Why haven't you joined the military yet maggot?!?!

Why haven't you joined the military yet maggot?!?!

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I'd rather commit suicide than die fighting for a country that doesn't give a shit about me

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Cuz I don't feel like it, you goofus

The marines will not let me in due to asthma.

gotta know all the requirements for the air force

I almost did years ago, out of a sense of nationalistic nostalgia. Now I'm on antidepressants so I'm ineligible, and I have far better prospects than what the military could offer me. I also wouldn't want to give up my freedom. I feel as though we don't have an immediate threat which justified signing me up. Nation building in godless hell holes doesn't exactly seem like a noble cause like World War I or World War II. The military of the 1940s or 1950s isn't the military of the 2010s.

>implying infantry is the only job in any military

>world war 1 was a noble cause
>world war 2 was a noble cause ok nuking japan was pretty noble
>nation building in third world hell holes isn't a noble cause

bc i don;t want to die yet

I may be retarded, but I'm not THAT retarded

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Cry and bitch all you want, user. If you want to compare "saving" a bunch of ungrateful goat-fucking sand people with IQs of 60 who hate us to begin with to preventing world domination and genocide from actual nations who pose a threat and are invading and conquering other actual nations, be my guest.

Because I'm immune to Jewish tricks.

Triggered brainlet.

>nation building
With bombs? The only nation you're building is Israel.

>tfw you nation build so hard you cause the biggest refugee crisis since WWII


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Because i'm a schizo

Because when I eat an MRE it gives me bad gaz

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i don't feel like bombing brown children for oil companies

Im not dying for Israel

>nation building
You mean oil rig building?

Have you actually eated an MRE? Watching Steve1989MREinfo makes me want to buy a box full and try some myself

there are better things to do with your time than being psychologically damaged in a testosterone torture chamber.

I'm color blind, they don't take people like me

I'm not getting my legs blown off by some farmers who are just mad we tomahawked there goat herds for 20 gs a year

Because they won't accept autistic people. Once I found out I withdrew from the recruitment process.

Because you're mean! Don't call me a maggot! That's not nice!

Seriously why is the military so rude to the people who are putting their lives on the line? Does insulting them really make them work better?

I did because I didnt want to go to college thinking military was the only other option. I fucking hate being in the army man, always going to the field and never deploying. Working till 1900-2000 every day, getting surprise shifts on the weekends and I'm in hawaii so not like I can go see my folks during a 4 day

>be me
>250 lbs, which is a pretty abysmal weight even though I am 6 foot 5
>Not in shape in the slightest
>Couldnt join the army if I wanted to

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I don't want to get yelled at all the time

I would be surrounded by normalfags.

I am though
Not muttarmy though

Because I'm not an idiot. I'm an engineer and I refuse to even work for defense contractors, let alone for the armed forces.

I was a Muhreen grunt from 2008-12. I left for boot camp 9 days after graduating High School when i was still 17. I did 16 months on the frontlines of Helmand Province during the most deadly years of the war.

So go fuck yourself, maggot.

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I did and broke my spine

sounds cool and I legit support the mission and everything but I feel like I wouldn't have the freedom that is typical of my profession (music). Maybe I'd consider it after I really get to go around with music some. Also military bands can be really hard to get into, one of the best possible music jobs depending on the band if you don't mind having a static yet stable music job. and would I really be contributing much as a military musician?

also have long hair

>asvab waiver thinks he's hot shit

lmao stick to bragging to your pimple faced coworkers at your mcjob, no one here cares.

I did you fucking faggot. I pulled my Achilles tendon and I'm now in the cripple platoon. Basic is going to take twice as long now. Shits fucked.

>asvab waiver

come again faggot?

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Also if any of yall are in and reinlisting, for the love of God dont go to Schofield Barracks. Everyone says its the worst duty station they've ever had. This place sucks ass and the leadership is garbage

at this point i'm too old. ideally i would've went right after high school, and be starting undergrad now. i went straight to college instead. thought about going in as an officer but was going to have to have surgery. I always rushed into things. It sucks. if you aren't super rich the best thing you can do is enlist right after high school. you come out in the best shape of your life and if you're smart with savings, the government will pay 100% for your school. not to mention you're disciplined and older so you slay puss and get good grades.

That's only really in basic training since they're trying to break you from civilian to soldier

>going to the field and never deploying

I'm and that's why I got out. The infantry existence in 99% misery and frustration, but the 1% when you are actually out on combat patrols in a hot AO and taking contact is what makes it all worth it. Without any combat deployments and no hope of getting that 1% it's absolutely not worth it though. I saw peacetime coming and wanted no part of it so i left after my first enlistment. I was right too. My old battalion hasn't had a combat deployment since I got out. There hasn't even been a combat fatality in the USMC since 2014. Peacetime sucks a fat cock.

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Been in for 5 years now. Fuck off.

I enlisted in 2014 and I fucking hated it.
Now, I understand that basic training is designed to suck and I acknowledge a large degree of mental weakness on my part, but the couple of weeks I spent there deleted any and all motivation I thought I had to be a soldier and I managed to get myself discharged after spending a bit over a month bouncing between the hospital and remedial and admin platoons.
From my experience you don't have to be a Chad to be a soldier, but you at least ought to be a normie with some kind of background in team sports if you want to appreciate it.

But yea, since then I've come to realise it doesn't matter. There'll never be another great powers war that isn't a proxy third world thing or a nuclear exchange and I live in a welfare state anyway so there isn't even a veteran incentive like free university like they have in America.

>you come out in the best shape of your life

I went in as a competitive hockey player. I could run 3 miles in 17 minutes and do 15 pullups. I came out a jaded chainsmoking alcoholic.

How the military works is you get treated like shit until you have the rank to treat the people below you like shit

I think there's a common trend among military members where they think bootcamp and their job training school are the worst parts, and once they get past that it's all gravy.

But it isn't. It still sucks, unless you picked a great job, it's probably going to be shitty and you'll be counting down the days until your enlistment is up.

There's a reason retention rates are so awful.

I signed up for the army when i was 18. Wanted to be a ranger. Recruiter said my low 76 score on asvab was high enough for it. Went to meps for some intial signing up and confirm my asvab score but had a psychotic breakdown and got diagnosed with schizophrenia a few weeks after i was at meps. Its all i wanted to do. Ive asked my recruiter if theres any hope left and he said i cant get in with a history of mental illness. I wanted to eventually be some psycho green beret killing isis in Africa and shit but if it's not meant to be its not meant to be i guess. 21 now.

obviouslty not a marine

im . More of a Marine than you will ever be.

I will in about a year and a half. Just need to get a few things settled before then.

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I have. I leave for basic on the 12th of march

My condolences, I hope you find what you're looking for.

fuck off boot. i bet you tell girls you got admin dropped from recon school

What's the point if you can't go to third world countries and export the white man's seed?
>Hey kids, join the military and export freedom by filling out spreadsheets and making coffee for drone operators

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Black people look like that!?

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Cause the navy kicked me out and the army didn't accept me.

I used to be in the army, then my service time was over and I thank god to this day that I dont have to cut grass again

I barely feel part of my family let alone my country.

sorry user
hope you can find something that inspires you as much

Same. In a day and age where nationalism is anathema to polite society and one can have an instantaneous conversation with someone from anywhere in the world and we're told that globalisation is such a wonderful thing, why would anyone in their right mind "serve their country"?
A nation is no longer anything more than an artificial organisational construct and you'd be a fool, not just to risk you life for it, but to sign a contract promising years of your life to it.

But I will be OP. Ship date in March.