Rejection Thread

please send help.. like what do i do with my hands? if any of you have had it worse than this.... please share i need solace

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>Oh god guys please send help how do I become even MORE proficient at inflating the egos of roasties

giving them a chance to reject you is intrinsically giving them a chance to inflate their egos. whats ur solution then

>proposing walkie talkies after rejection
what are you doing with your life user

immediately ghost this bitch and dont ever talk to her again.
as a guy you have two viable options.
>case 1: women pursue you
if this is the case, you probably dont need any advice.
>case 2: like 99% of other men, women are not actively interested in you
in this case, you need to be assertive and do not yield to their frame. you need to be open with your intentions. only give attention or validation to a girl if she gives you sexual satisfaction first. if she rejects you, dont beg and dont whine. simply cut all contact with a girl who rejects you. dont associate with her, dont give her attention, just ignore her.

Most likely they will not really care, because they were only using you as an orbiter and saw you as disposable. In the off chance they do care, congrats you have gained more respect and have taken some power over the situation.

Anything else is the path to being a cuck. if more guys operated this way, there would be way less thots with overinflated egos

that is obviously damage control

i wasnt actually asking her on a date, we go to the same club and people were voting to see if there was enough people to attend an extra session on sunday so i told her to vote yes but she said she would be gone for the weekend. some people from the club were attending a different club for fun tonight so i asked her if she wanted to do that, and she said she was busy

i thought the excuses were really funny so i asked her something else really dumb (ufo hunting) just because i wanted to see another excuse and got this

my soul wasnt ready for it but i got a good laugh

ur right about that one. a laugh to repair my broken soul

i agree with the sentiments here but i wasnt orbiting nor did i beg or whine nor did i "yield to her frame".

rather, i did the walkie talkies line precisely because i didnt want to bother explaining myself to her and i thought the situation was pretty funny

yeah the walkie talkie joke was fine. nothing really wrong with what you said, which is why i say you ghost her. the fact that she immediately goes the extra mile to act like you asked her out and then reject you makes her seem like a total bitch, imo

You should have said
How does that sound anything like a date? Like at all? Do you actually think that i would invite you "ufo hunting" and end up going to a restaurant or something?
And after that whatever her response is put her on read and don't respond until she asks you about it. Then just play it off like i didn't feel like texting you

oops meant to reply to


Or option b you should have said
Did you just really twist my words into asking you on a date just to say no? Seriously wtf

Then ghost her

augghh i see, u right

a deep part of me wanted to go full reee but getting put on read after reeeing would have made me reee even harder

how does going alien hunting equal a date, sounds like the roastie just has an inflated ego

is she even attractive op?

at least she didn't say maybe and leave you hanging without any response for 3 weeks...not that I have any knowledge of that

>rejection thread
Sure! Dumping some very original pics of me getting rejected and me doing the rejecting

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Originally now

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Ill reject you too robot

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You think I care about your fucking rules robot???

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oh ya

pic related, dear lord

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Nobody cares about your tinder profile you fucking moron

>straight up rip off anime for your pick-up lines

You deserved it

Wow I bump the thread with quality OC and you cant even reply to the right pic

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>you're a nut
>you belong in a tree
unironically a good response

the last two pics are proof that you have earned a promotion to /soc/

evan you sound like a world class douche

pic related. What's the quickest way to kill myself? asking for a friend

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im curious, what anime did i get that from again? it wasnt even a pickup line i was originally going to ask her if she wanted to go shrimp farming or something just to see the excuse but ufo hunting was funnier to me

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Dumb bitch sounds boring anyway
That was funny and based

That sounds like a cute date. Dumb bitch just wanted to cuck you with an ayylmao forget about her you're still a big guy for me

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quickest and most painless is the same thing: shotgun but we are gonna make it through this

this is a tricky situation but we are going to make it through this

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>read 2/1/2019
she hasn't said anything about it since. How am I supposed to get through this without a straight answer? I'd rather she said no than leave me hanging for three fucking weeks. I can't cope with this feel.

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this is why i hate ayylmaos so god damn much. godspeed anons

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i assume these copeless feels are because she's pretty then? at this point you have nothing to lose just have fun with it, try to enjoy your soul (maybe) being torn apart

this is the human condition apparently, my god

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of course she is pretty.
Is your suggestion to just sit here with a thumb up my ass? Because that's what I've been doing. She's pretty much ghosted me, though I I still see her occasionally. I assume you're OP, so I ask, how are you coping with rejection?

what happens when you see her? you should never text her again / forget about her btw (not OP)

jk man, did it for (you)

but it did remind me of Toradora

Nothing really happens. We talk a bit and I dont bring up the topic of me asking her out. Her last response to me asking her out was: Maybe, ill text you if I can/have the time. It has not come up between us since.

no i mean to say you have nothing to lose so just message her but have fun with it. dont do this but as a joke id thank her for the great date you guys went on and then when she says "what date?" id sent her a selfie of you eating a meal with your pillow with her picture taped on it

but im retarded so dont do that

>how are you coping with rejection
i think im just gonna keep finding creative ways to annoy her desu, my soul is broken but not broken enough apparently im ready for round 2

she's not interested but trying not to be mean

anime is chicken noodle soup for the broken soul, so im gonna watch this now. im giving out (you)'s like oprah in this thread so if you want more ive got more

your messages were funny in a non-embarrassing way, handled pretty well desu

Yeah, I think I am going to shy away from fucking with her. she is my coworker so that could be really bad

>shes not interested but trying not to be mean
I was afraid of that. I desperately dont want to believe that but all conclusions seem to lead to this.

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>tfw no ufologist gf
Hold me bros

kek i get the intention behind this but it's always just so fucking phony. i guess it's more compassionate than the alternative

she doesn't deserve you user

Good. You won't be dissappointed, I swear on me mum. It starts a bit slowly but it's really worth it

>she is my coworker so that could be really bad
OO-OO-OO i did not realize that, i was thinking it was just like an old classmate or a tinder girl or something

this is rough this is really rough. i get through these hard times by looking at skeletons relaxing, they really resonate with me, you know? picrelated

nunch#4099 on disc can play apex sometime and cry together. dont gotta add me but just in case you are super down it might help

god i might have been joking but ufo hunting with a qt would be sublime

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god i hope so, i feel like i got "thank u next"ed off the face of the planet

>starts off slowly
its already good and im thankful for you user

I appreciate the discord offer, but I dont play vidya. Cheers tho, bro. I hope your skellies bring you the most comfort.

>i got rejected in a rejection thread
ok now this is just getting ridiculous

wheres the camera crew you can come out now

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Ayyy lmao. Didnt see that one coming.

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>its already good and im thankful for you user
That is nice


heh heh that got me surprised

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