>fat cellulite thighs
>chubby round stomach
>small bones
>skelly face
>droopy small breasts
>small butt
>ugly poofy hair
any other fembots relate?
>fat cellulite thighs
>chubby round stomach
>small bones
>skelly face
>droopy small breasts
>small butt
>ugly poofy hair
any other fembots relate?
>be male
>lost 40 lbs recently, have 40 more to lose
>fat deposits on belly and manboobs starting to deflate and sag as they shrink
>lovehandles don't seem any smaller
>stretch marks on arms and on ribs
I kinda relate fembot, i'd still date you despite your insecurities though
you've gotta exercise
just buy an exercise bike and some light weights, google some easy workouts
if you build girlmuscle you'll fix 5 of your 8 problems
for the hair just go to a professional or google hair treatment
almost all your issues are fixable OP
You could go on a self-help mission, build muscle and get in shape, go to a decent hair dresser and then land a shallow boyfriend that would have brushed you off before. He'll probably cheat on you, and suck in bed.
quit being skinnyfat
watch Anitore if you want anime motivation
She looks good in all of these. She actually looks weirdest in the middle, so all she achieved is needing a spray tan. wew
she looks so much better on the right dude, you're nuts. Sure, I'd bang her in any of these, but I'd actually kinda be intimidated to approach the one on the right just because she's so attractive.
If you like vapid Staceys then you do that, but not everyone wants to have some Chinese lady spread your ass cheeks and shove yellow dye in there for fifty bucks a week, just to get some superficial dickhead off.
>some Chinese lady spread your ass cheeks and shove yellow dye in there for fifty bucks a week, just to get some superficial dickhead off.
>chubby round stomach
this is hot
hard body chicks are gross, girls should be soft
just do squats so you get a big ass
Her tits also got smaller, and her face looks worse because she's been putting so much stress on her body for no reason. I really don't think this is healthy, or serves any purpose outside of how sick modern society is now days (and by that, I mean you, a disgusting freakish man).
she's not necessarily the best example because it's not as large a change as i imagine going from 0 to 100 would have on the OP
i guarantee OP will feel massively better not only about herself superficially, but also physically
being fit and healthy helps you everywhere in life
you don't need to lose all your body fat as a woman when you gain muscle
it makes what fat you have look better when you have a solid base of muscle, it basically gives your body the shape to drop the fat onto
most attractive "chubby" girls have at least some muscle. the idea that women can't lift or they'll look boney and "hard bodied" is just that.
yes, you can choose to cut your body fat dramatically, but it's exactly that, a choice.
OP become gym crossfit paleo squatting hair extentions fake nails full body wax and fake tan Stacey, then go and try and date, but catfish as someone ugly and see how they treat you, because otherwise you'll get used for your hot bod. Also make sure to ignore all robots.
there are kinds of stress that are good for the body user, and also she looks more muscular and has better posture, which do a lot for her look. I think she looks healthier on the right, and she probably feels better in her body there too.
Also make sure to whiten your teeth, and get nice clothes. All this costs shitloads of money, but of course robots deserve Stacey for free!
It's pseudo health, a lovely glowing fake tan of toxic chemicals that rub off on all your sheets and clothes and is a waste of money. You're the reason society sucks ass. I bet you expect people to look like instagram stars irl. Go fuck yourself. If you're not equally as rich and ripped as this chick I hope your house burns down, with all your pets inside, and you wake up to the smell of burning hair right before a beam smashes your skull in.
why assume that it's a fake tan, rather than her having used a tanning booth or the sun?
>expect people to look like insta stars irl
the only pictures of insta stars i've seen are the ones posted here, and I've seen lots of cute girls who work hard on how they look in the gym, even in my town which is far away from where you'd expect that type of person to live.
>if you're not as rich and ripped as this chick
i don't know how rich she is, but i'm working on getting in better shape. I've lost a lot of weight already and I haven't slowed down yet. Why are you so down on people who try to improve themselves?
>ugly poofy hair
You sounded fairly attractive until this part.
I was born like this. It's inevitable.
My BMI shows that I'm skinny. I went anorexic briefly and my boobs were still sagging, cellulite thighs where still there, it doesn't help. It's just how my body looks.
She looks best in the first image. God, I hate that tan.
>i'm working on getting in better shape.
You're a tool.
i unironically prefer her skinnyfat at 145. the last pic she just has a bunch of makeup on and the lighting is better. that toned body on girls doesnt look right to me
i've lost 40 lbs in the last 12 months, why are you hating on my earnest effort?
what? the left is 140lbs of fat, the middle is just regular skinny, and the right is 140lbs of muscle. Which looks as thin as the 122lbs picture, except she has actual tone.
>so all she achieved is needing a spray tan
I mean lighting is a factor but there is a clear difference in the build of the thighs, belly, arms/shoulders
you're an idiot
Fat, disgusting fuck. You look like a burnt tire and are nitpicking some rich, mega Stacey who probably gets Instagram sponsorships just for standing around half naked.
No, you just don't have appropriate muscle mass for your bod shape. You're making unhealthy choices for your life which are being reflected in your body.
Don't go off BMI, don't go off any sort of charts or youtube videos or whatever, go off what works for you. Obviously what you're doing isn't working, so try something different. Try working out and eating a balanced, healthier diet. It won't be overnight, but it will give you what you need to build a better life for yourself.
You deserve to be happy, and to be your best you. Don't get stuck in the robot hole.
Probably because you are equally unfit. Get lost fatso
how? I'm saying that she worked hard to look better and that she does look better because of the work.
If you think I look like the girl in your picture that is funny
I have smaller, droopy boobs
>My BMI shows that I'm skinny. I went anorexic briefly and my boobs were still sagging, cellulite thighs where still there, it doesn't help. It's just how my body looks.
this is supposed to show you that 140 lbs of muscle vs 140 lbs of fat looks very different. Same exact "BMI".
OP forget these guys. You probably look fine. Focus on health, inside and out not being a porn star.
>Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
nah, not fat. muscle on girls is disgusting and doesn't look right. fuck off and go lift things like a retard
She went from very attractive to ugly. I'm amazed at how big a difference the transformation made.
I'm weak, my bones are small, my weight is mostly in fat. I don't build muscle very easily, I am a female, If I build muscle I have to deal with fat overlapping the muscle, which would make me look even bigger
There's nothing that can fix my sagging small breasts also. I just accepted that I wasn't born with the most attractive genes.
And what excuse do you have for your hair?
I'm scared that my future husband/bf will cheat on me because girls show their cleavage or wear tight clothes in public and he might look and wish that he can have sex with them
I can't secure my bf/husband because of my flaws, I am scared that I can't fulfill his basic needs
Don't worry about it, most guys would break up with you before cheating.
If you're not LARPing, just to be real with you, men crave variety it's in their biology and they'll cheat on you no matter what. It's more about opportunity. If they can, they will. That's just how it is. If that bothers you, or dating a man who checks out other females in public in front of you bothers you, then there's nothing you can really do about how they're hardwired. Personally I'm a lesbian.
when you see those girls when you're out with your future husband/bf, just call them whores and skanks that desperately need to show off their body because that's all they have. he'll probably get a kick out of it and shit on them with you.
>I can't secure my bf/husband because of my flaws, I am scared that I can't fulfill his basic needs
It makes me so fucking sad to see women thinking like this.
Some men are like that, but a lot aren't.
I'm not.
You're more than your appearance.
As long as you put effort into the relationship, that should be enough for any decent man.
Quit making excuses. Your brain is trying to scramble for reasons why you shouldn't make a change, but I know you know that your routine right now isn't working, and you aren't happy with yourself.
Also you have alot of ideas about fitness and muscle building that are wrong, so get all of that out of your head. All you have to do is eat a balanced diet, get all your vitamins, eat slightly less calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight, and exercise. You will lose fat while also gaining muscle, which will reduce the "bulkiness" that you're afraid of gaining.
No women gain muscle easily unless they're on steroids.
Women also gain muscle in different patterns than men, so you'll be surprised that the "fat overlapping the muscle" idea is going to be more beneficial than anything. It's not like when dudes gain and they get that dadly burliness, seriously.
Wrong, beta men are not like that. But they are thinking of an alpha exclusively.
They want the hot alpha but that will never cheat on her, but that doesn't exist. And betas are invisible to the thot eye (like radiation) so they'll get one either.
This entire thread is trying to OP to go to the gym to make her more fuckable, you weasel.
No, it's trying to get OP to at least exercise at home because she isn't happy with herself, and that will be a big step to making her happier with herself.
>describes self as unattractive
>still can't imagine dating a man who isn't attractive enough to just go have sex with random half naked Staceys that walk past on the street
Maybe if someone loved her as she is she wouldn't hate herself you fuckwit.
She looks better on the right. In every aspect.
Also ITT: fat girls who try to cope with their own laziness.
Yes, some people are born luckier and need less effort, and so what? Just do your best you fat fucks, and don't complain until then.
Nobody is going to give her self love. She doesn't love herself, that's her problem. There's plenty of women with "unattractive" bodies who are totally happy, and self improvement isn't needed for them.
Every complaint she's offered has been about her own appearance -- bettering that appearance is a solution. Also a therapist but feel like getting a robot to go to a therapist is even harder than getting them to go to the gym.
The last thing she needs is to date a fucked up, abusive robot with 10,000 hours of porn under his belt.
Congrats sweetie, you just earned your personal army of white knights and orbiters. Now gtfo and friendzone them like they deserve
What does that have to do with being healthy? Some of you guys have weird ideas about fitness. Quit projecting.
Buy a sex doll. People aren't objects to dump cum into. *spits
Self esteem isn't the universal cure for cultural standards, drop the dishonest solipsistic cope.
Yeah exactly. That guy's a huge fag.
>being this triggered
Found the land whale that blames "sexist society stadards" for failures.
Then why don't you try to improve yourself? Exercise, fucking retarded bitch.
All you want is a pat in the head and a cookie, fucking bitch.
fembots arent real women can NEVER be lonely you are all lying whores
no, you will cheat on him because youre a whore
No, just go on /b/. It's no mystery that men are scumbags.
how will you ever recover
still a female
>has zero empathy for anyone but himself
>demands everyone in the world care about his little, unwanted penis
i have empathy just not for females that complain about being on easymode
Stop being a lazy fuck and exercise and go to a hair stylist.
looked better at 145
>ugly poofy hair
no and i thank jesus every day