Other urls found in this thread:
>pure protein
>1g sugar
they're 1$ at grocery outlet
Turds from the toilet are free.
Even though it has half the calories of normal sugar it's still bad and the used amounts aren't required to be shown by law.
>aren't required to be shown by law
They show it on the nutrition label regardless. It's 1g sugar + 6g sugar alchohol (maltitol). Still dramatically better than a snickers or something with 30+g of sugar.
Just eat some yogurt dude, fat free strained yogurt has 19g protein for 105 calories.
If you're bulking, get the fattier / creamier version, add salt, red pepper flakes, garlic and a bit of melted butter for flavour.
No coconut tastes like stripper butt cheeks
>add salt, red pepper flakes, garlic and a bit of melted butter for flavour.
wtf that is gross
>pure protein
>barely 19gr for almost 200 calories
Stop eating candy, even if you're bulking
kys reddit faggot leave my board and never come back
It's supposed to be a candy replacement, but even then there are worse ways to spend you calories.
>19g protein
Is that supposed to be a good ratio? Thanks, but I much rather prefer eating some meat or greek yogurt
That's what goes on this dish here. Super delicious, though the "ravioli" is probably why the spices and butter work.
That being said, just Yogurt + Salt + Garlic is simple and delicious. Barely any extra calories on your yogurt too.
>complaining about the sugar
>50g/bar and 190 calories
>19g protein, 1g sugar equals 80 calories
>the other 30g's and 110 calories
Enjoy the holes in your brain.
These are fucking delicious, sister buys them from Costco
>I came here to post this!
In the words of Lavish Harpsichord, EAT REAL FOOD. Don't eat that gabrage. Eat a chicken breast or some cottage cheese instead. It's better for you.
Looks like Peter North sprayed them down
love these
These are legit 100% soi protein, and the macros on them are absolute shit. Sorry to be the one who had to tell you this m9, I used to like them too.
Instead of shitting on these brands, what bars does Jow Forums recommend instead?
>have started drinking one of these at lunch every day
I'm learning to love the taste.
Quest bars in the mircowave for 15 seconds. Smores to be exact
Lets unpack this real quick. You all need to die.
make your own
I prefer this one. It's cheaper and 2G more protein. Plus it doesn't taste like shit
Plain yogurt tastes virtually identical to sour cream. Stop imagining the yogurt as a desert. It's only sweet if you add sugar to it. If you add savory flavors instead, it becomes a savory food. Works great in dips and dressings too. Never thought to use it as a sauce though, this is actually pretty smart:
I got these 1$ each but only in strawberry
Nutritionally these are probably garbage but I’ll be damned if they aren’t tasty
How's the taste?
Do you feel like it'll give you cancer?
I've gotten those before and I thought they tasted pretty bad.
Banana flavor is better desu.
Man I can crush 4 in one sitting so I avoid them, costco has them too so can be dangerous
i recently discovered these, god tier