Life Fucked Me

Greentext time boys

>be me, 19
>amateur MMA fighter witha record of 12-1
>I'm very athletic and I'm a featherweight so i'm lean too
I should be able to get a girl easily right?
>be 5'6
>every girl i know is taller than me
>no one likes short guys
kill me now please

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Why don't you just beat the shit out of a woman until she loves you? Seems to work for Tyrones.

i'm not a tyrone tho i'd probably just get deported to sweden and locked up for rape

agree, just go on tinder, show some muscle and say you are rough in bed

do you live in scandinavia where everyone is super tall

they all ask how tall i am and i just block them because i'm ashamed of being 5 foot

I live in serbia but people are pretty tall here

Do they really? That's really harsh

have you ever been on tinder

the bright side is you now have a free pass to act like an asshole which might actually attract a bitch

I used it 7 years ago and got no matches so I deleted it after like a week

how do i have a free pass to act like an asshole

everyone already assumes you're some angry manlet asshole

short-man syndrome/Napoleon complex

bro what if some chad faggot comes up to me and he's like 10 foot tall i can't fight that wtf

I'm 20 , 5ft6 (171 cm) and got 14 girls in my bed.

Sure it's not cool but you can still fuck

thank the chinese for inventing gunpowder

i'll fight you in front of them to prove my superiority

171 is slightly over 5'7"


Fuck my ass nigger

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5.6 Feet, it's using base 10 instead of American way of using base 12 for inches so that is about 5 feet and 7 inches

ironically you posted a guy shorter than you who had a hot gf even before he got rich

same situation brother.
I am good fighter who has a record of 5-1 in street fights and I have beaten people that are more muscular and taller than me
I am 174 (not sure if it is 5'8 or 5'9)
Girls find me unattractive because of my height
I also live near to you. (Romania)

You'll surely win because your speed is superior.

at least you dont have any chronic illness

Being a manlet is a lifelong affliction one must cope with on a daily basis.

What are you a pussy? You call yourself an MMA fighter but you wont back yourself. Ive never been in a fight with someone my own height, such is the life of a Manlet.

>>every girl i know is taller than me
Lies. 5'5 is average female height