Be me

>be me
>born with 9/10 facial features
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>IQ of 140
>excel in sports my entire high school career
>make it to Uni
>try out for the rugby team
>told I can't even try out because I'm sub-6 feet tall
>repeat for hockey, football, and volleyball
>same answer

Is the only answer for manletism suicide?

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don't play sports then

Sports are my life user

I'll never want for money, I can have basically any girl I want, I'll get mires in the gym for the rest of my life but it's all pointless if I can't leave it all on the field with my bros

When I saw Rudy as a kid I never thought it was a documentary about everyone sub-6

Sounds like bullshit, at least for hockey and probably the other ones as well. How tall are you?
Either way, just try something with weight classes, or a sport that favours shorter people like gymnastics

Be persistent, keep bugging them to try out and maybe you'll get something

Post face with timestamp

look for things with weight classes. Martial arts for example. Judo was great for it, still practice allot with the other players of different sizes but there is competitively no reason not to take you.In fact its often beneficial to a university as more weight classes means more categories to potentially win.

You could always be a welder. We need short fucks like you to get into those tight spaces

Soccer is full of sub 6 foot guys.
Have you tried that?

What uni and how short are you? Rugby has manlets.

This is bullshit having played both D1 hockey and club rugby in college as a 5’10” athlete...

Larping faggot, pic related

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what? you could be a wing or a N9 without problems. Height only matters as a second lane aka tallest dudes in the team

Nice pasta

Rugby has a mandatory manlet rule. No. 9 I specially for manlets

this has to be in america...

any other country and it's 100% bullshit

Donate sperm to amazonian goddesses

What actually happened: OP was not recruited for any of these sports and the respective teams have enough short skill players.

Change country or try a different type of sport, if you really need sport. Imo you're too smart as well for most sports.
Ps. You seem hot

Agree, probably this. Rugby needs manlets

Poorly written fiction, fuck off

Don't listen to this person.
They are after your seed.
It will go to genetically inferior "stronk women" and lesbians who'll abuse the kid.
One day you'll have a confused upset and sad child on your doorstep looking for a father or worse, child support for a kid you'll never see.
Don't fall for lies like that and hollywood bullshit.

Try soccer.

you mean american football right? because the most succesfull player of all time in real football is a turbo manlett. its irrelevant for offense. only gk and def need hight and even then there are many exceptions.

Lol yeah right loser

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Rugby has designated manlet positions though, troll

There are sub 6'0 starters on every D1 college football team in the country.
Apart from the top ten or so most elite rugby schools in the country most don't even have tryouts, they're club/intramural level.
Weak bait bb, you're literally only going to get bites from dudes who have never played a sport.

You're not big, you're slow and you're weak. You're literally just an average white dude with no athleticism lmao.

Try football or soccer m8

>Be OP
>Overestimate myself in every way
>Only did ok in highschool sports
>Try out for teams in college
>Don't make the cut
>Complain about it on Jow Forums

>played soccer as a kid
>was always a centre back
>stopped growing early
>am now manlet
>can't play centre back anymore

surgery bro

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go do track or something... Doesnt really matter if you are tall. Short distances like 200 or 400 are really for the jacked guys ... even 800 runners often have a decent physique. I'm not sure though if you'll even be fast enough for D3 since it takes years of specific training

Falseflag lanklet