I should be allowed to sleep with an 11 year old girl. Making it illegal suppresses human rights
I should be allowed to sleep with an 11 year old girl. Making it illegal suppresses human rights
11 is kinda young though, like what makes them sexually attractive to you? I'd understand if it was like 14 or 15, but shit my nephew is 11 and I have no idea how anyone finds girls that young sexually attractive
Why should you be allowed to do that? Especially when 11 year old girls don't want to sleep with you. Making it legal would suppress her human rights. NO
There is no human right which allows you to sleep with a prepubescent girl. Kill yourself pedo scum.
What if they do want to sleep with me. I once talked to a 12 year old girl online who wanted me to fuck her. We are both consenting. Nothing wrong at all
I have been the 12 year old girl before. She does not really like you, she likes the idea of someone giving her attention that she is not getting, and she probably just plays along so you will keep talking to her. In a short period of time she will see you for what you really are, and all the gross qualities you have which makes you unattractive to women your own age.
Yeah that's pretty much what happened but we could have still fucked if I wasn't afraid of the law. We both wanted to so there's nothing wrong.
Yes. Being able to sleep with eleven-year-old girls is an inalienable right.
sounds like a mistake she needs to make for herself
You were born in the wrong century, my friend.
Sex is more natural than owning guns.
So much for ****natural rights****
I think 11 is too young but 12 is fine
How is that any different at all to any woman of any age?
Pedophiles like you should be nailed on a cross
Making it legal suppresses her right to fuck an adult if she wants to
Normalfags get the rope too
If children are able to have sex they should also be able to work full time jobs with no discriminatory pay, vote and own property.
only people who are net tax contributors should be allowed to vote
if a child can find out how to be a net tax contributor i'd be more than happy to have them voting
>only people who are net tax contributors should be allowed to vote
In a perfect society we would also not have minorities, but here we are.
You are willing to let the group most vulnerable to manipulation vote? God help us if that happens.
His reasoning is probably something like "they have a right to determine where their money goes" as well as "they have a stake in how things turn out and know what they are doing and thus should be more eligible to decide how things are run" or something.
We already let women vote might as well let them do it too.
>inb4 muh soggy knee
Women are provably more susceptible to political manipulation than men because of their instinct to be accepted in bigger groups.
Yeah user I'm going to start removing safety labels and restrictions on all hazardous products and areas that you encounter from now on. Overdosing on medication just sounds like a mistake you should make for yourself!
It is much more scarring at that age. Relationships and sex are hard enough for adults to navigate (notice the full grown adults here literally ready to blow their heads off because they can't figure it out?) and a child is in no way capable of processing those complex emotions in a healthy or sound way. Beyond that, a person's brain won't be fully developed until they're 21; and the final area of growth is specifically dedicated to decision making and personality. To have sex with a person far before those areas are developed is to take advantage of their weakness. And no, most adult women figure out what they like and do actually derive real pleasure from their sexual experiences.
Children want to do all sorts of things that they are unable to comprehend are bad for them. The supression of rights is not always or even at most times a bad thing. If there were no laws that governed the roads, we'd have a lot more crashes.
>wanting girls to become whores even sooner than they usually do
fuck off
If you prohibit them from having sex with adults at that age, they'll just have sex with their peers instead, and have the same scarring experience. In fact, it would likely result in even more drama seeing as the relationship would be between two inexperienced parties, rather than at least one of them having the wisdom of an adult.
You are a blind fool. I wish not for them to become whore, it is the opposite. Should an adult man like us court a young girl before she finishes middle school and becomes corrupted then she will not become a whore. Rather she will become a loyal wife.
>"should an adult man like us court her[...] she will not become a whore"
>adult men like us
>the ADULT men here have enough life skills to boil rice and buy groceries without spilling their spaghetti, let alone courting some kid
But this one was a premium bait, I enjoyed it.
Personally my taste goes no further than lolis, but I always appreciate based Kyokoposting.
i hope all pedos die desu
Where I live 12-13 year old girls regularly fuck men twice their age and they certainly don't become loyal wives lmao.
New chapters of Nagatoro are the only thing keeping me going at the moment
If the adult men here are children, we should let them sleep with other children, who are the same age as them mentally.
i don't take medications and i'm not an idiot
and even if I was I'd unironically deserve whatever darwin award I'd win
there are 7 billion + people on this planet and most of the them are useless, human life isn't worth the tax money spent trying to protect it
but you can sleep with an 11 year old girl? what is stopping you? a boner or some shit?
Nobody has a right to sex. Firearms are simply epic.
>the ADULT men here have enough life skills to boil rice and buy groceries without spilling their spaghetti, let alone courting some kid
Not all of us are like that. I'm a doctor. Any family with an 11 year old daughter should offer their daughter to me.
are you sure it's not an FBI agent?
imagine noncing some little girl and then expecting her to become a loyal wife kek
I met her in an online game and had her send pics on snapchat so it was impossible. I always cover my bases.
Have you never been a child? That is just not how children work. You have specialized children to the point at which you are completely detached from reality as regards their behavior.
Two inexperienced parties are much less likely to suffer an imbalanced power dynamic that causes one or more parties to the sexual encounter to go farther than they are comfortable with.
Ok you are just an idiot psycho. There is no use talking with godless moral retards.
Children should not be having sex with anyone period. Adolescence is literally biologically the period of time where the body prepares itself for sexual activity. Before it occurs and is finished, there should be no sexual activity.
couldn't agree with OP more
sex with what you are attracted to is a basic life necessity
ofc it is
sex is a basic life necessity
Damn I'm gonna need the source for that.
>Making it illegal suppresses human rights
Yes it fucking does. Most 11 year olds have a functioning reproductive system. The goverment is stopping a huge portion of females from reproducing (with whoever they want). Its actually ridiculous. How can you outlaw a large part of the country's reproductive system in 2019?
Not even baiting here, I don't see how the goverment can make it illegal for a girl to get pregnant. It astounds me
11 really? Kys
>Christians are committing a huge amount of eugenics in 2019, and most people just say its fine because "ITS EVILLLLL" without even thinking. Fucking madness
>Nobody has a right to use their reproductive systems
This guy thinks this sounds normal
but... but what if the child consents though???
greentext it
faklfno fnoakf mp
Meh, people from 12 to 14 should be alllowed to have sex,15-17 and 18-50
>Children want to do all sorts of things that they are unable to comprehend are bad for them. The supression of rights is not always or even at most times a bad thing. If there were no laws that governed the roads, we'd have a lot more crashes.
Do you have any proof that they are unable of making this decision for themselves?
I mean, there are 5 year olds who can fly boeings, and know far more about certain topics than you or me. I honestly don't think that the consequences of sex are THAT difficult to comprehend. I really don't.
A teenager can understand sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy and rape. I definitely understood these things when I was 12. Prove me wrong
What would you say about having teenagers write a test to obtain a permit to show that they understand what they're doing?
>Met her in a game
>Added her on snapchat
>We trade pics and she finds me hot
>She's ugly but flirts back with me when I do
>Start talking about all the sexual things I'd do to her
>We start talking over the phone and she has a really cute, soft loli voice
>I make her call me daddy, say my name, tell me she loves me, make her say how she would have sex with me
>We do this multiple times and I jack off each time
>See tells me she wants me to come see her and fuck her
>I tell her it's too risky for me
>Everything goes downhill from there