Nike now promoting body positivity
I haven't bought Nike garbage in so long. All of their new work out attire is so try hard you look like a fucking zoomer autist.
Under armor master race.
According to all the studies that I know of fat shaming has a negative effects towards the likely hood of someone losing weight. Creating a single standard of what a persons body should look like to be considered attractive could be considered a form of fat shaming and can certainly make some people feel like shit. Don't get me wrong, my first reaction to shit like this is to make fun of it, but when you take a step back and think about it, there is nothing wrong with it.
Fuck you and fuck the fats. You absolutely should be ashamed to be fat, so fucking ashamed you either get on a diet and a treadmill (ironically work out gear for fats is a good move on Nikes part) or they kill themselves a lot faster. So, with that in mind, go for a long walk fat ass. In the park or in front of a bus, your call.
Looks like his legs would break instantly if you pushed him
Being fat makes you mentally ill
>normal model just stands there
>fat model is in a 'uh sweety I am fabulous and beautiful' pose
The USA, the most obese country in the whole world, is a cancer to everyone else. They are the source of all contemporary evil and degeneration.
i wonder how much more expensive fat mannequins are
Shouldn't have bought the shitty food just because it's tasty in the first place. I'm not allowed to avoid the consequences of doing stupid shit and so shouldn't the hambeasts.
>fat shaming
>Creating a single standard of what a persons body should look like
Fat shaming is literally saying be less fat. No single standard is referenced
Post body.
I never said anywhere I was fat. I'm just operating on logic and not some feelings like you. You seem to be extremely angry at fat people for little to no reason.
fuck you nigger
>nothing wrong with it
70% of america is overweight
40% are obese
being fat shouldn't be normal
every time they show a fat person they should put a disclaimer:
"If you look like this, your health is at risk. Seek a medical professional's advice on weight loss immediately"
/thread and also checked
If all blacks and Hispanics were removed from America, our BMI would be about the same as Europe.
actual question: what is the origin of yaas kween shit? i instinctively avoid all normie tier memes but ive seen cucked friends on fb and shit use it unironically. what the fuck is it
this is horse shit. fat shaming helped me. i asked my normie friends to do it but they are fucking cucks. i found fph and was saved.
We shame it because it's unhealthy and damaging to you and your children. It's like smoking cigarettes.
Im not for fat shaming, it doesnt work. Fat people know every. single. day. that they are fat, and they know everything it drains from them (Less energy, less attractive, worse love life, worse health, etc.). So i HATE fat shaming. Its terrible!
However forcing corporations and businesses to start bending the knee to stuff like this is fucking ridiculous.
From the perspective of the corporations and businesses, they should do whatever they think will make them sell more.
From the perspective of a human being, this shit is just stupid and unnecessary. Why do they use thin good looking mannequins?
Well simply because if you have a 10/10 woman or man, you can pretty much put ANYTHING on him/her and it will look good.
If you have a fat/skinny&lanky person, only certain clothes will look good on them. For instance vertical stripes will look better on a fat guy than horizontal. And vice versa for tall and lanky guys.
They are using perfect bodies because its what the ideal body looks like, and because a 10/10 can wear anything and look good. And they are companies trying to make money, so when clothes looks amazing on a mannequin people are more likely to buy those clothes because they can see the potential of the clothes.
For instance a 10/10 woman can wear booty shorts, skirt, ripped jeans, normal jeans, jeans that are loose from the calf area, t shirt, crop top, sweater etc. and still look good.
Take an obese woman and she wont look good in booty shorts.
Im not trying to go full incel-mode here, because i actually do want women to have 100% equality like men, and same with race, but who else than women or onions boys to actually complain over this shit?
You have stuff like barbie being "unrealistic" because she has a low body fat percentage and is tall? Yet us guys grew up with stuff like He-man and dragon ball z and we REALIZE that those bodies are not always achievable, but we will still strive to get as close as we can.
this fucking blog post again...
Based chinese poster
Yes there is something wrong with it.
They are trying to tell people that being fat is good and healthy.
Think of the children that grow up listening to that propaganda, not knowing better become morbidly obese, and then die at the end of 30 from a heart attack.
Who is forcing corporations to do anything? If it brings profit they do it.
Terrible form
>doesn't shrug at the top of her overhead press, huge shoulder impingement.
Shes never going to make it
Which still isn't great. 33% is overweight here, about 15-20% are obese.
>he buys overpriced branded clothing
Enjoy being scammed regardless of the brand. Only faggots care about brand loyalty and brands generally.
30$ for shorts, 30$ for a t shirt
seething poor fag
Why would I spend $60 for two pieces of clothing when I could spend half as much and then have a nice steak dinner?
I'll pay for quality. Nike used to have quality gear, but the last three years their shit has fallen apart on me after less than a year of wearing it. So I quit it. Underarmor still produces high quality gear.
one meal you eat and then shit out, clothing you can wear every day.
Your brain ok?
>he wears the same clothes everyday but calls others seething poor fags
I don’t care. Let people think this way. I believe that there’s a breaking point where you become so big/so thin that life becomes an inconvenience, and that’s when you need to do something about it.
Blacks make up 13% of the population. What are you talking about?
But they make 50% of the obese
My bad, that's the figure for homicides
needs a big mons pusy desu. i only wear adidas anyway.
its a race to the bottom
nigger women. it is from the ghetto street, years before socmed was even an idea. you see it in 90s nigger movies
Fat people are so sad and pathetic to want this.
>nice steak dinner
>The USA, the most obese country in the whole world, is a cancer to everyone else. They are the source of all contemporary evil and degeneration
Nah, just the current host. It came over here from Weimar Germany in the runup to WW2.
The standard size for american white women is equivalent to a european 44. That is size XL in europe. Most women here are small to medium in size. Size 44 is fat size.
White americans are as fat as the immigrants
>not showing up to the gym in a pair of old shorts from high school sports team and a tye dye t shirt
>Mo body posted
They never do. Those who harbor the most hatred for others are ashamed of themselves and it's always so obvious.
Fuck your studies and scientific consensus, listen to my ancedote. Facts over feelings.
Removed from North America, all Americas or just the United States of America?
Nike sells overpriced shit.
Goddamn their sports stuff sucks.
I wish Champion would give off its ass and re-release some of their old sneaker designs instead of trying to keep up with this shit company. Those shoes last for-fuck-ever and they dont feel like garbage in the insole.
>normal model just stands there
>fat model is in a 'uh sweety I am fabulous and beautiful' pose
Underrated observation
whos guy in picture
>they should do whatever will help them sell more
You must not go outside if you don't see tons of overweight people casually wearing fitness gear
I dont remember his name but he committed a school shooting..
Yes it does you dumb nigger. Look at Asia. They fat shame all the time and nobody is fat there
Sahm Al-Hydid, and yes, he did shoot up a school.
this is b8 gotta be
Reminder that nike is for wiggers and niggers, adidas is the sportswear of the white man
Fila is good too though it's mainly worn by latinos. I got some of their running shoes for 70% off during a Big 5 end of the year sale and they were pretty high quality and stylish. They looked way better than anything Nike's ever put out
>likely hood
Bros, always remember that obesity is correlated with low IQ
Epic, pretty much the only workout clothes i have
speak for self beta, I will literally die or I will get that vegeta body so momo can mir me for those 15 seconds at a fanmeet.
They like the sweat wicking effect of those shirts because they're fat sweaty hogs.
Good o'l Sammy boy. He shot up a school.
>nothing wrong with it
>fat does not add unnecessary weight
>Excessive amounts of fat does not make physical actions like flips harder
Fuck you. I will not encourage body cuckoldry.
>Make fatzilla mannequin
>Give it tiny feet
Not to mention that the demographic they're trying to sell to doesn't exercise or sets foot in sports stores. It's how they got fat in the first place.
Your feet don't get bigger just because your gut and ass did, retard.
But there absolutely is. People are influenced by society. If society influences them towards a miserable, unhealthy and fat lifestyle then there is absolutely something wring with it.
Shut up nigga, I used to be fat. I know how fat works. Fat people feet are broad and they need bigger shoes otherwise they will be killing them on the sides. And that is before they reach morbid obesity and the body starts storing noticable amounts of fat on the top of the foot. Even for it's height this mannequin has small feet.