>Not supporting Based Bernie for President

Come on, Anons. You're not seriously thinking of voting for Trump again are you? Just think of what a healthy dose of social democracy could do for the disadvantaged young robot.

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Yeah, nah. Screw that equality for everyone and open borders shit.

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Do you really think that Bernie can make it to the primaries, let alone the general election? He's 77 and looks 97.

He's the best democrat candidate. I mean besides the fact that most of neets on /r9k would support him
We'd get universal heatlhcare and lean towards democratic socialism

He's the frontrunner at this point. The most popular politician in America, by far the most popular among Democrats.

Voting Trump unless I see a white supremacist candidate that has a chance of winning/someone pro borders.
Fuck yourself commie CIAnigger

>Dude fuck socialism
>Dude why does government exist
>Dude why do people care about anyone other than themselves
>Dude why is murder illegal

It's not 2012 user, it's not cool to be le edgelord libertarian anymore.

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Bernies gonna be the first bald president since the 50s

Bernie is a hippy who never got over the end of 60s counterculture. Yang 2020.

can we not get political on this board? were all fucking autist who know nothing.

Nice one user. You really owned the libs, the cucks and the niggers with that post right there.

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That wasn't the question, user. I asked you if he will physically be able to live another two years without dying of old age.

>He's old so that must mean he's on the brink of death!

Not the most sound logic, user.

He's only a few years older than Trump and likely in better health considering how Donnie lives off of almost entirely McDonalds. And you do realize how much of a fool you will look if he lives into his 90s right?

Arigathanks gozaimuch, kike-sama
I'm not very fond of trump but depending on when Ginsburg dies, we're gonna especially need a republican supreme court justice.

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>Not living in the US
I don't care about US politics at all :)

If you dislike someone or they annoy you then you should have every right to kill them. The government does it and it's fine but individuals do it and it's the worst thing ever.

Yeah, giving more gibs to poor people living on NEET bucks will surely reduce their numbers and not turn more people into them. After all, it's our duty as white people to support Tyrone and Jamal because we and racism are the reason that they're not winners.

I would support him but I like being a customer of a big bank. I'm not really sure what he means by "break up the big banks" but I enjoy being able to get into airport lounges and shit all around the world. If anyone here has ever been a customer of a small bank you know how fucking dogshit they are.

fucking racist piece of shit. I say we become democratic socialist and get rid of all these old ass "lift your self up by the boot straps" types

>calling people racist of Jow Forums
You should unironically go back. It's obvious you're not from here.

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Not him, but.
> I say we get rid of these old ass "lift yourself up by the bootstraps"
Typical nigger commie faggot who's only ideology revolves around loathing and punishing the successful

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Most of the racists came here in 2016 because they credited Jow Forums with the election of muh Trump and thought that meant this was some kind of "official site of the alt-right". So no, it is you who needs to go back. Jow ForumsThe_Donald is over that way.

Will Bernie raise the neetbux?

Jow Forums has been casually racist since 2006 you newfag. Nobody ever complained about it until redditors like you showed up in 2016.

casual racism and racist jokes aren't nearly at the level of autism that Jow Forums has reached now
they drank the koolaid and thought it was wine

speak for yourself, brainletto

LMAO Fredrich retarded as usual I see

Casual racism is not the same as politically being a nazi, you dunce.

This post perfectly illustrates the difference between oldfag and newfag "racism". Once upon a time you would see nigger in every post but you'd never hear someone call another user a "commie". These days certain anons who migrated here from a certain website seem to think it's the culture here to LARP as some kind of fascist and make "le funny jokes about communisms being thrown out of le helicopter :^)"

If you hate Jow Forums so much, then don't make threads about Jow Forums related topics. If you absolutely can't control yourself and feel the need to make such threads anyway, then at least make Jow Forums threads on Jow Forums and not on fucking Jow Forums. We have a board for retarded political opinions where you'll fit right in, but this is not it.

Why do you lefties hate pinochet memes so much? They are pretty funny

Attached: commie pinochet.png (640x713, 592K)

It's literally Facebook tier. Again, this is how I know you are from R*ddit. You alt-right immigrants have no concept of the site culture and think posting "le memes" is automatically funny even if you literally pulled them straight from an FB or Instagram page. 8 years ago you would have been laughed off the board

How do you know that the people calling you a nigger are actually hard core nazis who want to put jews in the oven and lynch all black people? Sounds more like you're making assumptions on them and labeling them as dangerous alt-right facist to discredit them and validate your own retarded system of beliefs. You've built up an idea of an enemy with no redeeming qualities that represents absolute evil and are hell bent on trying to force your opposition into that role despite what their actual position may be.

>laughed off the board
>implying i give a fuck
xd my dude
Also have literally never browsed reddit in my life, but keep projecting.
The only reason you dislike pinochet memes is you see yourself as the guy falling

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Trump is 72 and looks terrific.
Bernie is 77 and looks like the Crypt Keeper. He looks like absolute shit.
Five years is a huge difference, as is their apparent health. You'd have to be fucking insane to bank your hopes on a 77-year-old. It would be the most Democrat thing ever to nominate that nutjob and have him drop dead of old age prior to the general election. It would be poetic justice.

My god, he'd be nearly 80 by the time he'd become the president if he were to ever win the election. His running mate would be running the country in no time if that were to happen.

He'll probably pick some roastie as the running mate too for muh equality and end up making her the president by dropping dead like the old man he is. So much for being the robot candidate.

>voting for what benefits you and not what you believe in

>become president
>die from the stress of having responsibilities and doing things
Sounds like the perfect robot candidate

>Unironicly caring about politics

>supporting bernie over andrew yang in 2019

True robots want more NEETbux.

True robots vote Bernie.

Bernie is a social liberal and I don't vote for social liberals. I vote for social conservatives with authoritarian tendencies only. Sorry.

Trump is 240lbs of lardass

Sometime next year:

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literally all republicans are degenerates though
trump is on his third wife and he cheated on her with a pornstar while she was nursing his son


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Trump used to be liberal so I don't consider him republican

Anyone who hates Bernie is an NPC who has been programmed to hate their fellow workers instead of the system that exploits us. He has some great ideas that most other countries have already adopted to great success. And if you disagree, you're a corporate bootlicking tool of the establishment.

That being said, he got cheated by the DNC with rigged voting machines and purging of registered voters. Until he addresses those issues it would be foolish of him to try again.

I have my own problems. I can't be bothered to do something so trivial as voting.

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>chapocel trying to sound cool around alt righers by using their lingo
You communists are so lame and unoriginal

Not the OP, but how do you guys feel about Andrew Yang in comparison to Bernie Sanders? If you had to vote for one of the two, who would you vote for?

Why do you fags keep shilling here? I wasn't going to vote but keep this up and i will vote for trump in spite.

Because he's a fucking pussy. Leaders need to be strong. Not cucked by two loud mouthed sjw fat black teens.

What is it about this post that makes me want to punch them? Its not political at all its just like seeing a guy with a really punchable face. Why does this happen?

Is it becuase they try to hazard to suck up to everybody they can. I really don't know.

he is a literal jew though

To be fair, that wasn't even Bernie's rally. He just happened to be around and the stage guy called him up. I think Bernie would have been a lot stronger in the scenario otherwise.

Also sjws are pure cancer. I once saw a video of some girl getting upset because a sick guy coughed in her vicinity, and she thought he was making a comment on her appearance or something.

Ehh, He had a few balls out moments after with the "excuse me I was talking" shit, but I think that was to compromise for the incident. He seems far too nice.

Most likely scenario- he talks over or through one of the female candidates to try and trump up his appeal and his own party cannibalizes him, again.

He's great to split the dems between yet another free option: starbucks, college, everything +illegals, etc. but that's the extent of it, imo.

bernie is legitimately sexist as fuck though
he published a few essays in the 70s and 80s that featured such genius as "cervical cancer is caused by women being prudes" and a rape fantasy

>And my vote begins to sway in his favor

Thank you user. I will look into this. Hopefully he hasn't gone full denial and about (public) face in it like HRC and her super predators.

Bernie is a NEET faggot that never did shit in his life but got handouts all day.

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cringe and blue pilled, unless someone is literally Hitler, I'm not going to vote for them