>he doesn’t have a toilet squat stool
He doesn’t have a toilet squat stool
>he doesn't squat on the edge of the toilet seat
balancelets are fucing pathetic
>he doesn't have a bidet
fucking manlets
You can google some pretty gore accidents from people doing that
Different uses
Pajeet spotted.
Holy shit. Someone practically lost their entire leg from slipping on a toilet
taking all the sinks
>he doesnt shit when he is literally squatting.
Min 3 plates are required in order to achieve btw
get on my fuckin level
The fuck is going on here
>he doenst shit in the street
>>he doesn’t have a toilet squat stool
>be me
>go to see the ass doctor
>get a "touché rectal"
>get explained that the way to shit is when your belly touch your knees and shitting this way only take 3mn
No shitting your hemoroids out anymore, no more pain and all ass gains
>he doesn't remove the grill and funnel thingy from his shower's drain
>he doesn't directly shit into the sewer pipe while squatting as deep as he wishes
I'm about to shit while taking a shower, squeaky clean inside out
>he doesn't insert the bidet into his ass to give him an enema
Justify your answer
Why do you need a stool to make stool? Can't you just lift your knees to the same height?
Got ass problem from 3 years now due to stress that made me shit 8 to 10 times a day for more than 3 months
Fucking nightmare, have seen 8 doctors so far all are saying that it's all good nothing to worry about but the pain was still here
See the shitting stool as a possible way to relieve me from the pain
>he doesnt use his neighbors lawn
I suggested to my gf that we install modernised squat toilets. I'm thinking basically a modern toilet bowl, but built further into the floor, with Stainless Steel decking built around it. Remote cistern like older toilets had, so it doesn't impede on your space and you have the perfect toilet. She declined, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Damn. I shit way too frequently since i have memory (3 times a day) and last year i got some hemorrhoids. Maybe i should try this but i fear the accidents. Also, doing this puts too much weight in the edge of the toilet and it may damage it
>Maybe i should try this but i fear the accidents. Also, doing this puts too much weight in the edge of the toilet and it may damage it
The principle is to have your knees and belly touching themselves, if you're afraid to squat on the bowl just sit down bend yourself like you wanna hug your thighs.
Its relieving for the anus and rectum because that way you don't push and your hemoroids won't get worst
>She declined, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Good job user!
Only manlets need a stool to take a shit
>shitting this way only take 3mn
Is it normal to take more than a minute to shit?
awful idea, long fall, slippery, it's like you want to injure your fragile human body permanently
I do
Bidets and a stool has nothing to do with each other you glue eating nematode