How do you cure boredom when video games and anime aren't working anymore?
How do you cure boredom when video games and anime aren't working anymore?
idk sometimes I just shitpost and I feel better about myself, like right now for example
A lot of nomies use drugs or have kids.
The truth is life sucks and video games and anime let you hit the peak of life early.
Twitch dot tv
Books are good, they can be like a top tier thread that goes on for four hours
Sincerely i have the same problem sometimes
This, I'm reading Dostoevsky. Also going outside unironically, into nature.
that anime has cute toes
Thank God the darknet exists and makes drugs available even to friendless robots, I cant imagine how boring my life would be with absolutely no drugs in it
Masturbate until your balls are shrivelled like prunes.
Time to go on a classic internet exploring adventure. Discover some new websites and share with all of your Jow Forums friends.
>going outside unironically
As opposed to ... going out ironically?
why cure the boredom? embrace the pain you deserve it
It's your brain telling you to get the fuck out of your comfort zone and find something substantial that gives your life meaning. But by all means, if you want to take the suggestions of these retards and masturbate while reading books on drugs
>reading books on drugs
reading books on drugs is really fun though
Well, you know, people might get funny about it. Retards have fits if you say you buy groceries.
Anime is not as cool as vida and makes you like children
best reason for reading i've ever seen
if vidya doesn't also make you like children you play bad vidya
Stupid zoomer culture, you got into a subculture that never wanted you and now you are "bored"?
Try looking for new hobbies and don't quit if they're difficult to get into at first or feel like they are.
Hopefully you find something new to put your time and effort into.