20 years old, 56kg, 166cm. I'm also a retarded brainlet. Sit in a chair all day long in my room browsing online for most part of my life. A NEET/parasite leeching from my mother. I'm asking if anyone on Jow Forums for some advice for this sack of flesh if you feel like giving me some of your time. You do not have to chew it out for me, just skip this thread then brother/sister.
I sometimes visit this board the past 5 years or so and I watch bodybuilding videos often on yt from time to time but never really thought of my own body until one month ago. Looked at my body in the mirror and also filmed it. I was somewhat shocked at how gross and not really pretty feminine my body looks and it reminded me of Sarah Silverman's body. I also have zero muscle. What do you think Jow Forums? How do I become a beautiful woman so I am good enough for Chad that he would not leave me? Haha, joke of course.
Chad will still leave you lmao. Chad doesn't have a sense of loyalty. He's literally just like you trying to do better u dummy. Plus you look like shit.
Owen Hill
It was a joke. Men don't have sense of loyalty, not just Chad. Men are more likely to cheat too. The asian male is the less likely to cheat of all races though.
Wyatt Thomas
Unironically starting strength
Henry Brown
Disgusting but someone out there would still fuck it anyway
Daniel Edwards
yes, but that's only because an asian male is the least likely to find someone who wants to have sex with him, whether or not he's in a relationship
Julian Foster
Work with the 'tism first, and maybe start with some at home exercises. You mostly just need to lose some weight and replace it with muscle.
Blake Nelson
You have a pretty average body for someone who doesn't workout. If this is in fact a genuine curiosity to improve yourself and not another attention whore, I suggest you start with beginners weight training (10-15 mins) and do cardio (10-15+) mins. Increase time for both gradually. And improve your diet (aka salads, meat, food high in protein). Do the workouts 4 days a week minimum.
Jayden Ramirez
>Men don't have sense of loyalty Did you spell "women" wrong, or are you projecting? It's an objective fact that women cheat more.
Andrew Hill
is this a robot moving in a skin suit
Michael Cooper
Depends on the asian guy. The reason why they cheat less primarly is because they come from a culture where family is highly important. The asian female is also less likely to cheat.
My BMI is 20 though. But yeah, very solid advice. Yes true, very good advice too. Thank you. You're really wrong on that. Men are more likely to cheat.
well you have bombshell tits and nice wide hips so I have no idea what you're talking about literally all you need to do is burn some fat and become more athletic and you could be extremely hot. maybe take up swimming also please be in Vienna, I'll take you out to a nice dinner I know the best restaurants
Nathaniel Ward
Yeah it aint pretty but its fine. Try losing some weight maybe. You could also just start lifting heavy if you wanna "tone up" as the normies would put it and look more thick and fit. So that would be barbell, and other compound movements with the goal of gaining strength. I wanna play with your milkers
Jacob Lopez
>the asian female is also less likely to cheat
Yeah you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Get off this board and go lift you hideous stupid cunt, you can't fix your mental retardation but you can at least fix that weirdy proportioned husk you call a body
Ryan Harris
Nice tits, good hips, not ngmi
Bentley Cruz
Do you want muscle, become leaner or both? Reading sticky helps a lot
Ayden Cook
>bombshell tits
Adrian Morales
>The asian female is also less likely to cheat. ....no
John Nguyen
if you think that isn't a great rack you haven't seen any naked girls lol
Joseph Gutierrez
They are quite saggy though. Maybe losing more fat will hopefully make them perky automatically.
have sex incel. You obviously haven't done any research on which gender and what race is more likely to cheat.
Did read the sticky of course, just fishing some personal attention of course.
Oliver Sanders
Nice tits/10 Do more cardio, watch your diet and lift for endurance and you'll be looking sexy af in no time
>Men are more likely to cheat. OK. Keep lying to yourself and projecting your own whorish desires onto your expectations for men. I'm sure you'll attract plenty of good, honest, loyal men this way. As far as your body is concerned, literally just stick to any beginner lifting + cardio routine for about three months, then stop going up in weigh to maintain when you no longer want to get any bigger or stronger, and keep up the cardio. That's it. Unlike men, women don't have to work hard to good. Also, good, loyal, honest men don't look for women that wear much makeup, if any. They want the same things. Makeup is dishonest, and makes you look like you just want to catch dick. If you only focus on your appearance and not your attitude, you're going to attract men with the same values. If you honestly beleive men cheat more, you're going to find a man who will cheat, or you'll end up cheating on him because you think he's cheating when he's not.
Easton Reed
Snitch. You do not like the quality of this thread? Do not like women or simply because this nudity not allowed on Jow Forums?
Carter Lee
Spread your buttcheeks and show me your asshole
Luke King
im a virgin but those tiddies are at least a 9 in my book
Lucas Hall
I simply don't like your personality. I'm sure that has been brought up to you before. If you're going to look like shit at least don't be vapid.
I'm seriously disappointed in all of you. This had the potential of being a screencap until you all fucked it up.
1. >bread 2. >LONDON >O >N >D >O >N
Thomas Jackson
well you've got pretty good tits, what you should be doing is losing weight through diet and gaining muscle in your lower body
Blake Peterson
Do yoga to learn how to not move like a spaz, do the compounds to add some muscle and improve your posture, eat at a slight caloric deficit to shed some fat.
You'd see significant changes in 6 months, and be legitimately hot after a year or so.
Brayden Reyes
How many times do I have to tell you? Men DO cheat more. They are constantly horny, and usually into the most degenerate shit. I'm not projecting, you are. I've never had sexual relations. Do not even bother with make up. Never cared for appearance in my life until now. You're making all these assumptions.
Benjamin Bennett
Faggot, fuck off.
Gavin Morris
>You obviously haven't done any research on which gender and what race is more likely to cheat. Not him, but you're wrong here. Men USED TO cheat more, but not today in your age range. From about 30 and younger, women are cheating more than men now, and are doing so more and more each year. Having a victim complex based on a poorly researched misconception is not desirable or attractive. Understanding reality will help you understand that a potential male partner will be far more likely to be afraid of you cheating on him than we will be to consider cheating himself. If you recognize this for what it is you can navigate through it and realize it simply means he cares about you and is afraid of losing you, so you don't overreact and end up fighting and braking up. Legitimately tying to help here.
Logan Powell
>potential this thread was already shit
Leo Garcia
That was both fun and cringe to watch but here goes.
Read up on nutrition if you haven't already. Learn about what a calorie is and why the body need carbohydrates, fats and protein. This is basic knowledge every human need to know. Count your macros Lift weights, like actually strength train Do cardio for a better health and fatburning
Otherwise you have a solid frame to mold into something really befitting those tits and hips. Good luck and Godspeed
Levi Ortiz
Show vagene. Then we talk.
Brandon Fisher
how do i get an autistic retard gf
Christopher Collins
Are you looking to date men who are over 30 exclusively? Unless your answer is yes, you are wrong and have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Stop reading shit like cosmo and salon. They want you to think men cheat more so YOU will cheat out of insecurity, and it's currently working on younger women today. Shit like tinder makes it all too easy. I'm not saying you are going to cheat, I'm m saying be aware that your perception is not 100% accurate, and is definitely not objective in the slightest.
Hudson Scott
You're just ugly dude. It's easy to say you're loyal when you have no options
Hunter Stewart
Do not have a victim complex, you are assuming all these things. You're such a silly person. You are the one poorly researching things. The matter is that studies like this are hard because touchy subject. What does conclude from most these studies though is that still, men cheat more only different then women of course. Women cheat more on emotional level and long term.
>Legitimately tying to help here. Thanks man, but you are reading things in the wrong way.
Matthew Reed
Can you tell me how you formed this garbage opinion? Why bring up tinder, cosmo and salon and all this cancer shit?
Eli Hughes
You're dumb as shit. Less guys cheat because you ugly dudes can't cheat even if you wanted to. The top 20% are cheating and she doesn't even consider the bottom 80% as a viable option. Unless you're the top 20% you basically don't exist so don't speak
>The top 20% are cheating and she doesn't even consider the bottom 80% as a viable option absolutely delusional. fucked boy asshole yet incel niggertard? I heard it's pretty easy compared to women.
You're dumb as fuck and ugly. You have no idea what it's like to be good looking. You can do anything and all the perfect 10s throw themselves at you, meanwhile you're here lifting weights to even get a hi from a braphog cow. Morons like you pretend like you have some sort of strong values when you're just loser frauds who don't have opportunity and try to cope with your bad genes. Move on, pest.
Luis Russell
He's not even black. He's larps everyday and you guys fall for it everyday.
Gavin Williams
I see people often post this phrase. But without bread I don't reach my daily intake of fiber. Guess I'll have to start looking into alternatives then.
Skinnyfat. ngl that's hard to escape. I'd start by cutting abd running PPLPPLx. You definitely need better upper back to perk up those saggers. Hip posture is surprisingly good desu. You said you neet it up so I expected APT, but it's pretty neutral. Finally, getting lats will give you more of an hour glass figure.
Bentley Taylor
I know the basics of course. But thanks for your kind words. I might post my progress in a few months or so. I am excited to do this, really getting hyped for this.
Jose Ortiz
Based nigger. Get bent, wannabee roastie.
Leo Peterson
Yeah actually solid advice. I was looking for the more adept or even experts opinion. Thanks man, thanks for molding me into a better looking woman.
Carter Clark
Hit the gym. persistence and dedication are keys. Youll have to fight yourself. Make it a habit. find the cue, create a routine,get the reward.
Chase Green
Literally just fucking google it and even the most pro-femenist/anti-male sources will all confirm this. The only difference is in how they frame it. >"Women are cheating more - or are they becoming more empowered?" You get the idea. >studies like this are hard No shit, but use your head for a minute. When a peice of shit man cheats, he brags. When a peice of shit women cheats, she lies. Both due to social norms and stigmas resulting from primitive instincts everyone is aware of. So if anything, men are more likely to actually admit to cheating, meaning the reality is likely even worse. >Shit LIKE cosmo and salon >LIKE Examples. I.E., skewed sources. Your belief is false, so the only conclusion is you were lied to by a skewed source. This was not meant to be taken literally. Are you being intellectually dishonest on purpose, or is your reading comprehension really that bad? >Do not have a victim complex You don't understand what this means then. You are eager to beleive that men are more likely to cheat because it validates your status as a victim and that it's not your fault, and it's not backed up by any evidence. This is an absolutely perfect example of a victim complex.
Don't get me wrong, you seem like you're probably a decent person and reasonably intelligent. But you need to challenge and test your own views more and try to understand what men your age are dealing with unless you want men to see you as some kind of unlovable, bitter cat lady/sjw/femenist type.
Parker Scott
>mfw I'd hit it
Grayson Campbell
Dylan Torres
What percentage do YOU think women nowadays cheat more then men under the age of 30? And all this because of the easy maker of tinder dating app cancer and this boom the past few years?
Also I was not lied to from a skewed source. I've looked up multiple legit studies done on this. It's so obvious as to why men cheat more. Online you can read it everywhere, Jow Forums has so many examples of this one way thinking. It's user base, and most places on the internet that require any higher level of discussion are mostly made of males. women are more interested in more simple sheep media.
Both genders cheat and from my view men are more likely to cheat, escorts, sex massages, online, and all this because they get way more horny and it's not in their nature to be loyal. Women cheat for emotional reasons, they monkey branch and they do it more sneaky, less noticeable but they do it significantly less.
Samuel Cruz
If you lost weight built a little muscle you would have a rockin fuckin body, like literal instagram model tier.
Sebastian Wood
Unless it time stamps it’s not real Also spread that butthole
Levi Clark
Just a little muscle eh? And get rid of the skinny fat body. So many compliments I have gotten in this thread for simply having a vagina and boobs, really just a few that were not compliments.
Thank you appreciate it. Laughing at all the guys who have posted like me in a similiar format only for those threads to die usually. Well they don't usually make their own video, just a simple selfie with a single sentence. Low effort, thety deserved it truly.
Jaxson Rodriguez
>teeheee men barely cheat compared to women >especially not young guys
>two threads over at adv of guys wanting to cheat and having cheated at the first opportunity
Is me, dont get me wrong your nasty af right now, If you got to the weight and built a bit of muscle you would literally be able to achieve that level cause you have half decent genetics, you wont because at this age in your life you shouldve realized this and couldve done so ten times over. Youll probably go to the gym 3 or 4 times before you realize its hard work and stop going and remain the same person you are. HOWEVER if you stuck to it you could be hot because like other anons said you have decent tits even for being fat, A nice ass can be achieved even with poor genetics, bad tits are staying no matter what. Do not confuse this with a compliment, that is not my intent. This is a genuine answer.
Gabriel Gutierrez
No she didn't mongoloid.
Cooper Rivera
Screencap the webm and point out where her underwear is.
Justin Hernandez
Just skinny fat, my BMI is 20.4. Eh, and this video quality is not that good. Think I look worse in real life because detailed. > gym 3 or 4 times before you realize its hard work and stop going and remain the same person you are. Not that kind of person, but yeah many succumb to this. I should've looked at my own body at earlier age but I'm a late bloomer and didn't care for love and friends, relationships until just a while ago. But yeah obvious advise. Thank you for your time.
Jace Martin
>Not that kind of person >Sit in a chair all day long in my room browsing online for most part of my life. A NEET/parasite leeching from my mother. Yeah sure thing
You screencap where you clearly can see her vagingi.
Nathan Walker
I am no quitter. Your post does not make any sense. Not a lazy person. You'll see in a while when I post my progress.
Ryan Wright
Strong potential right here. >lean diet >some cardio >PPL+deadlifting
I wanna see your Instagram posted here in a couple of months with your progress.
Aiden Murphy
Get a trip so I can filter you
Austin Sanders
Work on yourself user forreal. I read your op again, you shouldnt look like that at 20, do you want to spend the rest of your life like that? Think back to this post, screenshot it just dont fucking stay the same.
Alexander Gonzalez
Today is 7 of June. Remember me on the 7th of December for big transformation. Maybe even 3 months from now on. 7th of September if I am seeing decent progress with myself.
Ian Richardson
My sides
That being aside, you just need to cut, fix your posture Unironically squats deadlifts rows But first get leaner
Nice tits, and your frame isnt THAT terrible, altough you wont probably have best ass ever, altough it will be big
Like from the very first second, you idiot. She isn't bending over and gaping herself so wide you can see her cervix, but that doesn't mean her vagina isn't out.
Christopher Green
Brody Long
Mods please move this thread
Julian Cook
Do you have eyes? Jesus fucking Christ. Go ask your mother if you want to see a cunt.
Colton Roberts
December 7th huh, awfully convenient for this to line up with Pearl Harbor day. You're trying to raid this board aren't you, you god damn nip.
Lucas Smith
who took these pictures??
Jaxson Scott
also, just lose some weight. maybe like 10-15 pounds, and do basic stuff to put on some muscle and tone up. your face is fine. a lot of guys would fuck you as is, especially if theyre drunk lol, so dont be so hard on yourself