There's nothing wrong with finding pubescent girls attractive

there's nothing wrong with finding pubescent girls attractive

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there is, you are pedo

>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children
>prepubescent children

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She too Yong for ya bruh

You like lolis don't you OP

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Uh Oh, user Is Going To Prison! (Episode #118)

Episode Title: Uncontainable Pedophilic Urges
Episode Synopsis: user exposes his lust for children on a Nepalese kite-making website. He soon regrets this mistake when a group of policemen start violently knocking on his door...

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I said pubescent girls. children aren't attractive in any way

I would agree, but then I'm a pedo

a-ah OP I agree with you, do you have a discord or other means of communication

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kys, people like you are the reason I would be scared to have a daughter in this fucked up world

do normalfags actually believe the feds care this much lmao? cute

You're a pedo if you like 17 and under. Definitions change, pedo.

people like me? the average red blooded male?

I liked how these replies get deleted sometimes but desuarchive lists it as not deleted.


Last comment is odd. no trash symbol

prepubescent means there still kids pedo, you can fuck em one their eighteen

you aren't using it as a definition though. it's now nothing more than a cultural slur because you think calling me it will have some innate emotional reaction in me. because it's use is now a result of hysteria rather than any actual matter of fact definition just like "racist" "nazi" etc etc. you only use it to uphold the relative nature of society's current morality. you have no internal value system just one that has been projected onto you

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The fact that normies don't see a flaw here really says something about the future of humanity. I started jacking off when I was 12, and one of my favorite fantasies was getting kidnapped by a MILF and fucking her...
Also, the age of consent in Japan is 13.

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Normalfags can't even read, wew.

No its not about you. It's a label so people know you're scum. You seem pretty high and mighty for being a pedo and a retard.

if you believe that 18 and under is a literal child I can't imagine how susceptible you must be to other forms of brainwashing

You have to draw a line somewhere.

Now find ONE instance of this happening.

That arm is really pissing me off.

12 in Mexico. It's random but meant to be set up for ages close together.

so 30-40 years ago I would have been a normal male but now I'm "scum". makes a lot of sense

Why would the boy tell?

Squeaky wheel gets the oil.

>primary or exclusive
So just a little CP here and there and you're still good?

zoomers think cp is scary lol

>Also, the age of consent in Japan is 13.
Not 100% true

this subject really brings the normalfags out of the woodwork to show their true colors. they just cannot resist. i love it

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The biggest flaw that I see is that any girl who CAN get pregnant should be allowed to do so with whoever she wants.

Age of consent laws were led by christian groups, and they regulate the use of a huge amount of female's reproductive system. (i.e. eugenics)

In other words, its 2019 an Chrisitans have ruled out a large amount of people from reproducing. And everyone just says that's fine because "ITS EVIL user". No-one finds this fucked up?

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