How planned out is your life? How clear is your vision of the future?
Do you live for today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next ten years?
going to neet the most i can than kms
I mostly live for the past
I don't have enough faith in my predictions for life or hope in the future to plan out some sort of decade long thing.
I have several different plans that could work out well a few years in advance, but I don't know which one to pick or have confidence in any of them.
I waste time in the meantime living from day to day with the knowledge that I need to do something, but still not enough motivation or the right personality to do much about it.
I have a gf that wants to get married after uni and start having kids when she's around 26 so I'm living for that
I don't want to live another ten years.
That's a solid plan. I mostly live for a few arbitrary goals, structured in such a way that there's something to accomplish daily. Otherwise I might an hero too.
Seems like a waste. The past has little to offer me. I don't even remember my past very well, it's just a blur.
Do you have something to do everyday that might move you in the right direction?
That's a concrete plan. As long as it's your will as much as her's.
That can always be decided by you.
>I mostly live for a few arbitrary goals, structured in such a way that there's something to accomplish daily.
like what?
Going to uni, learning French, and later possibly Russian and Norwegian if I find myself capable. Also getting a driver's license.
Today, tomorrow, next week and the next ten years don't exist.
I have no plans or vision.
There's no life or future.
It's just gears that rotate, only in the now.
With exercise I could do a few things that way maybe, I've been trying to go to a nutritionist and take supplements to get myself to feel better and function better to start doing the things I want, but that has actually been kind of backfiring so far.
As far as the things I want to try out in terms of making money/setting up a future life I want, I'm stuck at the barrier of knowing/thinking and doing, I need to somehow force myself to just do it or to just have ideas and work with them, but I've been a NEET for years and years and it doesn't come naturally at all.
I have no idea how to get past that, it's like an insurmountable wall.
The smallest step I could take for one of the things I was considering is to make a design to go on either a mug or shirt to sell and then to put it in my shop and advertise it, but I feel paralyzed.
What do yo do in uni?
Why French, Russian and Norwegian?
I just want to experience art, and maybe try to learn to make it myself.
That's what I decided is gonna make me live.
>The smallest step I could take for one of the things I was considering is to make a design to go on either a mug or shirt to sell and then to put it in my shop and advertise it, but I feel paralyzed.
Is there perhaps a way to divide this into even smaller steps? Perhaps something you could do straight away? Doing this might would be a step itself.
International Relationships. I couldn't care less about the degree, as it is rather pointless, but I go through it regardless, as otherwise I would probably just have to off myself. I picked French and Russian as that's required for my degree. Norwegian is because I lived in Norway for a bit and might return there one day.
It's good to have such an all-encompassing purpose.
But the gears rotate today, do they not?
I don't live, I just exist...
>International Relationships.
What jobs can you apply to when you get your degree?
I'm not sure, I don't really know what target demographic I want to hit or what kinds of designs I should do to begin with I suppose.
I originally planned on using uncopyrighted game quotes that sounded cool and putting them on mugs or shirts, but that doesn't seem like I could market it strongly towards any decently sized, consistent, demographic.
Another idea was valentines day mugs aimed at people with an anniversary coming up, but I was too late starting off to do that this year.
Something like that might be some sort of first step, I have a store and accounts all set up and know how to advertise and have a general idea of how everything works mentally, I just don't have a product to actually sell.
>live with parents til they die
>work minimimum wage job until then
>spend literally 0 dollars because they dont make me pay for rent/food and I dont do anything
>Im guessing Ill have 400-500k by then unless something bad happens
>move to some shit hole in Africa or Asia somewhere after they die
>live like a literal king
or maybe theyll give me the house. I dont really know how that works when people die
Perhaps some sort of work in an embassy if I'm lucky. I doubt I'll ever use it.
Seems like you're halfway there. Some form of success will come if you just keep moving forward, user. No matter how slowly.
I too hope to suck my relatives dry. I already have some inherited property, though it's not very profitable.
> lived as a NEET for years, starting in early teens
>went to a clinic for one year, when dad busted my door because I wouldn't answer to anything anymore and I didn't order food by paypal for 3 days.
> upgraded myself, got a degree, met a girl.
>girl made me go out a lot and meet with people.
>holy shit I actually enjoyed this and connected with people.
>suddenly lots of friends (4 + extended circle)
>travel a lot, learn to music and write stuff, gives me mental peace.
>no need for meds anymore
>proposed to girl last year, gonna marry this year.
>planned honeymoon in singapore and bali
Girl is good to me. I am not always good to her and I hate myself for still being impulsive, angry and having mood swings.
Sometimes I wonder if either I am going to wake up like, maybe I am just in a coma right now because of malnourishment and this is just a fantasy playing in my head, just before the docs get me going again or maybe I will really fuck up in near future. I don't know.
If you say so, though I honestly think I might run into issues down the line with neetbux and taxes as well if I actually start making income.
Or I might have to fuck with making an actual company and paying to make it too, that sounds annoying.
I just feel like I'm stuck on the verge of actually doing anything and don't have any ideas, but I'm not sure where to get ideas or how.
I'm not a particularly creative person.
To be honest with you user I kind of just watch my life play out from my own eyes like a movie. A main character like me is bound to be protected by plot armor and reach a happy ending, whether earned or not.
That's great progress, user. But one thing remains to be done: the source of your peace cannot remain all these great things you've achieved. You mention that you still have issues with mod swings. How do you think it would turn if you were to lose all of the people that sustain you now? Would you have to go back on meds? Think about it.
Most of the things you worry about likely either won't come true or won't be as bad as you perceive them now. There's only one way to find out what's true. And regardless, even if you do run into these problems, that'll come at the expense of those you're suffering from right now. It's a win/win situation.
I tend to view life in a similar manner. I don't seek a happy ending, or happiness at all, but I believe that's where true liberation might lie.
Louis? Is that you? Either way sorry to break it to you pal but you are going to get cleaned out when he divorces you and you will likely develop an addiction to hard drugs. Enjoy it now I guess, but there is nowhere to go but down from here.
I guess, yeah.
That's about the conclusion I've came to, that as long as I can make even a halfway decent amount of money doing what I want to do, and as long as I can put any effort into managing my weight it's better than the alternative, even if both will run into some sort of issue down the line somewhere or be capped off later in terms of growth.
Actually doing things instead of thinking about them is so hard, though.
You don't by chance know of any way to make that easier or simpler for myself, do you?
What waifu maker is this, OP?
I live for you, OP. My life is fully dedicated to you and I'm always watching.
I think that writing and playing music is something that actually remains when everyone else is gone. These are the two things no one can take away from me, except by chopping off my hands.
And those even help me with my mood swings, it is how I come down when I am angry and they are not as bad as they used to be.
If I actually where to lose everything I gained, then I think there would be no more real value to worldly belongings. I would shut down my bank account and see how far the money would get me. If I run out of money, without finding another opportunity or sense in life, I would kill myself or move into a monastry.
My name is not Louis and I dearly hope that she will stay with me until we are both old.
But I wouldn't resolve to any hard drugs, but rather alcoholism.
I'm not sure how much what applies to me might work for you. Personally, I was always rather apathetic to my surroundings. It's a double edged sword. On one hand I just wouldn't care if I succeeded in anything, but on the other it became quite easy to ignore any suffering. It's when I arrived to the point of suicide, I made an attempt to create a framework for myself that would allow me to make sense of the world and my place in it. I suppose you just have to ignore any suffering, empty your mind in a way. Reduce the amount of things you care about. That should allow you to focus better on a few important goals.
I live for no one else, and neither should you. My life is worthless to you.
i keep planning to kill myself but never follow through
Hmmm, that makes sense.
I'm a lot like your first description of yourself, I don't care about my own victories and tend to write off my losses as only natural.
Other people around me have more investment in "my life" than I do, I tend to feel like I'm just coasting or just an observer in my life more than anything.
I'm not sure what you mean by framework, or making sense of your place in the world.
The idea of simplifying your focus makes a lot of sense, though. Maybe I should spend some time every week or something not doing the things I typically focus on and trying to focus on being productive or something, I don't know.
Or limit my time on Jow Forums/discord?
because I haven't killed myself yet.
Soon though, I finally know what method to use.
>Other people around me have more investment in "my life" than I do
Very true. It would even annoy me to a point.
>I'm not sure what you mean by framework, or making sense of your place in the world.
Usually the more correct view would be to view yourself as just a part of the whole universe. But I believe that it just overcomplicates everything. It makes your state of being reliant on your surroundings, on other people. In essence, it's slavery. Therefore I made a framework for myself, where I am at the center, not attached to anything else. That way I can ignore any outside influence. Be a complete person by myself. That's my place in the world.
Good luck to you, then.
Well, thanks for the talk at any rate.
I appreciated the advice.
I know what you mean when you say annoyed by other people taking a larger interest in your life than you do, it's annoying.
You're welcome. It was nice talking to you. Perhaps this isn't the first or the last time we meet.