what about you?
what about you?
Transition and be other robot's sissyboi so they can top you you got nothing to lose :)
Wish I could. It's one of those just do it kind of things that I can't bring myself to do.
>being gay
i'd rather die twice
Lock your boiclit up and take the pink pill
You need to get your boipucci dominated OP
You could be of use to fellow robots though, just let them creampie you so they can lose their virginity
if you are depressed and suicidal
come chat with like minded losers
Why not be a girl once though?
you're part of the reason why i want out early
thanks but no
You can always be a twink you are most likely gay with the anime shit your posting.. ever suc a cock?
30 is when my real life begins
Dif robot here you might as well have sex try Grindr
>no sad robot sissy to fuck and sexually abuse then cuddle
Is this board always like this?
shan't be posting another thread
no you wont fucking coward
All the gay shit and Discord shilling in this thread. wew
Why wait? Steam it tonight.
I have a plan I call "final gear"
Basically blow my money on drugs, explosives (or make my own and put this degree to good use) and guns, then go out with a bang
>final gear
What's your degree in?
ill sail the furthest seas
Discord tranny shills aren't quite 24/7, but this garbage is pretty regular here, now.