Women Love Thread

I fucking love women

Post qt3.14s

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this inoccent little cutie

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>tfw people get mad at her and not the betas that give her money

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I love girls with all their innocense and good little hearts

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Mind is blanking on me right now.

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Here's the best qt.

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I fucking love how soft women are

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user, it's so cold today! If we hug really tight, we can both stay warm :)

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so CUTE hnnnng

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define qt
attractiveness is very subjective

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>attractiveness is very subjective
pretty rich coming from a board that constantly repeats that they are objectively ugly and therefore miserable

Crispy is so adorable, post more

that girl's jacket and toque are worth more than your life.

All of them are whores that probably can't cook or do laundry. Spoiled brats who are only useful for sucking a dick.

It's easier to focus hate on one person you know some info about rather than focus hate on multiple strangers.
Also she's a woman, so...

This is the woman LOVE thread. Rudeposters please go.

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No. If someone is scamming people do you hate the scammer or the people who got scammed?

She's not scamming people. They know what they are paying for and are okay with that.

This is Jow Forums. Go somewhere else normal

literally how does she scam anyone

Looks like a dude honestly

Nah, they are all paying for the hope to make her theirs. Its like buying a lottery ticket, she just sits there implying the idea that one day one of them might win.

>i am too retarded to understand anolgies

Which part of her patreon says she'll date you?That's their fault for being retards, not hers.

s o c u te fill in so i ts original

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I keep hearing this but I don't see it.

I'm starting to think that's your own insecurities talking. Dude. Honestly.

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Noo, don't talk like that, user! You're worth more to me than my jacket. I get so sad when you think like that...

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>I am too retarded to make sensible analogies.(let alone spell the word ;^))

>be charity for homeless
>donate money
>hur dur who said we'd give or use the money for homeless people

This is her. Why would someone donate money to her hmmmmmmmm? Really makes you think. Why her specifically hmmmmmmmm.

Is this Claire's face-model?

They buy her exclusive pictures dumdum.

>Why would someone donate money to her hmmmmmmmm?
because they like her content.
No one is forcing them to pay. They can stop anytime.

Cope. Keep giving e thots money though. Im sure the smile they give you is becuase they are happy for support not becuase they got another sucker.

>women love thread
>only post extremely attractive women and e thots

Literal pornography

Nobody is forcing people to give scammers money either. Its still despicable.

Yes. She's providing a service that people want to pay for.

There are some above average girls ITT and one e-thot. You seem rather jealous femanon.

and the probIem is??

As are prostitutes. Don't call them innocent and white knight whores.

I've always felt like low IQ memes are used to liberally but my god you make me want to use them. Your posts are absolely uncomprehensible. Are you even trying to make a point?

They are all very attractive. This is a woman appreciation thread isn't it? If it actually was you wouldn't be posting these. It's like posting takashi tech 9 or murderer in a male appreciation thread

>attractive women are equivalent to murderers

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>>women love thread
>>only post extremely attractive women and e thots

a 7
6 with too much makeup

strong 5

3/10 asian insects

strong 3 to a weak 4

salvaged their insect genetics but still 6s

objectively unnatractive

cutie 7/10

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>moving goal posts

Go back to plebbit or whatever shit hole you came from.

How is it moving goal posts? That's quite literally what you just insinuated. Why don't you go back to lolcow or whatever shithole you came from.

>be on Jow Forums
>not actually a robot
>make this thread

You are intentionally being inflammatory.

U stoopid me smart le memes right fellow robots

basically nothing you have said thus far has made any fucking sense, why wouldn't people post attractive women?

You are entirely ignoring the point.
>women appreciation thread should appreciate good women
Instead you'd rather focus on a minor detail and argue. Rather defend the fact that you post shit horrible women for appreciation you'd rather change the discussion.

Would you like me to correct myself? Posting whores is like posting womanizers in a male appreciation thread

Disregard rudeposters, post more cuties.

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Becuase this isn't supposed to be a porn board. Fuck off somewhere else.

>tfw enby tumblr gf with DD's

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Why don't you go to /s/ and ask for a non sexual thread?

There's one "whore" that's been posted. The rest are just cute girls. OP clearly wanted a qt thread, why is that a problem?

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Becuase this is Jow Forums and that's not the title of the thread.


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Because Jow Forums has no topic and people can post what they please. If the trannies and faggots can have their threads why can't straight men have one? Why are you so upset over this?

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Ok my turn. Rating based on attractiveness and the pic itself
9/10, she looks so soft and luscious.
2/10, that makeup rubs me the wrong way. It's really gross.
6/10, mannish face
5/10, very boring typical asian
8/10, very cute
3/10, looks too jewy
5/10, another unremarkable asian
7/10, much better makeup but those freckles are gross and she looks like a god damned elf
5/10, looks too much like a dude to be any higher
7/10, a slightly worse photo of muffy
5/10, another boring asian
8/10, nothing wrong here
5/10, I don't like that smile
6/10, looks strangely childlike, in a bad way
5/10, you can tell she would look ok without that nose
3/10, she may be a landwhale but her face isn't a complete disaster
6/10, trying too hard to look like a 3d anime girl

I'm seriously glad you are here because that means you will probably never reproduce

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Here's a qutee

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>6/10, trying too hard to look like a 3d anime girl

She's cosplaying an anime character.

>Jow Forums is so overrun by faggots that cute girl threads are controversial now

Tomoko isn't supposed to be cute she's a 3/10 greasy fujo who smells.

why do cute girls trigger the incels so much?

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Cute redhead tomboys are my favorite!

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I want that tongue in my anus.

Because the people freaking out are either roasties, or faggots.

or even worse-- the most pathetic group of all.


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I love QT's op.

Joining in!

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So many to post, so little time!

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Because there is nothing cute about that girl. She would literally look cuter after you sprayed her with a fire hose to wash off that stupid hair style and makeup. If you're attracted to girls like this I feel sorry for you

I'm going to second that opinion.

That girl looks absolutely atrocious.

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That's pretty nice.

You can tell she's chubby too, which bumps her up an extra point

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>Deadpan expression.

Doesn't really work for her imo

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Posting superior nerd QT

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Imagine having these two in bed with you at the same time

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Have a nice black gal, user

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>Tfw big sucker for booty shorts.

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Women are pretty much the best, OP

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>Tfw no porcelain GF

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Some vintage qt, shit-eating grin edition.

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Mega milkies

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>getting mad at all about what other people do with their money

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stan shaw looking ass 4/10

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Perfect booty.

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Have a picture of my tigress in that case.

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damn man, any pictures without clothes on?

What kind of socks do you call these?

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I'm afraid not mah boi!

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>TFW no super qt- ukrainian gf

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Gotta get ready for this job interview!

Keep this thread alive for a few hours anons, I have many more qts to share

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semi goth qtpi

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Aww yee

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But I'll give you a bumshot

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>these are the girls the beta 5/10 faggots on Jow Forums want
No wonder why you can't get gfs, you ignore the average and the above averages. You can't get a 9/10 like this

shit man, whats her name?

Smile cutie

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There are some average girls here.