>Sit down in your usual place in class
>Some normies already had sex right there
Why is this allowed?
Sit down in your usual place in class
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normies really are retarded. if you get caught doing that you get put on a sex offender list.
How did that fatass manage to get laid? Do you think he's paying her?
Fuck off redditor. Go back to plebbit and kill yourself.
people will screw anywhere huh?
What is the sauce on this lovely moving picture?
why am I, a fit guy a 24 yo khhv
and this fat lard is not
Full video required for investigation
he's barely fat...
You don't have a stomach like that if you're not fat.
tanned/sun burned asses look terrible
tanlines are goat. especially good on azn gfs
Not a video. Was disappointed
Because you fell for a meme
>tThe absolute state of burgers
Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you have a reaction like this
Because he's either tall or has a good face. The truth is that girls don't care about how fit you are as long as you're not auschwitz or morbidly obese, lol @ gym copers.
>t. Jow Forumsizen who thinks gains are everything
Only if you get caught be someone who gives a shit.
If I walked in on that I wouldn't call the cops, I'd just think that they're retarded.
that's fucking hot
>Sit down in your usual place in class
>Some normies already had sex right there
the class is empty
He's got a bit of a belly but I agree he isn't fat.
>tfw get the train to work at 5.40am every morning
>always sit on the same seat on the platform
>few weeks ago
>went to sit at my seat
>some fucking fat woman is completely naked, no clothes visible, with her legs spread, having her pussy hurriedly eaten by some guy with long hair
>start to get nervous and not really know what to do
>walk over and ask them 'i-is your train next?'
>they don't respond
>'i-is your train at 5.40am? that is my train'
>'is the next train your train'
>they keep ignoring me and he keeps eating her pussy
>end up waiting in the waiting room, and every 3 minutes walking out, checking to see if they are still in my seat
>they are
>when the train eventually comes, they stop and the woman pulls clothes out of her bag and gets dressed
>they both look at me and start laughing hysterically
>tfw i have sniffed and kissed that seat everyday since
>having a designated seat in public
are you the final boss of autism?
That last bit got me, cheers user
This can't be real. No one would be that blatant about fucking in such a public place.
This is one of those "you can't make this shit up" things
>sniffed and kissed the seat everyday since
The angle is already unflattering, and it's made worse by how he's fucking her. He's probably just got typical belly fat
also you tend to not hold your stomach in while you're doing it unless you're looking at yourself in a mirror lol
>that fat fuck git laud and I haven't
His gut is visibly sticking out. Thats fat.
I don't know how it works in Europe, but in the US there is such a thing as frat boy fat. He's got a small gut because he drinks beer and has a good time. Chad's can indeed be heavier set so long as they are handsome and have a fashionable look that works for them and dress well.
>Why is this allowed?
it isn't but thots gonna thot
1- the angle makes him look fatter than he is.
2- dis nigga gets it: fit is great and all (i'm a fellow Jow Forumsizen with a 4 pack) but if you a winning combination of face and height it doesn't matter what you look like when you take your shirt off you will still slay pussy
>His gut is visibly sticking out.
he's leaning back you moron
>sex is bad
do you also get scared when people drink water in the same city as you?
you can't have a good face if you're not fit, period.
So sex with skanks riddled with STDS isn't bad? Okay retard, whatever you say.
Grandma what are you doing on Jow Forums?
He is considered boderline anorexic here in America.
You're delusional. The average woman isn't going to give someone a pass if they don't reach 10% body fat and suck their cheeks in; that's a cope by socially inept Jow Forumsizens in denial. You can be Paul Blart-level fat and still pull girls if you have other desirable traits, and no, that doesn't mean you need a mansion and a 20" cock. Try living in the real world for a bit bud. Oh wait LOL
In the real world skinny and fat guys have tons of sex. Ugly faces and good looking faces get tons of sex. You're missing the point. Paul Blart has a dumb looking face.
Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't appealing. Explain the basis upon which he is not aesthetically pleasing and could not pound your sister if he wanted to.
besides the fact that he should be in an old person home....?
you probably gay homie
source man where did you find this
what are you doing on Jow Forums Norman?
This never happened, if it did, nothing can recover you from such shame, i'd off myself for being such a disgrace of a human being.
Big dick
That's all that matters to sloots
hey that guy looks bretty cool
he looks like a insufferable normie faggot that's the point of the meme
need source opopopo
Dang. That's the shit I DON'T have!
He has a bit of a beer gut, but nothing unusual. Not everyone has the potential to be ottermode.
we need the sorcery
based user saves pictures of Paul Blart to jack off to
I NEED A SOURCE DAMNIT fuckorigigigigig
>i willl never experience this
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't keep fapping to degenerate shit to lose my libido and borderline castrate myself
>i willl never experience this
don't worry user, there is a girl out there dying to feel you inside of her, and have you fill every one of her holes with your cum.
Contrary to popular belief no one wants a short ugly curry to fill any of their holes
Ew absolutely disgusting. Short people post here?
You're either autistic or a woman. Probably both.
Because you dont understand the appeal of the dadbod, you plebeian
Just be yourself, incel.
I seriously have to wonder why such people are here on Jow Forums. I've seen an increasing number of these types everywhere I go. I know some of it is baiting for replies but retards who do that are only encouraging unironic versions of them to feel welcome here.
They were probably trying to profit off this video so it's possible she was paid
They have health classes in college?
a year is a fucking cakewalk lol
just endeavor hard to push yourself out of your comfort zone more socially and things will fall into place
>tfw i have sniffed and kissed that seat everyday since
Damn chads and staceys really have good times in school.
God bless them!
>A year
Try 20 years like us, faggot
>calling a man who has sex with women "faggot"
you seem confused
>Because you dont understand the appeal of the dadbod, you plebeian
>tfw I did this with my ex one time
We didn't have any where to sleep so we snuck into her college. Slept in one of the rooms, ended up fucking her face, eating her out, and then cumming deep inside of her. Situational speaking, it was during some of the worst time of my life, but that specific moment was fun. We snuck into a lot of places during that time.
this better not be some interracial sh*t