You never realize how subhuman you are until you make an outline of your skull. Pic related, I'm peak gay alien skull. It's so over, lifting can't fix this.
You never realize how subhuman you are until you make an outline of your skull. Pic related, I'm peak gay alien skull...
if that's really your skull you're doing fine, my jaw is worse and even I have fucked four women (consentually)
here's mine
pls rate
slav untermensch here
Trust me it could be A LOT worse op.
I'm 6'6 160lbs and gave the most onions skull you can imagine.
I literally look like a big old gay baby alien and even worse it's impossible to hide in a crowd.
You could have a literal women's skull and still score all the puss in the world
You actually have a brow ridge so you mog the fuck out of me
t. OP
Depends. I am 6ft5, and here in untermench Bllkanlands its borderline average and no one cares about it. But I went in USA for few months and your women are mad for height. Dont really get it.
I wish lad, but I live in Australia, not America where everyone is obsessed with height
Chad neanderthal
I could probably pass as a chad if it werent for my weak, recessed chin and my big nose.
t. Irish subhuman
Genetic recombination is cruel
Hahahahah, yeah I had to re-draw the top of my head because I made it too flat.
Reuploded here.
Fucking crimson chin.
I tried to chadify it while keeping the megamind skull. Fucking lol at what a few millimeters of bone can do.
Alpha brow, omega chin :(
Heh what about mine guise? heh..heh
Feels bad being a virgin chad
what program you use anons?
I just took a photo of myself and outlined it with a pencil in photoshop
give me a fucking (You) already
how to draw line over a white background?
Put the white background on the first layer, then the photo on the second one(make it semi-transparent), and draw on the third layer. Afterwards delete the photo layer and save the image, it's not that hard.
thanks, gonna try
i made an ea sports game face for fifa 14 or something and people telling me my player with my face on it looked so realistic was when i realised.
at least you guys have the option to go bald, my skull has a reverse angle on it (as in the top and back of my skull are higher then the middle)
I wouldn't even know how to call that
show the outline brah
sort of like this except my forehead goes straight uo
I mog everyone's gonial angle on this board jfl
my brow ridge is great
forehead great
I just look like I have a fuck ton of gut from my side profile
this technically doesn't count as showing my face
>come to le virgin board
>brag about your average jaw that only mogs permavirgin incels
wow congrats you massive faggot
>average jaw
Lol I mog everyone's ramus and gonion on here
it's not avg
0 degree gonial and this ramus length is really rare, are you retarded?
My skull shape like dolph lundgreen but with a shitty sloped forehead and big nose.
Pat tillman, ian somerhalder etc also all have the same jaw, but ian had to get SURGERY for it lol
You mog everyone on a virg board. Keep telling yourself that you're chad though normgroid attention whore.
I'm an incel faggot but if I wasn't a manlet by todays standards and if I didn't have a sloped forehead and flat occiput I would outslay anyone with my 0 degree
my eye area is on the same level as my jaw too jesus christ I would outslay anyone if every other feature wasn't sub-incel sub-animal tier
>I'd be so hot if I wasn't ugly get on my level fellow virgins
congratulations, I hereby crown you "king of the losers"
No I'm missing the most crucial shit that can be affected 50% by genetics 50% by nurture/environment I lived my life eating literal SHIT and I grew up to have protoypical warrior skull imagine how robust I would be if I wasn't born in an incel environment jesus christ
keep coping I'm less ugly as sin than you
Telling him to keep coping when you're coping out of this world LMAO the nurture cope is absolute bullshit, unless you grew up starving in a 3rd world country it's more like 90% genes 10% environment. Reminder that Tyrone grows up in the hood eating fast food and drinking sugary koolaid everyday. You're coping so ridiculously hard, your genes are subhuman as fuck and nothing would've changed it.
fuck, i can't draw the line straight
There's a smoothing option (at least in CC 2019 version), you can use it. It will make drawing a lot easier.
>unless you grew up starving in a 3rd world country
I did but you should know unless you have a really good diet and sleep you never reached your genetic potential, you also need to be extremely neurotypical as a kid
> your genes are subhuman as fuck
Cope my bones are already good environment is 50% looks that means my genetics are african tribesmen tier (pic related notice how hard I mog his gonial angle and eye area even though he's a chad)
Pretty weak and feeble looking. 2.31/10 at most.
i use online photoshop :D
Too stupid to use photoshop.
jesus christ, Contrapoints was right, it's always the fucking skulls
>environment is 50% looks
Again with the cope, looks are 90% genes unless you looked like this as a kid. Of course not eating/sleeping properly means you won't reach your absolute max potential, but JFL if you think eating badly costed you anything more than an inch or two of height.
>but JFL if you think eating badly costed you anything more than an inch or two of height.
My dad was 6'7 I'm 6' only lol at this cope
countless studies prove environment and diet is everything
you are ugly as sin due to genetics then
Jesus, I never realized before how much I look like Bobby Hill.
>that chin
>I'm 6' only
Oh never mind you are just an attention whoring normalfag like I thought
That's not even a profile pic, you spaz.
Would bit neck tho
try living where the average is 6'1 and keep coping most white guys are my height maybe 1-2 inches under if I was my dads height I would be the swarthy version of dolph lundgren but with a stronger jaw I'm serious. Omega incel desu ngl
Attention whoring normalfaggot
>tfw chinlet
Its bad.
cry for me you dog im literally incel god i refuse to have sex at this point to maintain high status
yea but I am 6ft5, fairly built and thicc cock, so this trade-off is not that bad.
Well alright then.
And I guess bitches do go for Micheal Cera so-
It was hard to get my chin since I have a beard right now.
this isn't me, but related
Isn't that typical for blacks though?
That muzzle thing is really common for black celebrities so I assumed blacks don't mind it.
How are you guys doing this? I am too dumb to figure it out. Are you taking a profile shot and then drawing around it? Like what the fuck
Am i fucked lads?
>Schwarzkopf for men
Thought I had a stronger chin, oh well
yes m8, you are beyond fucked
At least you don't look like Bobby Hill
im asking my self the same shit
Read up you lazy fucks, it's already been explained. I'm a lazy fuck too, though, too lazy for Photoshop, so I'm going to try and trace my head out using the free select tool in MSP then just use the paint bucket. Should work for you guys too.