A message to the youtubers who post Jow Forums content

You are doing a major disservice to our community by letting in the same types of people who excluded robots by making r9k mainstream to people with social lives. Who are the same types of people who mentally tortured us and we come to Jow Forums and r9k to get away from

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Other urls found in this thread:


They don't give a fuck about "the quality of our community" or your fucking feelings. This is so cringe. Did you try to give your bullies lectures in school too? You strike me as one of those.

I actually run the Wave Titan channel. AMA

Attached: comfysmug.jpg (253x229, 19K)

Never heard of you and I'm not even gonna check what it is.

I run this channel by myself and make a fair bit of money off of it. The best part is it takes no effort! I love being a NEET.

Attached: comfy_cop.jpg (409x409, 96K)

If admins and mods cared about Jow Forums they'd ban peopple with fakebook cookies, jewtube cookies, plebbit cookies, etc, but never will.

This place is not the rest of the abhorrent capitalist infested normalfagging internet. Or it didn't used to be, and it's original culture of freedom won't be forgotten, just tortured by the invader.

That image makes me think you're a little fag. Cope, incel.

This is really fucking accurate.
So, bump.

Never heard of you but why are you such a faggot? You actually believe you aren't a normalfag don't you? You actually believe you are one of us?

That's really the most annoying thing. Its like you think you are part of the joke but you aren't at all.

This place really is destroyed. I think I might abandon.

>Jow Forums still getting buttblasted by people not wanting politics on their board

see you in a few hours, retard

Nobody would miss you, fag

shut up, normie. stop pretending to be an oldfag; we all know you came here because of my videos and now you're pretending to hate me.

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I'm not gonna ask exact numbers, but is it enough to live off of independently?

I'm considering doing something similar

Just kill yourself already, stormfront faggot. Get a life.

get the fuck outta here you ape my man

It's more than enough. It's still a fresh market and if you enter, you might make it big. Not bigger than me though.

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LOL normie is toasty!

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We should honestly get all robots to just stop posting here. Just completely ghost this place for 2 weeks. It would turn into such cancer.

What don't you understand? You are the normalfag.

no u
the type of person who calls people normies is a normie

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What do you use for editing? I'm a major fucking noob at video editing.

>two posts made him quit arkanine/Jow Forums
Yeah okay.

Is that what this thread is actually about? I don't think so.

Please don't do this man. Think of the board. Think of your community. You're going to go all nihilistic on us and sacrifice it for a couple shekels? Think of the robots...

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Sorry my dude, it's a trade secret.

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>namefag who makes Jow Forums youtube videos trying to call other people normalfags

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you 4channers are the real normies, reddit has the real "robots"

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You're the most shallow representation of a Jow Forums user, just add a fucking Pepe to everything am I right? Go kys and end your channel.

>He wastes his time call me a normie.
Ha! What a fucking normie!

Attached: drugs.png (500x502, 114K)

These are not two posts. This board has become cancer

Pretending to be cancer still makes you cancer

LMAO someone's actually pretending to be me
you can tell he's fake because he didn't post a pepe, as I've done with every message

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Pepe is a Jow Forums symbol. It was even registered as a hate symbol by the ADL.

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No where there did I say I would leave now. I have another chan open in another tab anyway I don't care too much about this place.
Nobody would miss you, fag
Don't know how you got me being a storm guy from that post, but I'll assume schizophrenia like everyone else here.
No where on that post did I imply it was only these two posts.

I have hereby declared r9k dead. And me as the martydom of this place. I am superior to everyone here. You will all deny my superiority thus proving my it. Or you will accept it. Thus cemeting it. Every other Honorable, true bot will leave this place in the very near future. I will be gone this season.

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See the reply count being thirty two even though there are fifteen posters retard.

One asshole baits and makes you leave.


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thirty four actually*

And you list ten when it's fifteen people with possibly one asshole posting like twenty times.

Yeah... So I will proceed to bring the best normie cancer onto this board and just abuse the meme because I'm such an outsider dude. Again, just kys.

that's not even pepe thats retard pepe his cousin
shows how much you know, normie

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respect man, you turned the bait on the baiter. Gave me a good chuckle

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>currently 40 replies
>fifteen IPs
See how retarded you are?

the fact that you fell for this bait tells me who the real normalnigger is

Attached: chad_virgin_laugh.png (600x536, 253K)

Is this really your attempt at trying to defame me? Trying to say it was all bait? Pathetic. This is why I make those videos, to bring better people in to replace incel scum like you.
You're not even posting frogs anymore, fucking nazi.

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You're way too over the top with that. You have to channel your inner normalnigger. Re-read you baitposts and see how believable they sound

This is sad. You have no clue at all yet you are trying so hard.

Its not just this thread its every thread. Even most of the threads themselves are cancer.

All that greentext used to make me mad, now I just close out threads or Jow Forums when I see that's what a thread is going to be like. "Who hurt you", "Who did this to you", "why are you so mad" when I'm being completely level-headed or enjoying something.

Your still cancer b8 or otherwise. It doesn't matter if you were merely pretending. Every faggot making fembot threads is b8 but it still fills the catalogue, makes normies feel welcome and bumps cancer. This is what you want? A board where everyone just pretends to be retarded faggots everyday. Look at /b/ now.

Dear god, you're right
what have i become?

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Why are you so desperate for attention? You are no better than a whore in any way.

bait threads aren't really meant for attention, just to fuck with people

>Jow Forums
you do know that Jow Forums is the reddit board, right? that's the board where all the redditards and boomers come from.

Jow Forums has been mainstream for quite a while, you retard.

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Jow Forums has very obviously become way more cuck and you can tell by looking at the memes and what's talked about here. On r9k it's always about girls, "normies" (even though they are normies), and other assorted bait with nothing of substance here. I 100% believe that Jow Forums has just become a place to spread propaganda of whatever belief system that you want of you push it enough.
My suggestion is to browse Jow Forums with tons of filters and without images so you can see how boring a lot of the discussion is and you'll see how little threads catch your interest if there isn't a good picture

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>Jow Forums was in the top 200 websites worldwide
No wonder there are so many fucking normalfags here

Actually the mods do that. I'm not a cancerous normalfaggot, and post all day long replies, but very often am ISP banned from making threads. They ban abnormalfaggots from having a real voice. A thread gets more attention than a single reply. Why I sometimes have to trip for twelve hours straight to remind people who really lives here.

t. vaginaisevil

I hate neo-Jow Forums and hope every reddit incel burns, i would sell you guys out in a heartbeat

Holy shit this board is fucking awful, keep your containment board or better yet, kill yourself already, it'll be funny dude.

How can you be so right?