Anyone else have trouble reading people

I always end up in these situations where I'm talking with people who I think like me or I have been told like me but I'm always to much of a robot to bring up the topic unless I feel I'm certain.

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Pretty sure that's everyone here.

You have to be hungry like the wolf, not waiting for your prey to yield itself to you of its own accord.

It was like this for me in school. But it was mostly due to the fact that I was so anxious and uncomfortable that my brain froze up. In a situation like the one in your pic I wouldnt be able to think. Anyone speaking would just be inaudible noise.

in general if you're not sure whether she likes you or not its probably because shes doesn't

Once, a girl flatly told me she was interested, I sperged so hard, I went into "fight or flight" mode, ran away and almost got ran over by a car.
My friends still tease me about this up to this day.

I was always dead positive, no natter matter what, that they were fucking with me and trying to do some sort of backhanded carrie style shit on me.

I can read people but I still get nervous
for example when girls ate next to during lunch I would always start shaking and spill my food

This. People fucked with me so much in school that I now just assume anyone being even remotely nice to me is fucking with me. And they probably are tbqh desu famalam.

>years ago
>female roommate "accidentally" walks in on me pre-shower
>freak out and cover up, start backing away
>she's still coming close to me and smiling, looking straight in my eyes but i'm looking around trying to find a towel
>stomach in knots, cant breathe
>dive into the shower and close the door
>she pees in the toilet and leaves
i was this close and i still fucked it up, a girl needs to tell me to my face in plain words that she wants a sexual encounter with me
i can kind of read people a little bit, just the very basic expressions and body language
but also been messed with enough times to assume anyone being nice is trying to take advantage of me

here, have a (you)
why does it have to be like this?

Pretty messed up to invade your privacy in the bathroom though. I think you reacted to it just fine.

i developed feelings for this girl, i didn't like her at first but, the first months of school that girl would high five me every time she sees me and so i would high five back like a normal well functioning human but we didn't know each other that much, and sometimes she would sit next to me during lunch, she was relatively friendly to everyone so i assumed she didn't actually like me, so i barely interacted with her cause shes just probably fucking with me (no shit), as time passes by i can slowly see her lose interest in me (no fucking shit) and didn't give me her high fives like we used to have, what should i do :(

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i think she probably likes me? she very noisy and extroverted i swear she wants attention from me, school is almost over.

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Tell her the truth worst case scenario is she says she doesn't like you in that way in which case you've always got the "haha just kidding" back up if needed

This right here. This is what fucked me up good and proper even to the point I can tell a girl likes me several different people have told me she likes me but I still sperged out when she very clearly wanted a kiss.... Never saw her again after that fml

you must not lose her. say it soon.

you mean, act like...a predator?
I'm sure this will turn out great

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People with autism have a hard time reading unspoken social ques and body language.

If a girl likes you she'd straight up tell you lol. Then its banging time within the week, yall missing out

>If a girl likes you she'd straight up tell you lol
not true at all
this is only true if you are chad or brad
t. former brad

ew look how hairy the white girl is disgusting
asian girl looks 100x better in comparison

This. When I was 15 I had a girl who sat next to me who would always strike up a conversation in class ask me for homework and talk to me outside of school.

Then one day I got a message from her on Facebook where she used

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Due to my crippling depression, anxiety and self loathing I mostly read everyone as disliking or just plain hating my ass.

Experiences in life have confirmed this countless times.

Its kind of like how young ravens pull the tails of non dangerous animals to practice driving large predators off carrion.

Women in the wild need a male they have manipulated in to protecting them or they end up eaten by an animal or raped to death. So as they mature they practice on safe males.

>Be me, in 4th grade.
>School dance is coming up.
>9 y.o. me is excited to show my moves.
>Don't really know about asking girls to dance or anything yet.
>Prettiest girl in school comes up to me during recess and asks me to go with her.
>Probably the first time I realized attraction to the opposite sex.
>Excitedly agree.
>Day of the dance, get dressed up, slick hair back, buy new sunglasses, think I look good.
>See girl at dance, talking to other guy.
>Ask her to dance with me.
>"Haha, user, that was just a joke! Me and Stacy were just trying to see who could get the most guys to agree to go with them!"
>Utterly crushed, and confused.
>Never really trusted women ever again, even when they throw themselves at me.

People think I'm totally unable to read other people, but really I'm just afraid of getting hurt.

But its not even that I showed tonnes of interest in her. I never flirted with her, I never hinted that I was interested in her. She would ask me benign questions and I would give neutral andwers. She would ask me for the homework and I would tell her what we had to do. The most I would do is send a smiley face at the end.

I was just happy to have someone of the opposite sex speak to me for once and of course she had to use it to destroy me emotionally.

Like why would anyone do that? Pretend to be friends with them? Like its some kind of sick game. Who cares about my feelings? Its funny to give the quiet dude the impression that people have any semblence of interest in him. Ha ha, what a loser he thought people liked him.

Literal soulless harpies. Building up their egos by destroying others.

Its gotten to the point where last year I had a girl statight up say she wanted to go out on a date with me and I just came up with some excuse, saying that I am not interested in dating at the moment. I just cant put myself in that situation where I will be the butt of the joke for some cruel cunts.

> i swear she wants attention from me
most women value attention higher than sex, many even get more satsifaction from flirting than actually fucking. It is very possible that she is toying with you and has no intention to let you do it with you.