ITT: post caves

ITT: post caves

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i will never understand dual monitor setups.
you cant pay attention to two things at once, silly. you are just wasting resources. just alt+tab and stfu about it.

T. Coping poorfag
Holly molly that looks maximum comfy, nigger

>case on top of desk

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I often have a video going on one monitor, and imageboard on the other. I can have the video full screen and quickly divert my attention between the monitors without having to press any keys.

Enjoy your dust.

>I often have a video going on one monitor, and imageboard on the other.
and you are never paying attention to two things at once, silly.
>T. Coping poorfag
t. coping guy that was shilled into buying two monitors by the benq korean mafia and doesnt want to admit he brought them on impulse because shits just retarded and unnecessary bloat

t. coping dual monitorfag

here, megu posters everywhere
also join if you are shit in

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>you can't glance at things

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Not op, but that monitor on the left can found at thrift stores for like $20 poorfag. There's no reason no to get an extra monitor if you have the space.

*half quarter of a millisecond later*
alt+tab again


maximum brainlet.

it consumes power, and wasted power consumption stresses the electric grid, which hurts the planet. Its wasted electricity.


Original shit

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>case on carpet
And you think I'm a brainlet?

Its not perfect but it do

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Looks pretty comfy OP

How can people seriously live like this

Looks comfy user
>ywn sleep in that bed while your robot bf plays video games

i find it very hard not to live like this

Does your air mattress stay inflated, or do you have to periodically reinflate? Other than that, nice. For some reason having clothes strewn all about is pretty comfy to me, the only thing I don't like is garbage.

>air mattress
How do people sleep on those every night?

pedriodically reinflate i guess

i think mattresses are kind of a meme, I had a bed not too long ago and it wasnt any more comfy. The only thing is if you are sharing it with someone, which I'm not, I'm sure an air mattress would get annoying because it moves too easily

but it inflates electrically

How is it wasted if it's going straight into the monitor? Or are you implying that one extra monitor is going to fuck up the balance of the entire planet? If you take issue with "wasted power" I think you've got much bigger fish to fry than people who like dual monitors on an Algerian pastel painting board. Faggot.

There are thousands of gamer type consumers with dual monitors. It adds up. And don't even get me started on how much it hurts the planet to build them from scratch and to dispose them when they stop working. Shit is just toxic for the environment.

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I can understand that, in a way. At least get a computer desk though. Your Jow Forums posting efficiency will increase.

dont really have space or money or want to have to move any big furniture like a desk/large computer if i move out

plus i like falling asleep with the laptop right there and youtube vids autoplaying

People buy printers and throw them away after the ink runs out daily, because it's cheaper to do that and buy new printer with full, included ink, than buy replacement ink. Start on that e waste and phones and shit that are much more disposable, than monitors, which many (if not most) people have for years on end.

Man, you are mad.
Do you work for the Benq korean mafia?
Just relax and have a drink.

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finally going to decorate and get a new bed this weekend

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Are you real? like can you put a timestamp or something? Very comfy room regardless, you live at home user?

why wouldnt this be real, and No i own the house

That looks like a comfy bed user

hi gunjy

noice sldhalfkhasldfh

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Why does this roastie post in every thread? The church girl will probably be here soon.

Church persons a guy I think. And I post because I like seeing rooms and I like talking about rooms plus who said I was female anyway

currently a neet living with parents

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what are you doing with those pc parts

Why would someone rich be in r9k room threads

my place is pretty comfy :DD

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I play full screen video games, and sometimes the game doesn't alt+tab well, and it takes a second. Much better to just have 2 monitors. Also, I don't care about the planet. We're already fucked. Maybe 50 years ago I would've cared.



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I used to share this sentiment, but depending on the type of work that you're doing, it's fucking terrific. It's a great deal more efficient. Try using a laptop and a desktop at the same time, for instance. Even better. Not having to switch windows is phenomenal.

I run a website on the server because I don't trust hosting companies and just fug around with the rest of the parts.

that's pretty cool desu

I live in a shed. It's pretty great.

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>coffee mug
>"It takes _time_!"

lmao these iToddlers never fail to amuse me.

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Perception isn't it. Lets break down what is in that photo
>second hand ikea bedframe and mattress - 50 britbux
duvet -asda. 12 britbux
rug - 3 britbux from oxfam
side table - literally found it in the garage
some soft toys

I work a wagey job and pay 400 a month mortgage for a 60s prefab bugalow.

I don't know user, which part of this says rich to you.

Yea sure. It depends on what you do in your machine. I was kind of pretending to be a silly boy.

NOW, this is a literal non-reason.
LOL, if you cant alternate windows just look at it later lil nigga.

what the hell is up with that reflection on the wall? am i being retarded?

>I run a website on the server because I don't trust hosting companies and just fug around with the rest of the parts.

How's it a non-reason. Some games don't handle being alt+tabbed well.

Girl alert
Very comfy nonetheless

You are playing your game, or you aren't.
If you have any reason to get out of your game you have ADD or something. Just look at it later.

I do have ADD, actually. But regardless, I switch between things a lot.

The dog. Also, the bedframe seemed like some expensive artsy ikea shit i don't know man. You dont have a dektop mate?

>I do have ADD, actually. But regardless, I switch between things a lot.
fair enough.


>rescue dog

Ok. To be honest I barely get by in terms of money. Everything I have spare goes on my dog rescue work. Nothing there says rich to anyone with normal perception. Its all cheap old furniture

best picture I could get, window is to the right of my desk. I sleep on the couch under my loft bed, usually just put clothes up there

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a mirroir ?

Alright bossman. Whatever you say

Just saying I might look well off to a poorfag because I choose to not live in complete squalor sure. As I said. Perception. The people with proper computer setups will likely be better off than me and my cheap laptop

ayy laptop gang, i only got a laptop here too.

does the job. Run it into the ground shitposting and torrenting and then repeat the process in a few years

atleast its bigger than my dick

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kino originally

>what are you doing with those pc parts
Scattering them around the room obviously.
Fucking pay attention.

I do not have a camera but I can describe it. I have a landline to save money and see no use in buying a computer camera. I rent a 5x12 feet room. My desk takes up about a foot and a half and goes from wall to wall. I sleep on a bed I found in the attic. When I am not sleeping I press it up like a seat. I have 3 outfits that I store either on my desk when I am sleeping or on the floor when I am awake. Casual clothing, work uniform, and a dress shirt and tie. I can only do one thing in my room. It is hell during the summer because it gets so hot, but during the winter my computer acts as a heater. I have to keep it clean because if I do not I can literally do nothing else. I can describe it more if you guys want.

my cave is shit I got a bunk bed shitty drawings and my tarantula

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this is the tarantula I talked about

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most based post i have seen in a while

great porn taste too

I dont really like my room, never have.

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I like playing game son one screen and have a show playing on the other. Sure, I can't watch both at the exact same time, but when the game slows down a bit it's nice to have something playing next to me.

Been living like this for 3 years now.

The piss and vomit dont even bother me anymore

Gonna die an hero soon

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It's not much but it's all mine. Just picked up an old CRT recently to play ps2 and n64 games.

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hey, atleast you got a bed, thats something!

>no dirty robot to tie up and rape in his stinky bed

Who else /dadsbasement/ here? It's so comfy I don't have much motivation to ever leave.

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>and you are never paying attention to two things at once, silly.

I've got one monitor and always have it split between a browser on twitch streams and another for general browsing. Audio from the stream draws my attention, cause I'm not gonna sit there solely focused on that kind of video all day.

Holy shit, that feel when no rich parents.

The amount of stuff in here that was bought for almost nothing from thrift is beyond belief, including the table, chairs, TV mount, headphones and decorations.

Bonus grandma curtains in the background.

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Dude are those satin sheets

stay alive so you can witness the singularity. ai is going to turn into god which will dramatically change the world as we know it. i too am a kv NEET who lives in squalor and witnessing ai and the singularity is the only purpose of my life

yes, life is inherently deeply unjust and full of suffering, but dear GOD will it feel nice to watch it all burn, on the assumption that it will burn due to ai

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i just took this picture. you can see my tea brand (the bright pink stuff), and you can see the finished tea pot on my chair

just a comfy vegan NEET here

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How much money does your dad make? What type of car does he drive?

I have 2 aswell and I am allready thinking of buying a 3rd one, you are obviously a very poor person if you never even could afford 120$ for a cheap second monitor to try it out.

>the electricity used from gamers using 2 monitors
>muhh electronic waste

NIGGER. Do you know how many people use 5 TVs, change their smartphone every year and throw away electricity for unnecessary shit? Stop being a moralfag

if you're going to go in that direction, the environmental damage of owning a monitor is actually a small small fraction compared to eating meat and industrial farms

like its not even close. the environmental damage done by farms dwarfs even the oil, coal and gas industries, electronic manufacturing are a small fraction of that. so basically if ur not a vegan ur a hypocrite by your standards cause ur whining about all this environmental bullshit

i can derail the thread and be right about it too, ya know

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I like the crt user

Your setup looks really comfy OP. Though your monitors are a little small. I suggest upgrading to a minimum of 22" 1080p one.

Give tea review please.

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thoughts on my room? haven't cleaned in a bit but it's still pretty comfy

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Hello anons, we meet again. posting apartment again.

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When I get paid on the 1st, I will be buying some art to put on the wall to make it less bland

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this is where I make ramen noodles and microwave pizza.

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my lightbulb blew and now I have to use my led's to see

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