My coworkers keep recommending me to start a Bumble account. What is the difference between Bumble and Tinder though?

My coworkers keep recommending me to start a Bumble account. What is the difference between Bumble and Tinder though?

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For YOU, you mean? There is no difference. You'll be completely ignored and wasting your time on either.

I think on bumble the girls have to match you, while on tinder its both ways.
Might as well make both if you try

Bumble is Tinder except you cannot message girls unless they message you first

so cruel user, so cruel

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sounds like a complete nightmare. literally just makes it easier for them to ignore most men and hunt down Chads.

make an account for both, couldn't hurt

Theoretically yeah, but there's a lot of average/reasonable girls on dating apps who want to fuck anybody just as much as people want to fuck them. I know you don't believe this, but it's true, I've experienced it. If you message a chick on Tinder and she responds, you're likely to have nothing happen, but chances are if a girl messages you on Bumble, she is already willing enough to at least hook up.

It's worth a shot. It's not like it will make you have less sex, right?

Yeah, i knew a girl like that, she is friends of a female friend. She was 29, virgin, fat as fuck, and looks like a 50yo trap.

Someone did fuck her, took her like a year to get someone.

Hmm. What if I still live with my parents and can't drive but have a legit 8"x6" benis. Should I even bother for casual sex? Are desperate women willing to pick losers like me up to fuck?

I don't want just sex. I want to be a functioning human being who is likeable and normal enough that he can attain a gf and be happy. I find no happiness in life.

Bumble is for ugly people. You'll fair better there because the girls won't look as good.

I think my face is probably 8/10 under good lighting and when my acne isnt acting up. I'm 23. I kinda look like a little twink.
Never tried straight tinder or bumble but part of me kinda wants a weeb gf because my friend has one and I'm jelly. Do you think I would be able to get one?

>Never tried straight tinder or bumble
So you used grindr or what lmao?

Then chances are you will not find it on Tinder. Try and meet other guys, expand your social circle, go to events like pop-up markets and other shit like that. Try going out to singles nights at bars. Anything but a hook up app is probably better for you, user.

Confidence is key. I've gotten laid plenty of times while living at my parents house, I just don't act like it's a burden and lie about my situation slightly. Don't ever say "I still live with my mom," say "yeah I had to move back in with the folks for a little bit while I sort myself out. Thinking about changing majors in school and now that my dad's retired he could use the help around the house blah blah blah." And a lot of girls don't mind picking up guys, fucking at their place, etc etc. You just have to confident and desirable. If you're ugly you're fucked, I'm sorry to say user. Ugly people have a tough time. They can only get with other ugly people and they have to have the confidence of a fucking Greek god to get anywhere with relatively attractive women.

Very true. It really is filled with uggos.

He is wrong make a Grindr account senpai, you want to get laid right?

Yeah I'm kind of a fag. I know it won't last though because I only like twinks and younger looking guys aged 18-24ish. Masculinity repulses me. So I know I'll have to get a girl at some point. Plus some are pretty damn cute.

Not ugly, just unkempt and average really.

Not bad advise really. If you top it isn't gay. As long as you can ignore all the nasty old men that wanna fuck your bp it's a nice app with lots of action.

Average is fine. Most people are average. I would recommend looking up tips on self-care online. Get proper haircuts, trim your facial hair if you have any. Wear plain, neutral colour clothing and don't slouch and look all depressed when you're out. Approaching random women rarely works unless you're a Chad. Sitting at the bar and there's a girl by herself sitting one or two stools by you within earshot? Perfectly acceptable to make conversation.

I would really suggest trying to go to local events though. Local bands, local markets, anything where groups of people with a common interest congregate. Expanding your social circle means expanding the chances of you finding a potential partner and it's fun to not be a loser all the time. I was a permavirgin neet until I was 20 and then I started actually trying, and the last four years of my life have been great.

But I am relatively attractive and good at lying, so I understand I have it easier than some unfortunate anons.

what sort of profile pic should I use if I were to make an account? a selfie or me hanging out with some friends?

average is ugly to girls bro

Girls don't want aids. They'll reject you as soon as they find out. It's okay for girls to try bicurious shit, but it's just gross when guys do it.

>I was a permavirgin neet until I was 20
fuck off normie holy shit

Try and get pictures of yourself you haven't taken if possible. A couple pics of you with some friends, maybe a picture of you and an old relative/old person, and maybe a funny selfie of you with a dog or other animal or something.

Ah. I see. Guess I'll just have to keep it a secret then.

Whatever faggot, I've been coming here longer than you have. You're just some salty little fag who probably heard about Jow Forums in 2014 and decided to base your entire personality off an image board.

afaik selfies are seen as bad for guys but okay for girls for some reason but who cares just do you, faking it til you make it will just make you miserable

i've been on Jow Forums for over a decade unfortunately

holy fuck kek orignalsfasf

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So have I. Only differences between us is that you decided to let some arbitrary meme club definition of what it's like to be cool (ie. a total fucking chud) take over your life, and I didn't!

The concept of Chad and robot is so hilariously skewed and it's shitty. I am not some fucking gigabro walking around and slapping asses all day. I waste a lot of days browsing Jow Forums, but people are not pigeonholed into tiny little boxes as easily as this site needs to believe. It's okay to be normal. And it's okay to not be. But bickering between the two sides constantly when we both basically make up the userbase of a site we've all been on for years is just fucking boring and pointless m8

l hate aII the faggots pushing grindr on this site.

based reasonable user

I swipe left on almost everyone in Tinder

If I used Bumble then I'd probably just reject everyone who matched me