Hey femanons
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I laughed at the picture of the cat. That's a great cat, user. I like that cat very much. I wish that I owned that cat. I miss owning a cat. I haven't owned a cat in quite some time. Cats are good, user. Do you guys think that cat's nice? That cat looks like he'd be nice. I bet he's a nice cat. Does anybody around here own a cat? Is that cat yours, user? I bet that cat isn't yours. It's probably just a picture of a cat that you found somewhere. I wish that cat was mine. Does anyone else wish they owned that cat? That really is a terrific cat. I think cats make for the best pets. There's nothing better than the purr of a cat. I also like cats noses. Especially when the nose of the cat is multicolored like the one in the picture. Cat noses are also good if they're a single color, though. I like how cat noses are cold. Does anybody else like cold cat noses? I bet that I'm not the only one that likes cold cat noses. That cat looks quite confident. I wish that I was as confident as that cat. I also wish that I owned that cat. Really, I wish that I owned any cat. I don't miss the cat hair, though. Or changing the cat litter. I really don't have room for a cat right now. Though I wish that I had room for a cat. I like cats a lot.
>I wish that I was as confident as that cat.
And so can you!
user, I have a question about your promise of the confidence level of that cat. Should I eat broccoli like the cat in your picture? Does broccoli provide confidence to cats? Should I get the same haircut as the cat in your picture? I like that cat's haircut. I don't know if that cat's haircut would look good on me, though. That cat looks as though God colored his head with ink. God smiled on that cat when he gave him his wonderful head of hair. That cat was also blessed with confidence. Do you think all cats are confident, user? There's the term "scaredy cat," but that might just be racism. I think that cats are brave and cool. The noses of cats are also cool. Unless a cat is sick. If a cat is sick, their nose is warm. That's what the vet told me once when I asked about the noses of cats. Do you remember that story about the cat who saved that child from that dog? That cat was a hero. That cat also threw out a pitch at a baseball game. The news was calling him the Hero Cat, if I remember correctly. He didn't even have opposable thumbs, but he still threw that baseball. I think it might have been the cat's confidence that allowed him to do it. He wasn't a scaredy cat. Do you think that cat was named Nolan Ryan? I bet that cat's name was Nolan Ryan. That cat threw a ball like Nolan Ryan, and also beat up dogs that attacked children. Do you think the cat's bravery was from the broccoli? Or was the cat's confidence from the broccoli? Or was it the cat's haircut? I think the cat is cool because of its haircut, and because it eats broccoli. I also like that cat a lot. By the way, user, do you think the cat in the original picture took that picture of himself, even though he doesn't have thumbs? If that cat that was probably named Nolan Ryan can throw a baseball, I think he can also take a picture. Don't you think cats are cool, user? I bet that you think cats are cool. Tell me more about that cat and how it got so confident.
Oh my goodness, is that cat holding the camera? Those dogs look like they're racist against cats. That looks to me like a hate crime in progress. The viewer remarks upon the cameramanship of the cat, but ignore the dangerous racism. I feel as though cats are brave and confident, and that's why he's taking that picture. Do you think that cat is taking the picture to ask for help? I would help that cat, if he asked me. If that cat texted me, "Help! I'm a cat and dogs are being racist against me!", I would go to his location and help him. I would tell those dogs, "Leave the cat alone! He's confident and cool, and eats broccoli!" If that cat had a baseball, he'd probably throw it at those dogs. That cat would probably throw it right at their stupid racist dog snouts. Do you think that because the cat has green eyes that he's more confident than cats with yellow eyes? I think that all cats are equally confident. I once saw a cat accidentally fall into water, and he didn't like it. I also once saw a cat eating a watermelon. Can you believe that cat ate a watermelon? I wonder if cats get their confidence from watermelons or broccoli. I hope that other user responds to me so he can tell me more about how cats get their bravery. I've always admired cats and their confidence and bravery. Also, the cold noses of cats. I like all cats. Even cats that aren't confident, I like. Does such a cat exist, though? I don't know if such a cat exists. Maybe if the cat doesn't like his haircut or his eye color. Cats are good.
this is how autistic girls talk
And i like it a lot
>tfw my cat went up to me and curled up next to me as I read this
I love my cat. He's a good cat.
I admire the throwing form of that cat. If that cat played in the majors, I bet that he would play for the Tigers. I think that the MLB is racist and has a rule against actual cats playing, though. If that cat isn't good enough for the MLB, maybe he can play in Japan for the Hanshin Tigers. Do you think that if I was playing catcher for the cat, that during visits to the mound he would let me pet him? I would also like to touch the cat's nose on the mound visits. But that might be too embarrassing for the cat. The cat might want to be taken seriously as an athlete. On the other hand, cats are so confident and cool that they might not care. By the way, why is that picture of the cat blurry? Is that cat moving really fast? That's truly amazing that the cat can move that fast to induce motion blur. Also, that cat's mouth is open. Do you think that cat is happy? That cat doesn't look especially happy. It's sometimes hard to tell with cats, though. Remember Grumpy Cat, that cat that looked grumpy? That cat had its own Christmas special on the Hallmark Channel. That cat's Christmas special wasn't great, but it was okay. That cat makes me sad, because apparently it's retarded and can't walk. I would say that the other cats probably bullied it, but it's rich now. I don't think that rich cats are bullied. If i was a rich cat, and cats tried to bully me, I'd say "I'm a rich cat! Leave me alone!" and they would leave me alone because I'm a rich cat. If I were a rich cat and dogs tried to be racist against me, I'd say "I'm a rich cat! Leave me alone you racist dogs!" and then those racist dogs would leave me alone because I said so and also because I'm a wealthy cat. I wonder how much a cat would need to be considered wealthy, though? I've heard stories of old people leaving their fortune to their cats. I wish that I was a cat and a rich old lady left their fortune to me. Then I'd be a rich cat. Can you imagine the life of a rich cat? I like rich cats.
You are cute user
user, I'm so glad that you own a cat. Owning a cat is wonderful. You should post a picture of your cat. You should share your cat with the rest of us. I bet that your cat wouldn't mind its picture being taken. I don't think cats are like Amish people in that way. Cats don't think that their soul will be stolen by the camera, whereas Amish people do. Do you think that a cat could make it living the Amish life? I think that cats would miss the warmth of laptops and heating vents. I also don't know if cats could grow a beard large enough to not be made fun of by his Amish friends. Josiah would say, "Hey Hershel, get a load of that cat's beard!" Hershel would then reply to Josiah, "You can hardly call what that cat has a beard!" Amish people are probably racist against cats like dogs are. I think that Muslims would probably also be racist against cats because they can't grow impressive beards. Mohammad would say, "Achmed, that cat's beard is tiny!" and Achmed would reply, "By Allah, my wife can grow a bigger beard than that cat!" While laughing at the cat's tiny beard, Achmed would go home and beat his wife. That would make the cat sad, I think. Not having Achmed's wife beaten, but not being accepted by as a cat by his brothers in the Islamic faith. The cat would probably say, "I'm converting to Christianity!" Do you think that Jesus said anything about cats in the Bible? I bet that Jesus liked cats, just like he liked lambs. I bet that the cat would like Jesus because he can relate, having multiple lives. Cats have nine, but Jesus had two. Maybe Jesus himself was a cat? I think it's probably farfetched that Jesus was a cat, but maybe...
actually, Muhammad was quite fond of cats, and they are somewhat revered in Islam
>In Islamic tradition, cats are admired for their cleanliness. They are thought to be ritually clean, unlike dogs, and are thus allowed to enter homes[2] and even mosques, including Masjid al-Haram. Food sampled by cats is considered halal and water from which cats have drunk is permitted for wudu.[2] Furthermore, there is a widespread belief among Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying.[1]
Here's my cat. He's under the blankets because he's cold.
Wow, that cat is wearing a cowboy hat! I bet that cat's name is Cowboy Cat. Do you get why the cat's name would be called Cowboy Cat? Because he's wearing a cowboy hat, but he's also a cat. That cat is terrific. Do you think that cat kept that cowboy hat on, or he shook it off his head after the picture was taken? If the cat shook it off his head right after, he probably isn't named Cowboy Cat after all, probably... That cat is also remarkably fluffy in comparison to the other cats shown up to this point. How much additional weight do you think that adds to the cat? Like, if that cat were taken to the vet, would the vet say "You're too chunky, Cowboy Cat! Lose some of those cat pounds!" Maybe Cowboy Cat would walk more instead of riding his cat-sized horse here and there and everywhere. That would probably burn more calories for the cat. Do you think that cat owns a gun? I bet that cat owns a gun for shooting coyotes preying upon his herd. Do you think that cat owns a cat-sized six shooter, or a cat-sized shotgun? I wonder if the gun store charges less for a cat gun, because it's smaller, or more for a cat gun, because it's a special order. I bet cats would be pretty good at cowboy duels, too. Because cats move so quick. Did you see the cat posted earlier who induced motion blur because he was so quick? I think that cat used his skills for baseball, but it would also work for quick-drawing duels. I bet that cat would have all manner of stories about the duels that he's won. I like that cat a great deal, user. Cowboy Cat is a true American legend hero of the Old West. They don't make them like that cat any more, I don't think. Is that picture of Cowboy Cat colorized, or is that from his feature film?
user, if that cat had longer hair like Cowboy Cat, he would probably be less cold. I assume that the blanket helps the cat immensely, though. I assume that orange cats stay warmer than less bright cats, though. The approximation of the sun found in orange cats likely provides heat, I think. Then again, maybe black cats are the warmest, because their coats absorb heat. That might only apply to being in the sun, though. Cats like being in the sun. I've heard it referred to in the past as cats "sunning themselves." It's almost like the cats are tanning! It's good that cats can't tan, though, because then the cats would get skin cancer. Like John McCain, he had skin cancer. Do you think that John McCain owned a cat? I don't think that John McCain owned a cat. I know that the Clintons owned a cat, and its name was Socks. Hillary got rid of Socks and gave the cat to a staffer after the White House, though. They say that Socks got a lot of fan mail from fans of cats. I think that Socks is dead now. I wish that Trump would get a cat, but he doesn't have any pets, I don't think. I think that Barron Trump would probably like a cat. The responsibility of cat ownership would likely do wonders for the young man. Everybody should own a cat in my opinion. I saw a TV special once where a lady hoarded cats. I don't think that people should own that many cats. Maybe people should own a single cat, or perhaps two cats if they have room. I don't have room for any cats. I'm glad that you have a cat, and he's staying warm though, user. Please keep your cat warm, user. It's very important that a cat stays warm, I've been told.
His name is Henry
>His name is Henry
I fucked him
hey fuck you man you aint fucked my cat
ye I did nigga
Every single time I see a cat with yellow irises I wish humans could irises like that. Best color imo.
Yes, I agree. White is the best color. One could say that it's the supreme color, in fact.
>Yes, I agree.
>White is the best color
How the hell did you fuck that up?
Fuck what up, exactly? Looks fine to me.
>Every single time I see a cat with yellow irises
>yellow irises
>Best color imo.
>Yes, I agree.
>White is the best color.
Do you not know what "agree" means?
I was more so going for somebody only hearing his last sentence and going off of that, assuming what he said, but okay. Keep the stick up your ass, faggot.
why dont u put it up there faggot
>I was only pretending to be retarded
sure thing bruh.