Why are incels so despised by normalfags? Most disenfranchised groups at least illicit some sympathetic response...

Why are incels so despised by normalfags? Most disenfranchised groups at least illicit some sympathetic response, but incels are always mocked and their problems ignored. Even now that we have a loneliness epidemic and some countries (like China) are having numbers of superfluous males in the millions, the problems of incels are still ignored.

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The worst part is if you ask this to any norman they will immediately write you off as an incel.

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being an incel is like being a virgin without the purity
when people get called virgins it's usually cause they're being naive or childish, it's more innocent
but people who get called incel are usually hateful weirdos who act like they're against the whole world and the natural order of things

Because incels chose to be that way. They are angry and narcissistic and always total jerks to everyone they interact with. Would you want to he friends with someone who wants to brutally murder you?

They are against the natural order of things. Those who are evolutionary unsuccessfull are shunned and die out. This naturally makes them bitter.

>tfw you're ugly and introverted
>tfw normies immediately think you're out to murder you
The worst thing is that retards iike yourself probably don't consider themselves shallow, either.

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Because normies think its our own fault we're incels. They have no inner voice, NPCs as you will, who are incapable of critical thinking. They just go around spewing the same dribble.

>Just go to the gym
>Just be yourself
>Youre just lazy man up like I did bitch :)
>Just go outside
>We all got problems
>Just get a job

If you try to ask them what you should do after you go to the gym. Or after you get a job. They wont be able to tell you.

Because incels create their own problems with their thoughts and morals. In nature the most desirable mates are either first time estrus females or experienced mothers while Incels want a women in 25 that's virgin and absolutely despise teenage girls or single mothers.

>accept that you're lucky, or if you're a woman that you're a problem causer, and go against the dogma that women are eternal victims of men
>get your ego inflated by incels making you feel superhuman for being average

>yes all incels are bad people who want 10/10 virgin stacies
>no not all muslims!!
fuck off normie

have you ever considered that you wouldn't defend being a slut if you weren't ashamed of it

Nobody hates you as you wish so you can support your erroneous self diagnosis. Everyone experiences loneliness but not everyone sinks into self pity and you take self pity to a new depths. Then you throw pity parties and get angry when no one comes.

>Nobody hates you as you wish so you can support your erroneous self diagnosis.
Are you serious? Redditors and normies are obsessed with incels. A canadian official even declared them a national threat.

Admit it, normalfag. You're obsessed with incels.

this, incels are also universally dumb and ugly, just all around unfavorable people

Imma dude. its so ez to dupe single mothers dunno why are you not trying it

You'd love to be the center of the universe but no one cares until one of you shoots up a movie theater. You're like a spoiled little yapper dog that constantly yaps for attention, we continue to feed and water you but otherwise tune you out since the times we try to pet you you bite. Yap, yap, yap

retards like you make me empathize with school shooters

>yaps for attention
Go to Jow Forumsinceltears. There are faggots there who make 20+posts a day catalogueing everything incels do. Incels don't have to yap for attention; anything they do gets scrutinized automatically.

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yap, yap, yap.......no one will come to your pity party

talking about a pothole in the road doesn't mean the pothole is more important than the road

Because they'd rather adopt a mentality of being doomed to blaming their lack of sex for all of their problems rather than doing anything about it. Its irritating. They take rejection so hard that they think there is some kind of special omen preventing them from doing anything in life. It's a paradox. No one likes me I cant get laid. Cant get laid no one likes me. Time to blame everyone and make everyone hate me even more.

That comparison makes no sense whatsoever you brainlet

>tfw im 5'4 bald uggo
>tfw i pull myself up by my bootstraps
>tfw now i'm a 6'2 chad
You're right. Mentality can do so much.

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Proving the point with your angry narcissistic reply.

Where are the moderate incels? When has an incel ever spoken out against violence and terrorism?

Incel mental gymnastics right there.
>waaaah I am a special snowflake give me attention because every man on the planet can get girls except me

You said:
>Would you want to he friends with someone who wants to brutally murder you?
So my response to mock you is perfectly valid.

>Oh shit, he's right. If you're ugly and short then you're really fucked.
>Better insult him for something completely different to deflect from this
Great argument, faggot

Nah you just have to get rid of that ingrained hatred toward women to get them to like you. You dont need to look great. My friends a 3/10 autist and still gets laid more than I do. Good luck. First step to getting better is admitting you have a problem with women.

Their entire personality is based around the fact that they're a virgin, it's whack

They're all so fucking weird

>if you stop hating women then they'll like you
How much of a fucking idiot are you?

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>hurr incels create their own problems
Fags can just ignore their urges and marry women. Trannies can just ignore their urges too and go lift or something. Blacks can just do well at school and not do dumb shit. Almost every disenfranchised group's problems are self-inflicted to a great degree and yet they get sympathy and are never blamed for anything.

Because they take out their anger at women because they think they deserve sex simply by being nice whereas getting sex requires more than that and it doesn't come down to who deserves what based on merit. Just because someone else has something and you don't doesn't make it unfair.

>makes a thread asking why people hate incels
>replies literally prove my point
Seems you're somewhat of a genius yourself my buddy :-)

If women actually liked them better, they wouldn't hate them.

>First step to getting better is admitting you have a problem with women.
By that logic, a rape victim's problem isn't the rapist (or the rape for that matter), it's her.

You really don't understand common references, do you?

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>First step to getting better is admitting you have a problem with women.
Getting "better" in any capacity has nothing to do with admissions. Even if we're talking addiction.

Yeah by that circular** logic. You're right. You're wrong. But by your own beliefs you're right. Fix your stupid made up axioms and you'll have a right answer.

Im not even an incel, but the idea that "if you dont respect women, you wont get a gf/get laid" is just fucking nonsense. You absolutely can hate women and get laid. Women dont have some magic misogyny detector. Hell, even when they are aware of a dude's hatred of women, they still go for him. Like Ted Bundy, or Chris Brown, or that one nigger with the blue eyes.

>Fix your stupid made up axioms and you'll have a right answer.
Okay, and fixing my axioms still leads to:
>If women actually liked them better, they wouldn't hate them.
>By that logic, a rape victim's problem isn't the rapist (or the rape for that matter), it's her.

But it is based on merit obviously. Females choose their sexual partners based on traits and desirability no? It's just that incels fundamentally lack those sexual qualities.

>Just because someone else has something and you don't doesn't make it unfair.
the whole complaint about white privilege is based solely on this :/

Bullying is natural, and so humans have an urge to bully. The left has been succesful in redirecting that urge away from "protected groups" (blacks, gays, trannies, etc) and towards a handful of "lightning rod" groups (incels, racists, sexists, etc).

this but unironically
i was an ugly, scrawny slant eyed gook who was also NEET. however, i bee'd myself and now im 6'1 handsome muscular aryan with a tremendous dong

90% of incels are fully responsible for the state they are in, yet refuse to acknowledge it. it's that simple

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there aren't enough intelligent posts on Jow Forums these days. thanks for being one of them.

thats why so many of them fall back on biological determinism. they hate the idea of freewill and just blame everything on their physiology.

Yeah bro, if you're ugly then just work on your personality, and eventually a girl will want to date you. Not me though haha!

People say the same thing about the PTSD my mom suffers since dad raped her. :/

she just needs to learn to love herself ;)

There is no such thing as incels. They're all volcels who doesn't want to fuck ugly chicks.

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You are not smart enough to understand short or ugly guys get girls all the time? Are you literally the ugliest man in the world and 3 feet tall? If not, then you are just a dumb volcel proving the point.

Correct except it's more like 99%

Nobody is that ugly, you literally proved his point. You do nothing but make excuses for not trying.

It's just the nature of normies. They're barely aware of what they're doing anyway.

They get their sense of morality from the tv and politics and celebs. They live in confirmation bias paradise.

>nobody is that ugly
yes they are, dipshit

>Nobody is that ugly
You've clearly not seen people with disfigurements or physical disabilities.

volcels are incels stop making up words to soothe your butthurt faggot

That and/or they don't have the money to bribe a girl or pay a whore.

Well I kinda understand that point and yes it makes sense. But. When you get panic attacks just from imagining interactions with people it's kinda hard to not blame it on one's physiology. And the thing is I have no idea what's wrong with me and why I feel like this. I have no idea how to work on it or even know what step to take, plus there's also my "physiology" which is making it even harder.
And also I am fully aware that I'm completely responsible for my state and I know it but it ain't that black and white.

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Because incels are ultimately right about the less savory parts of human nature, which is devastating to all modern liberal moralism.

same here. People say 'just cheer up' or 'just do things you enjoy' but im a black hole on the inside. Nothing gives me joy. It's all so tiresome

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>Because incels are ultimately right about the less savory parts of human nature

That might be true but the majority of people stil lget by despite these things, incels are just weaklings that refuse to try.

A vocal portion of the incel community, or at least this community fixates on hating everyone outside of it, and particularly on violence. No one wants to hang out with the guy who's talking about killing or raping people.

They get by because it doesnt affect them. They can say "Being ugly is a horrible thing that'll put you at a disadvantage" and still get by because they aren't fucking ugly themselves.

they never have. they pile on and justify the women killed

When are incels ever right about anything? The reason they don't get girls is because they are completely wrong in the first place.

>ugliness doesnt affect you getting laid
>the dating scene isn't heavily skewed against men
>humans aren't completely superficial and aesthetically oriented beings.

sure bro

It's because everyone can identify with being incels. Everyone except the most smoothbrained rich kids has gone through what incels go through, i.e., social insecurity, anxiety, wondering whether other people really like them, not knowing how to navigate relationships, etc. But other people manage to get through it usually by being empathetic and trusting, whereas incels remain in a prison of their own making with their pathetic victim narratives.

>ugly men can get girls, and incels are usually not physically ugly
>dating scene is easier than ever for everyone
>most humans are, including incels

>everyone can identify with an autistic raging entitled narcissistic teenager who doesn't leave the basement

>Everyone can identify with basic human struggles without turning it into a central part of their identity.

Incels are pathetic existences that cannot remove the worship for the pussy from their minds, they cannot get a gf and only wail and whine in that single aspect, nobody is telling you to get a great for happiness but you are Damm sure that a gf is everything. That's why Incels are fucking pathetic

incels brain chemistry has been changed from marathon masturbation to sick porn. they imagine themselves the star of their own porn movie but no acceptable female will willingly go along with their perversion.

they are totally detached from reality

>tfw you're ugly and introverted
>tfw normies immediately think you're out to murder you
They probably got it from the beta uprising day of the rope when posts

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Sexual attraction is not merit of actions and behaviour.
Not in the way incels think at least

>bro just go out and approach a girl, worked fine for me

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>girls only want big dick chads with 10/10 faces and a six figure salary, don't even bother with these whores

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everyone says that sexual attraction is the result of moral actions and behavior

incels insist that it's not because that would imply that they're bad people

Are you dumb women want guys who are attractive and have power. perssonality doesn't mean shit if you don't already one of the two.

>Sexual attraction is the result of moral actions and behaviour

Except it isn't. It depends on a vast variety of things including confidence, appearance, being able to hold a decent conversation and coming over as interesting and not dumb, being charismatic and being dominant to an extent.

Incels have next to none of those qualities and think they deserve love or affection. I have an advice for people who think they deserve love or affection because they behave well towards others, get a dog.

>people who think they deserve love or affection because they behave well towards others
Do you see nothing wrong with supporting a system that doesn't work like that though?

It reminds them that not everyone is okay with their vapid nature and rather than be a catholic that flogs yourself they would rather go gay stomping anyone that turns their dicks hard.

That poetically means, they know they are wrong in what they do but refuse to punish themselves and instead punish you for reminding them of their wrongdoings. It's normalfaggot nature, h*man nature.

Also, humans are strategists that like to allow only the reputable in their groups. Want a job? Better have had one before, a reference. Want a gf? Better have had one before, 'experience' despite everyone being different.

An incel has no reputability and then has the audacity to accuse those of whom that self proclaimed themselves good people, bad people, that really pisses them off. It is an attack on their strategies, their society is insulted by it. You insinuate that anyone respectable is actually a despicable person, so they strawman the shit out of the maverick that is a threat to their world view and society as a whole.

I don't see anything wrong with people making choices of their own. No one deserves anything from another person just because they behave a certain way. You don't have the right to someone or something just because you behave in a certain way that might be considered desirable and moral behaviour.

>No one deserves anything from another person just because they behave a certain way.
So you don't support society at all as a concept then?

>It depends on a vast variety of things including confidence, appearance, being able to hold a decent conversation and coming over as interesting and not dumb, being charismatic and being dominant to an extent.
Women don't have any of these things yet they still think they deserve love and affection

It's not that normies don't get your plight, its that they will do anything in their power to reject that reality and if you don't agree with them YOU are the problem

>sexual attraction is based on moral actions

it's a broken system. human's have been around for 200,000 years it's only been a couple hundred since women had a choice in anything. Incels just refuse to abide by your broken system because it's ruining society. More people are single more women are whores more women are single mom's, etc, etc you're just a retard

Society doesn't work like that. If you behave morally and act moral do you deserve some sort of benefit from someone you don't know? No of course not.

Men and women aren't the same in the sexual attraction game. Men pursue women and women are the final ones who get to choose whether something happens or not, attraction has to come from both ways.

>Society doesn't work like that. If you behave morally and act moral do you deserve some sort of benefit from someone you don't know? No of course not.
Which brings us back to this question

I don't see anything wrong with someone not having the right to someone else just on the basis on how they act in a moral sense. No one deserves anything from anyone.

>Men and women aren't the same in the sexual attraction game. Men pursue women and women are the final ones who get to choose whether something happens or not, attraction has to come from both ways.
What does that have to do with anything. just delete your first post you're a retard get off the internet

true, they'll do anything to mask that they're actually vapid and that the people they're attracted aren't actually good people

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Because women don't have to present themselves to potential partners as men have to. It's not weird or odd that the sexual attraction for women and men depend on different criteria.

It might be difficult to understand but women and men aren't the same and are actually different in almost every aspect about them.

No shit do you think you're saying anything that's relevant or not obvopus we know since we are 4 year olds that we are attracred to differnt things. you're just a waste of space itt.

>No one deserves anything from anyone.
And that brings us back to this question

perhaps if you lowered the amount of death threats you make or congratulations towards the actual murderers you hear about they probably wouldn't think of you as a Norman Bates

It really doesn't though. Society isn't based that someone deserves anything from anyone, now of course we have taxes which have all kinds of negative rights implied but that doesn't mean I agree with the .

Women don't think they deserve anything either. Only the most vapid ones that call themselves a "princess" do.

THIS originally oregano origans fuck nagger jews