Is pic the white fembot dream?
Is pic the white fembot dream?
Depends. Is he a well-educated, kind, thoughtful person who has a good job and doesn't partake in recreational drugs? If yes to the above, then yeah.
Street thugs can fuck right off though.
>Is he a well-educated, kind, thoughtful person who has a good job and doesn't partake in recreational drugs?
Well that rules out all blacks.
I know one black guy who's actually an intelligent and well-mannered person. They exist but are a minority due to the fucking awful culture in their shitty neighbourhoods (and the third world counties they originated in.)
Yes, if she dreamed about monkeys
They were born In america that's not third world they are just stupid niggers
why are black guys such wristlets
Leave it to the racist to not know the definition of originate. Black people came from Africa. A total shithole with few resources. Of course any culture migrating from there is going to stagnate. They still haven't broken out of that culture and the media fucking worships it because "waaah don't erase black culture :((("
How can guys feasibly eat pussy there's so much juice
doesn't matter where you originate if you've never been there or have no knowledge of that culture dumbass. Every race comes from the third world. Thats like a white guy complaining about being oppressed because there are poor white people in Russia.
People don't just leave their culture behind when they leave a country you tard. That's why Indians act disgusting in public spaces and cities tend to have their own little "China town."
that's irrelevent are you really saying niggers in america give any fucks about the way Africans live. Kys nigger lover. Chinatown exists because asians have a culture they are proud of
So you think a black kid raised by a white family isn't going to act like a white person and will instead turn into a street thug?
>a total shithole
>with few resources
want sane white family would make the choice to raise a nigger. that has nothing to do with anything I said
Femanon here, my only dream is all kikes and niggers getting slaughtered.
Alright retard. There's no point in discussing things with you further since you refuse to use a shred of rationality. Let me make a simple diagram of how their current culture emerged.
Immigrate from shithole country > Work as slaves > Slowly accepted into society but heavily discriminated against and segregated > Have to turn to crime to make a living > Suddenly get full rights > by now you have "black culture" > SJWs fight against its erasure and insist on giving handouts instead.
what a fucking retard. I'm white and irish were slaves when they came here too. just shit bait kys
Except Africa is the wealthiest continent by far in terms of resources and arable land. They just managed to fuck up spectacularly despite that.
They weren't segregated and didn't come from third world countries you retard. You're missing a key point in history. They couldn't get jobs because black people couldn't just change their names. They were still identifiable as black.
ever hears of the Irish famine fucking retard thats why they came here in the first place. meanwhile africa were living in a place with a constant growing season. Irish were held back in the same ways but they actually did something about it. anyway you have the knowledge of a middle schooler good job
How does that relate at all to what I said? Again, if an Irish person and a black person were to ask for a job when segregation was rampant, you can bet your ass the Irish would get the job. Are you just going to pretend this was never a point in history?
no this is the fembots dream
Gross. What a bunch of degenerates.
again proving how stupid and uneducated you are
And how are they going to tell whether you're Irish or not? Accents can be faked, names can be changed, etc.
Based DOTR gf.
it's easy they have distinct features they rose above it and irish Americana are succesful. all blacks do is cry and blame someone else
>make chart after chart about "actually most white women go for white men"
>still make threads like this
You Jow Forumsfags are pathetic. Fuckers don't even believe the shit you post and you expect others to believe it despite that.
Probably not, most women prefer their own race, her dream would be a as in shape white guy
If Africa were filled with Japanese people it would not be a "total shithole with few resources" (also Africa is the most resource rich continent, you stupid cunt).
Is he gonna suck her dick
Culture is a product of genetics, sorry to tell you
Irish immigrants did not have it as bad as black slaves. Slaves were kidnapped and tortured, raped, they were slaves for life. They were bred like farm animals and often split from them. They could be maimed for trying to run away or for learning to read. Who enslaved the Irish? Why is it never spoken about? How were their conditions ?