If you
>arent a virgin
>have friends irl
>dont suffer from an anxiety disorder
>arent autistic
>care about other people
>come here for greentext memes
Then stop using Jow Forums period

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How about you fuck off, you pathetic incel? This board was never yours in the first place.

because sick fucks like you were fucking with them when they were little girls

Freak of nature, you should be castrated. You're pathetic.

Make pedophilia normal, and make murder legal two and things will balance itself out you feel me OP. Bet you won't be so smug when some "little girls" Dad is smashing your skull in.

Yes we do Jow Forums is an aspergers only website.
Pedophilia is okay

good poast, op
who in their right mind would want to be with std ridden women over 14 in this day and age

*Make pedophilia legal, and make murder legal too and things will balance itself out you feel me OP. Bet you won't be so smug when some "little girls" Dad is smashing your skull in.

Unsure why there was so many mistakes there but anyway, go fuck your fleshlight OP.

Jesus christ when did Jow Forums become so mainstream how come there are so many normal people with social lives who care about status here?

What if I did all of that but only after 30 when I got my wizard powers?

Shut up loser faggotz

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Both of these people should be killed

Nah, make pedophilia, and murder legal. Fuck the law. You'll finally get what you deserve. Or is the law only good when it protects wimpy, small dicked pedos?

>Bet you won't be so smug when some "little girls" Dad is smashing your skull in.
haha, there would be so many dead dads around
and niggers
god, life would be great
haha, yeah its really pathetic
is there anything more pathetic than crashing an internet site for a select group of people just because you think everyone else is boring
and to top it off, when they are here, they lambast us for the exact same things and reason why they are here in the first place: to get stimulated by ideas and thought they don't encounter anywhere else

loser lmao


Fuck off pedophile. Fucking scum

this orignigerininlino

Why do women age so bad? Laura looks even worse now than the pic on the left.

Good post OP.
the greentext summons normalfaggots from reddit for some stupid reason. They think greening is so cool and interesting but don't want to be exposed to the mob without redd*t's moderation. That place and places like it are just as bad as here, but they delete a forth of their comments often, no exaggeration.

It makes them overly sensitive to real talk. Real talk women are vapid and std ridden. The pedo is mean to hurt their feelings, they brought it upon themselves by being so vapid.

Anyone with common sense would agree, the hyper vigilant are terrorists in the making.

IRL little girls are shit too though (all kids are)

Im not a pedophile but can you explain why its wrong?

That picture would be similar for adult men and little boys as well.

makeup wrecks your face

10/10 normiebait, they're all revealing themselves in this thread.

>pedophilia is ok

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Normalfat who cares about muh social acceptability detected
Please go back to r3ddit

It is indeed.
Open a history book. Ethics are taught to you and are ultimately meaningless. This pedo taboo does not fall into everyone's taught ethics. Some people are actually not NPCs.

>guys if youre not a complete fucking waste of oxygen like mysel, fuck off youre not welcome here1!!1

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