. Anything to make that process easier is good. Same thing applies to running.
I just dislike all the smoke from cars and stuff. Also, I guess I'm still adjusting from moving back from a mountainous area so there's that.
It's flat and humid now. Ugh.
Good lucking tracking your performance on this level with a wrist watch.
>all those numbers
autism much? Or are you some sort of scientist?
My man. Especially when it’s on mountains.
Yeah that comes with the territory. Try to run before or after most people are on the road. It makes a world of difference.
Bad troll desu
I can't get out much due to my job so I run on an incline trainer at home. I usually get about an hour Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to run. Any tips on optimizing this time?
>workout duration
Precisely what a watch tells you.
You know where you start and where you finish.
Holy shit! You burn calories when you exercise?
Can be deduced with time and distance.
b-but i can take screenshots and show it to my friends
samefagging datalet
>that embarrassing max speed
t. scrawny faggot twink manlet
>What are Garmin Forerunners and Fenix
You get all that and more.
Still resting a week after a half-marathon. Will restart with base building next week since I got a marathon in October.
Thats not very nice user. If you're gonna shittalk some user, post your own stats.
So I run a sub 4 minute k (6 min mile) time and find it quite easy desu, but i drop off dramatically after that.
How do I push that intensity for more distance? I really want to get 5K in 20 minutes. currently hitting about 4-4.4.
Reminder to do more mileage
Reminder to eat a high carb, low fat diet
run longer distances. That shit took me like a year
That’s pathetically slow
Whats the difference between workout duration and total duration?
Absolutely this. Just Google Map your route to measure your planned distance then put on a fucking watch. Simple.
Reply for interest
Watch Forest Gump for inspiration
Best insoles for reducing shin splints?
do you wear any underwear under running shorts with built-in liner briefs? Does compression+liner prevent chafing/overheat?
Might want to examine your form first. Are you sure insoles would solve your problem?
why run when you can cycle?
I just wear my normal boxer briefs. Never had any trouble with chafing.
I am in my 6th week of running and decided to do something goofy today; I did 15k in 1h25m. Is that an ok time?
Yeah, that a nice time. 2 hour half marathons or 4 hour marathons are excellent goals.
It’s all relative. How does the pace compare to your other runs? I forgot it’s a little slower than usual, that’s normal bc it’s such a long run; if it’s the same pace as usual or faster, that’s really good
Regardless, 15k is a great run. Good shit bro. Keep running consistently, and you’ll be able to run further and faster in a few weeks
I want to run more than twice a week but shin splints is hard to keep in check with less rest. Anything else I can do to avoid or negate it other than rest?
Amazing summer weather right now and every day I'm not running or lifting feels like rotting inside.
How is your form? Have you had it analyzed?
Not really. What are some usual failures with form that I should look out for? It's particularly difficult in my opinion to fix a habit when you're doing something as monotonous as running, you lose focus while correcting a mistake fairly easily.
I have good shoes and insoles, they shouldn't be a problem.
most run tracking apps pause when you stop for red lights and so on. so workout time is moving time, total time is moving + non moving
Well, maybe you dont even need insoles. Could be correcting for a problem that doesnt exist. When inproving form you dont need to improve everything at once. That will be exhausting and completely counterproductive. Try and focus on different things at a time, e.g. shoulders, chest, hips, breathing, etc. etc. Try and practice your running form by doing strides or shorts distances where you focus on speed and form. Increased speed will often necessitate the need to maintain form. Any chance you can film your runs or walk next to glass buildings which you can use as mirrors?
anyone here utilizing /minimalist/ footwear like vibrams FF or huaraches?
Is he running from his chin?
He's going supersonic
If its a one size fits all programm its not professional
check out the nike runn cluib app it builds custom plans
Man FUCK mosquitoes. Asshole motherfucking cunts.
How do you train for speed? Is it literally just lmao sprint nigger?
I want to crush my friends at a 5k
Lol hello Florida man
Volume. Run 30k or more per week. No need to do fancy speedwork, but some strides at the end of your easy runs are recommended.
Unless it's padded with grass/sand, you WILL fuck up your knees/hips.
Jump rope as a substitute
>this meme again
Stop being fat. Ill let the other user post the links.
If you're American fat: walk
If you're European fat: jog
If you're fit: run
Are there any low-impact substitutes for running that are just as good cardio? Stair climbing seems good but elliptical machines feel like they don't work as well, almost like they're too easy. I'm trying not to destroy my feet/legs/knees/everything while still getting good cardio
>He thinks impacting his body on hard concrete and asphalt as good.
No faggot, we are designed to run on grass/sand/padded material for long distances.
Not stomping around on shit that sends your forced back into your body.
No, a europoor. Those flying fucks are everywhere.
They're called running shoes my obese friend. You might want to check them out. Pretty awesome concept.
Yes. Baguazhang circle walking. Here is some copy pasta which I have found to be true after 4 months of walking the circle (I am so grateful to have found this art and will likely continue to practice until the day I die)
>The truth is that if the practitioner walks the circle for approximately one hour per day, bending the knees so that body is at a mid-level stance allowing the Qi to sink to the dan tian, and walks at a moderate pace, changing directions on the circle every ten to fifteen rotations, and constantly insures that the body does not bob up and down or wobble back and forth while walking, the physical benefits in terms of leg strength, upper body conditioning, respiratory function, cardiovascular function, nervous system function, immune system function, Qi development, and peace of mind will be phenomenal
an important point to highlight is the emphasis on rooting your foot into/out of the ground, feeling pressure evenly along the whole flat surface from toe tips to the heel. The knee is a weight transference joiint not a weight bearing joint.
Reminds me of this song. Hope you enjoy it.
can i have some shoe reccs please? tank you
you're awful
i don't, but then again I'm not a chemically castrated numale. your experiences may be different
dude what are your goals? what events do you run? what are your current times? how much experience do you have?
do you seriously think you can make a good routine without all this information?
mile repeats
If you are serious, stretch and flexibility drills. Also incorporate lunges on your rest days/days at the gym. Go for distance + speed rather than weight. Also keep in mind "rest days" aren't an excuse to do nothing. You can still foam roll, stretch, and do cross training
run more
this is more than fine for an easy long run, don't know who the dudes replying to you think they're kidding
People are trolling. Hope that user realizes that.
These anons are squared away.
Why would you bring a radiating distraction device with you, or worse yet - pollute your mind and thoughts and deprive your senses with something as retarded as ear buds and music.
Signed up for the Portland marathon in Oct. It will be my first marathon, I've done a couple of halves and a Hood to Coast. I'm just using a Garmin vivofit to track my runs, the Iphone XR is just to fucking massive to carry on a run.
Decent, but to be considered a "good" runner you will have to do a half marathon (21 km) in less than 1h 30 mins.
>I want to run more than twice a week but shin splints
Probably just the impact of a hard landing?
How is your fore-foot technique?
Inline speedskating. You get FAR more speed and no joint impact.
get a load of this pussy. If you're a gigantic fat fuck, yes you will have problems until you loose weight. If you are a heel-strike asshole, yes you will have problems until you correct your form. If you have a normal BMI and correct form you will be fine, humans are adapted to running long distances.
>how to avoid shin splints
I'm gonna blow your mind:
You can have perfect form all day, every day, and still get shin splints and, worse, even stress fractures if you dont change your running shoes. Assuming you run 2-3 times a week, the absolute longest you should wait before replacing your current shoes is 6 MONTHS.
If you wait any longer than that, you will get shin splints on your worn out shoes. I suggest changing your shoes once every 3 months to be on the safe side.
Source: me, a guy who ran 3 times a week and got shin splints and stress fractures after not changing his shoes for 7 months.
kek cope harder fatty
You are correct. Even though there is a minority of people with knee predispositions who will get hurt by running, they are just that: a minority. As long as you're not too fat / austrichmode, running is extremely beneficial.
I us my apple watch to see how long I've run, how far and I keep track of my heart rate. Not gonna do that manually my nigga.
Why do you need to monitor all these things?
When it comes to time, you can just use a regular watch.
I just don't see the need for so much information unless you are truly a maniac.
I excercise my shin muscles by lifting my feet but keeping the heel on the ground. Not sure if autistic but some running youtuber with big shin muscles told me to do it so I am.
I use Runtastic, it does the job
I use NRC app and like it really well
I wish you could see past records though - mile, 5k, longest, etc... to see how far you've come record-wise
Yeah, if I had twitter Id message them about it. Nike's is pretty active on that front. Incidentally, anyone here ever participated in the challanges? Seems you can win all kinds of cool gear if you do them.
>running in 2019
have fun when your dick explodes lmfao
Does it make a difference if I run in the evening instead of morning? I don't like spending half a day to recover from the run. Do I miss out on gains if I run in the evening?
not really but there are some things to consider. If you run fasted in the AM you might put yourself if a better position to burn fat. Also, if you run too late at night you might have a harder time falling asleep. Personally I find running over lunch to be the best option for me, don't have to get up super early and you're not fucking with your sleep schedule.
Personally I run in the AM because I work till 8pm and when I arrive home I have just enough energy for a quick fuck then sleep.
I've been running solely on the balls of my feet without touching anyting else to the ground. And My calves are getting much stronger.
Eventually they won't feel like Jell-O afterwards.
>not wanting to explode your dick in a qt girl
>willingly giving away your seed to the gender gains goblins
I explode my dick several times a week.
debased and nonofap pilled
Carrying a phone on long runs is smart incase you get injured. Wont kinda suck to have a heart attack and not being able to call emergency services. Or a friend if you've twisted an ankle.
saucony kinvaras are amazing if you can handle the low heel drop
i switched to them from mizuno wave riders
I went for a chill recovery run tonight and actually had to stop a half mile from home because it felt like something in my left calf was going to explode, it feels like it doesn't want to flex at all and running on it it felt totally solid, like the muscles were seized together
What do I need to do? I've been stretching before running by reaching down to touch my toes for 10 seconds and also by putting my toes on the kerb with my heels on the road and leaning forward to stretch the back of my legs
Hold on. Did you stretch with cold muscles? Dont ever do that bro. Dynamic stretches after doing a 5-10 min warmup jog only.