It'd be interesting, my life is boring i don't have anything to do
Can I talk to the anons who hate f*manons?
are you the roastie from yesterday who fought in the big tits thread?
Why are you people so upset that others have different world views? Just fuck off already
Are you looking for an unironic discussion of femanon hate or to talk shit about me for my views?
We don't want to talk to you. Fuck off.
I'm not, can you link it?
I'm not upset I'm just interested in your point of view
The first one
no. i wanna argue with you tho i'm also bored.
how do you deal with the fact that you're a hypergamous, emotional, mindless, gold digging whore who can only offer very conditional love that makes it basically meaningless?
Can I do something for you to stop hating me
lf you were to fuck off, I might hate you slightly less.
I'm not, I think... I'm 19, I'm depressed and I don't go out of the house
yes what is it what do you want allow me to enlighten you ask away
yea but you just don't have the chance to show it yet. anyways do you have a discord? we can keep each other entertained since we both have nothing to do
Why do you hate me? Origg
Refer to the posts above you
robots hate women because they are deprived of companionship and they have no other source of meaning in their lives. society has told them that sex and beauty are the most important acquisitions in life, particularly young life, and not having them they have branded themselves as utter failures.
but being american and (mostly) affluent they feel entitled to happiness and pleasure so they perceive that there must have been a malfunction in the system somewhere, some sort of error occurred in their upbringing which made them the unfortunate victims of circumstance. ergo their sense of deprivation has made them extremely angry and indignant, so they look for scapegoats.
naturally women arise because they represent all that the robot wishes to acquire--again, youthful beauty and sex. but they have their own psychologies and ambitions and desires, none of which typically center around the self-styled tragic victimized robot. or to put it a simpler way, most women don't want to be surrogate mothers for bratty, whiney teenage-to-late-20 boys.
if you have other questions fire away.
I do user, if you tell me yours I'll add you. Thing is, you're probably trying to hurt me or something since you said you hate females. But ya know, try it bitch
Implying all robots are American
Implying all robots want surrogate moms
I don't know who you're trying to describe.
4567#4206 origionaliolololo
i never said all. i was making generalizations. you know, things that are generally true, but not universally. and generally, robots are americans and have mommy issues. this is patently clear from browsing the catalog.
i see those british robot threads sometimes but uh, if you want to be that picky, just replace 'american' with 'western' and most of whatever analysis you want to make is unchanged. tack an accent onto the pasty white robot and i don' think much changes.
Yeah and your generalizations are retarded. How do they have mommy issues and what are you seeing from the catalog? Even if it true women are the ones with daddy fetishes so that means all girls are just whiny babies as well who deserve no love
>every woman in my family has cheated on their SO
>mum was emotionally abusive + tried to kill herself
>make it to uni and women are overwhelmingly self-centred narcissists with no hobbies or interests who step on everyone around them just to feel any sense of popularity
>watch how women vapidly cake themselves in makeup, slut around on tinder, waste time with trivial things like facebook and instragram to validate their fragile egos
>find a site where I can vent about this and commiserate with fellow invisible men who don't fit in and don't want to fit in
>women start showing up to beg for attention even here
gee I wonder why I don't like women
I'm sorry user, but nice females exist, I promise you
They really don't that's the thing. Girls have lost all their value in recent times. That's why in Asia girls are useless and they kill their daughters. Only a matter of time before it happens here and you can thank yourselves for that
categorically modern women are all like this
they are swamped with hundreds of different ways to get attention from attractive men and do everything in their power to maintain it
even the nice, shy ones work out that they can just slap some makeup on, open up tinder and meet a good looking person who will fuck them
women are permanently over-validated for how much they are worth and how attractive they are and ultimately it creates an entire generation that only care about themselves and have given up on meeting genuine, kind, hard working people and only settle once they're not attractive anymore.
and they permanently have the balls to blame men. It's always our fault they are as they are. My dad didn't pay enough attention or the stuff wasn't as nice or he wasn't handsome enough or he didn't make enough money. You can NEVER PLEASE WOMEN. It is literally impossible. They always want more and test and test even when they have the world.
Why do u think people hate you? Why do you do these things then ask stupid questions? And most of all,
>no bored femanon hating sissy to TOP
i dont know why femanons are so surprised that a bunch of guys who have been emotionally fucked with and/or ignored by women their entire lives develop hatred for them. would you rather we turn into those male feminist types that worship the ground women walk on? do you expect people like us to be normal or something?