What is with this sudden surge of anti-anime, anti-vidya and anti-hobby sentiment on basically every high-traffic board?

What is with this sudden surge of anti-anime, anti-vidya and anti-hobby sentiment on basically every high-traffic board?

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More normalfags coming in

Influx of normalfaggots

It's cause everyone watches anime, plays video games, and so on now. All those pastimes that used to be strictly for losers and weirdos only are mainstream now.

So it's counter-contrarian now?

Which ones?

Boomer loser activities have been adopted by the masses and proven to be gay. The contemporary loser longs for something more.

Influx of normal-fags

It's also oldfags that have outgrown those hobbies after realizing they don't bring them the joy they once did. They try to encourage others to do the same, or they are tired of being reminded of something that doesn't work for them anymore. Basically oldfags actually becoming older and trying to pass down wisdom on a place they once called home.

most sports, art, welding, most hobbies involving cars, and traveling

Normalfags still think watching a lot of anime is weird. It's just that it doesn't automatically make you weird if you watch one or two.

Nobody hates that. Anime, Vidya, comics, plastic models, on the other hand, are all normie tier and outcasts who engage in them have themselves to blame for it, are to blame for the mass popularity of soi, and make the rest of us look bad.

Name literally one thing wrong with plastic figures

Are you sure about that one? They actually seem pretty mainstream at this point. I feel like normies would be more likely to be into video games and anime nowadays, depending on the title. You see Attack on Titan shit sold in Walmart, for instance.
I feel like you're rather seeing fed up right wing reactionaries rejecting popular culture and escapism, while taking to the internet to vent their frustrations. I quit playing video games over a decade ago because I got sick of all of the political bullshit being pushed, and I hardly ever watch any newer films for the same reason. I don't bitch people who play them or anything, and I occasionally watch anime, but I understand the sentiment.

I always thought anime and manga were lame, but I always played lots of video games. Now a days I play hardly any vidya but I'm just now getting into chinese comics and cartoons. Just do the things you enjoy, fuck others' opinions

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But most people on this website who play vidya ren't really playing the triple A trash that has politics forced in the first place. Why would you drop vidya entirely if you play Souls games, Team Fortress, Red orchestra, Street Fighter, Hollow Knight, etc?

Nothing besides it's a waste of time. I like them too user. But I'm also explaining why the hate is not coming from normies.

Do you want my personal answer? My life is a great deal more fulfilling without video games. I took up productive hobbies, and invested my time into other things. I gave them up when I was about 16. I have absolutely zero interest in ever playing another one.
If one takes issue with the mindless escapism aspect, rejecting them wholeheartedly makes a great deal more sense than sitting there and going, "Yeah, MY video games are fine. But YOURS are childish garbage!" In my personal opinion, a lot of the sentiment extends from a wholesale rejection of the perception of the extended childhood of many adults. You know, guys who collect Funkos and are elated over getting a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. Toys are traditionally seen as childish interests, as are video games. The validity of their view can be argued (I know that somebody is going to take great offense, too), but it makes a lot of sense if one understands where they're coming from. It's a desire to restore and become their perception of the "traditional" adult, rather than playing into the "pop culture zombie manchild" of the 21st century.

Imagine having such a small and fragile ego that fanbases keep you from things you've enjoyed your whole life. How fucking sad.

It started on reddit, and naturally, because Jow Forums is now reddit 2.0, it found its way here.
You can tell they are redditards because they legitimately get upset when you tell them to fuck off, and they start spamming anti-anime/video game shit to try and piss you off. Redditards ones again come to the literal shithole of the internet just to complain that its a shithole.

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Try some wuxia user. That is if you like reading

What if my perception of a traditional adult is one that plays vidya?

This is my 3rd quads within the past 5 years. Something wrong with 4chin?

>his liked videos include anti-SJW content
wait, is that guy seriously calling the guy an idiot for hating SJWs? Like, he's actually DEFENDING SJWs?!

I'll check it out, user. Thanks for the recommend. I just started reading the Goblin Slayer manga. Bretty gud so far. I'm a beginner pleb, so I have no idea what most people on /a/ are talking about. They seem like assholes there anyway.
I'll be checking those quads as well.

>person defending anime gets 5 downvotes
>person hating anime gets 3 upvotes

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its plebbit

roles have reversed, now normies watch anime, like super hero movies, play video games, do cosplay. Still getting laid.

Aspies? Fitness, fashion and self improvement. Still not getting laid tho.

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Eh, i'm still doing nerd shit (minus capeshit) and I don't get laid.

That's fine. You're not them. I'm just explaining where the sentiment stems from.
For what it's worth, I think that anybody who tries to shame others for playing video games or liking anime is completely misguided. It's a total waste of time to try and shame others into adopting your viewpoint on the matter. It should be enough if it's the choice that one makes for themselves to not cram it down everybody's throats.

why do redditors try so hard to act like they're on Jow Forums when they clearly hate virgins, neckbeards, ect.?

they like our style but despise our content. but, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

>normalfags breathing air and we must stop now

influx of zoomers is why. Newfaggots need gas.

Boomers from Jow Forumsthedonald

>nostalgia not existing
Oldfags would remind newfaggots that anime used to be good, video games used to be good, the internet used be good. Etcetera.

they are secretly in love with us, it just goes against their principles and thats where the denial comes from

because normalfags came in and joined forces with us who are already here but weren't manchildren despite being losers

They literally have a Jow Forums board full of screencaps.

and in that board, in the comments, they pretend to be Jow Forums users even though most of them don't even come here.

People are getting older and losing interest in their hobbies. You're probably still in your late teens or early twenties. The apathy really starts to set in once you get to like 25.

You overestimate the extent to which normies like these things. Normies will occasionally watch a superhero movie. They will play a video game like Call of Duty. They might watch Naruto. They don't get really into them the way that aspies do though. This has always been the case. Normies have always enjoyed occasionally playing video games and such. Its the aspies who become truly obsessive over them which differentiates them from normies.

anti is from the influx of normalfaggots and all youtubers like wavetitan's fault or those damn screen caps

this. the only "hobby" normies can wrap their heads around is working out because it's so simple, repetitive, mentally unchallenging, and boring.

What if I'm a 24 year old that's mentally and physically healthy but I watch anime 2 hours every other night?

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it's a problem on all of the internet and it started with "rant channels" on youtube like: I Hate Everything, Filthy Frank and Grade A Under A. Their normie fanbase will always blindly follow whatever it is that is told by them as long as its in the form of their favorite e-celeb overlords.

That's only one hour per day. That's nothing.

I think part of what's fuelling it could be that most videogames and anime these days are hopelessly boring, so people think doing mindless (equally boring) "self improvement" tasks would be a better use of time. If I could find good anime I'd probably do that instead. Most anime doesn't take itself seriously anymore, anyone have any good recommendations? Even older anime's fine as long as it's a bit mature and good

>I Hate Everything
I hate everything that channel stands for. All that faggot does is make everyone believe that he's somehow right and everyone else is wrong. He LOVES to hate on popular things like new video games, ect., but the SECOND he likes something that most people hate, he gets all preachy.
Remember what happened with star wars the last jedi? Star wards fans hated the movie because it was a fucking shitty movie, but because he liked it, suddenly he's right, everyone else is wrong, and he makes a 20 minute video crying about "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE AGREE WITH ME WAAAAAAAAHHHHH"

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One possible explanation could be that Jow Forums starts to hate anything the instant it becomes popular or mainstream. This has happened to a lot of the major nerd hobbies like comics, video games and anime. What was once nerd shit is now normie shit and vice versa.

That's because rant culture means that you have to complain in order to look cool. People just find any excuse they can in order to attack other people on this shithole of all places and feel good about it. They're retards. Add ontop of that the waves of pretentious normalfags and the culture of irony that normalized shit opinions (/v/ is a fine example of that).

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More normies are coming to 4ch and they dont care about that kind of shit.

Have you ever seen Death Note? I think you'd like that.

I don't hate anime, I hate the ironic weebs that avatarfag with their moe garbage

Jow Forums is no longer an anime website. Weebs need to understand this. Anime is for faggots and is largely responsible for the trap problem. Videogames are a pleb tier normie interest. They've been ruined. The last generation was the final one.

We've had faggots all over the world before anime was popular. Anime is just a form of entertainment. Jow Forums IS an anime website, you're just a prudish faggot. Don't get me wrong, I love Jow Forums, but if you try to take away my hobbies you're no better than the commie censorfucks.

Why is anime responsible for traps?