The blue denotes places which should be shaved on the male body

The blue denotes places which should be shaved on the male body.

This doesn't mean you need to be hairless there, but you should get it under control. Hair looks fine and good on certain areas, namely the head, lower face (if you can actually grow a beard), forearms and shins, but on many other areas it looks gross and unhygienic. Who likes back hair or shoulder hair? Nobody, that's who.

Attached: 168fbef95778a439b1e19f220a611715.png (825x2125, 254K)

Agree with all apart from the legs wtf why shave your legs

>Growing hair on biceps

Here's a better version.

Attached: _pdp_sq_.jpg (1000x1000, 82K)


>shaving your beard
>shaving at all
found the twink. The only acceptable method of getting less hairs is to trim, but shaving is for trannies

Your thighs only get scraggly unattractive hair. When you shave them, it still looks normal, just cleaner.


He still buys the "beards are inherently manly" meme. What are you hiding under that hair, user?

Attached: DEbLj7o.jpg (904x960, 55K)

Gayed and Bluerangerpilled

Attached: incredibles-2-frozone-e1539973596318-700x371.jpg (700x371, 25K)

Attached: 1234123451.jpg (1750x2500, 304K)

You know, that's funny because blue is actually where I don't grow hair, outside of my pubes

unironically jewish psyop
trim your armpits

trim your pubes too if your cock is so tiny women get them in their mouth during oral

post jawline you weak cuck

Not enough thought was put into the image, hairy traps are weird.
>spot the fairy

Found the numale twink

>tfw I shape my chest hair like frozone's costume

>shaving pubes
lmao faggots

Beards show testosterone, you litterally cannot grow one without it. Not only that, but they look many as fuck (Not counting basedboy beards)

Whats under my beard? Just an average sized chin, nothing special. I dont even have a full beard yet, just a small one. You can clearly see my jawline

>Beards show testosterone, you litterally cannot grow one without it
you can be high test and have a shit beard, though

Attached: A3C00A59-7065-4260-8626-E787522A0EA0.png (720x720, 407K)

I really hate my back hair, thinking in waxing it but it seems like a hassle to periodically go to the place and laser is expensive. Tried with razors but it leaves these little black hair dots and looks like shit, is there a product or way to shave it in my home and look clean?